PART 1 of 5: The Shocking Moment My Husband Asked Me for a Divorce

We’d just spent the afternoon in deep connection & Gabriel had gone off for a few hours to be with himself. 

I was sitting in the living room on the couch, relaxing and scrolling through my phone, when I heard him come down the stairs. 

I could feel him before I saw him, and I knew immediately that something was wrong. 

He walked toward me in what felt like slow motion and said “I want a divorce.” 

At that moment, my heart sank, I thought it was all over. 

My body just completely contracted. 

I just started feeling everything: anger, fear, shock, hurt, confusion. 

I was thinking “What do you mean? We’ve just spent this beautiful afternoon together?”

What happened next was even more shocking…

What would you have done if you were faced with something like this? 

Let us know via a DM to our Instagram page

#divorcestories #relationshipstruggles #marriagestruggles #marriageproblems #heartbreaking #marriagecoach #relationshipcoach

PART 2 of 5: The Worst Night of Our Marriage

For the next 8 hours, we sat on the couch as I cried, asking random questions, trying to figure out what was happening…

and him being unable to give me a straight answer.

By the end, both of us just felt exhausted, and disconnected. 

We ended up going to bed, feeling like our marriage was over. 

The next morning I had this moment of clarity:

I realized the reason he couldn't tell me why he wanted a divorce was that it wasn't what he really wanted. 

It was because he was panicking & didn't know how to deal with it.

And because we’d been able to move all that emotion the night before, we were able to have an honest conversation about what was really happening.

We're curious if you’ve ever experienced this. Have you ever tried to end a relationship when deep down you didn’t want to? 

Let us know via a DM to our Instagram page

#EmotionalTurmoil #RelationshipDrama #ClarityAfterDarkness #MarriageCrisis #LateNightConversations #FacingRelationshipFears #EmotionalExhaustion #CommunicationBreakdown #RelationshipRecovery #DiscoveringTheTruth

PART 3 of 5: The One Question that Saved Our Marriage

When he felt into what his reasons were for wanting a divorce, he said the same thing I've heard him say multiple times. 

And I knew he was just stuck in a pattern.

And knowing what I know about relationships, I knew that ending the marriage does not break the pattern. 

It's just going to continue to show up in every future relationship until he faces it.  

When I brought that to his attention, he agreed. 

I looked him in his eyes and I asked him this question:

“Do you want to break this pattern with your future partner? Or do you want to do it right now, with your wife?” 

He looked me back in the eyes and said “I want to heal it with my wife.”

It was in that moment we both knew that we were going to be okay. 

And then came the challenging part…

Agree or disagree? Does ending the marriage break the pattern? 

Please note - we are not suggesting anyone stay in a marriage or relationship where there is abuse. In that situation, getting to safety is of utmost importance

Let us know via a DM to our Instagram page

#saveyourmarriage #BreakingPatterns #RelationshipInsights #MarriageRevelation #FacingRelationshipChallenges #PatternBreakthrough #RelationshipJourney

PART 4 of 5: How We Saved Our Marriage

Now comes the challenging part, how do we heal this? 

We tried every modality you could think of - traditional therapy, energy healing, past life regression, plant medicine, it goes on…

We were making progress, but it was slow and it was exhausting

Even though we really wanted it, we were getting to the point where we were struggling to trust that we were going to be able to find the solution. 

And then we met somebody who mentioned NLP and timeline therapy. 

What is that? 

So we went to an experience and we had it done on us. 

The results were remarkable. 

This is the fastest, most effective tool that we've ever found. 

We were instantly able to heal the past so that we stopped bringing all that garbage into our marriage. 

We were able to let go of the stories in our minds about who we thought we were in our marriage. 

And then we were able to see how great of a match we really are.

Do you think you can have a healthy relationship without healing old relationship wounds?

Let us know via a DM to our Instagram page

#SaveMyMarriage #MarriageRescue #CouplesTherapy #RelationshipRecovery #NearDivorceExperience #NLPforCouples #HealYourMarriage #RelationshipTransformation #NLPHealing #MarriageRevival #NLPRelationships #MarriageSolutions #ReigniteTheSpark #couplescoaching #MarriageMiracle #NLPforLove #RelationshipBreakthrough #NLPJourney #ReconnectWithLove

PART 5 of 5: From the Brink of Divorce to Thriving in Our Marriage

Fast forward 3 years later, we've completely transformed our marriage. 

Instead of:

❌ Constantly cleaning up messes created by our past

❌ Being in constant conflict around old patterns, which almost destroyed our marriage

✅ Now we're able to focus our energy on creating the marriage that we really want. 

That's what we're experiencing today. 

This is the gift that we want to bring into your life. 

Stop fighting about the same old things and just being stuck in your marriage.

Let that go so that you can create whatever marriage you guys want that's going to make you happy, connected, and fulfilled.

Have you been exploring all these other options & it feels like nothing's working?

Do you feel like you’re really meant to be together, but have a hard time healing from past mistakes? 

What would your relationship be like if these things never triggered you again?

That’s what NLP & TimeLine therapy do. 

They clear these wounds, insecurities, and irritations. Then, you can finally have that relationship where you feel safe and trust each other deeply.

If you’re in a new relationship where the conflict is fresh, or you’ve been experiencing this conflict for years and have been unable to find a solution, NLP and TimeLine Therapy can help.

They instantly and permanently resolve these problems.

#MarriageTransformation #ConflictResolution #RelationshipGrowth #CreateYourDreamMarriage #NLPTherapy #TimeLineTherapy #RelationshipHealing #RelationshipSupport #NLPandTimeLineTherapy  #RelationshipAdvice #HappyMarriage #marriagecoaching #MarriageSolutions #marriagecoach

Part 1 of 4: Why I Asked My Wife for a Divorce

It felt like I was trapped in a cycle, unable to break free. 

My wife and I had just been intimate, and even though I had said & meant during it “I love you. I choose you”...

When I went upstairs afterwards, I just couldn’t shake the feeling of dissatisfaction. 

It was a pattern that had come up again and again. 

I was tired of trying to fight against the feeling of hopelessness and despair. 

I wanted it to end, and in that moment I felt like there was only one way out. 

I stood, for what felt like forever, in front of my mirror, trying to talk myself out of it. 

I kept saying to myself “Is this real? What other options do I have?” 

But I felt like I’d tried everything. 

And at the end of the day, I wanted to be happy. And I just wasn’t. 

And so, I made a decision that would change everything…

How do you make important decisions? The way you tackle them determines the outcome you arrive at.

Have you ever felt more confused  🤯 when you tried to figure things out alone?

That's because when we only think about things from our side, we can miss important factors and make the wrong choice  😞 

Seeking outside perspectives 🔍 can lead to better decisions.

Our current way of solving problems is often the root cause of our problems. We're here to guide you toward discovering new approaches  💪 to address these challenges. 

Without the right tools, like I lacked, we can end up making decisions that are right for us. But with the right tools 🛠️ in your decision-making toolbox, making the right choices becomes simpler.

#DivorcePrevention #RelationshipSolutions #RelationshipProblems #NLPRelationships #BreakFreeFromPatterns #marriagecoach #marriagecoaching #MarriageSolutions #MarriageRescue #marriageproblems #relationshipcoach

Part 2 of 4: The Shocking Moment I Asked My Wife for a Divorce

I walked down the stairs slowly, dreading what I would have to do next.

I could tell that Sophia was feeling my energy, just like I was feeling hers. 

We’d always been so in sync, even with all our struggles. 

I walked up to her and said “I want a divorce” 

The first thing I felt was relief, like a weight lifting off of me. 

Then I saw her collapse, physically & emotionally, and that cut me to the core. 

I felt I needed to stay strong because I believed this was the best thing for us both. 

I didn’t trust that I could be the man & husband that Sophia deserved.

I felt deep shame around that, like I’d failed.

It felt like my truth, but things are not always as they seem…

Have you ever felt like no matter what you do, it’s never going to be enough, so the only option is to leave the relationship?

#DivorcePrevention #RelationshipSolutions #RelationshipProblems #NLPRelationships #BreakFreeFromPatterns #marriagecoach #marriagecoaching #MarriageSolutions #MarriageRescue #marriageproblems #relationshipcoach

Part 3 of 4: The One Question My Wife Asked that Saved our Marriage

The next morning, I was still convinced we should get a divorce.

Then Sophia said the most impactful thing I’ve ever heard in my life:

“Are you absolutely sure that you've done everything from your end? This isn’t just about me, it’s a pattern.” 

As she said that, I felt her embodied wisdom. 

From a place of love, she fought for our marriage when I couldn’t.

And so, I allowed myself to listen to her.

I felt her love and devotion, and my heart instantly began to open.

That afternoon we had a passionate connection that fulfilled me in a way I hadn’t felt for years.

It reminded me of what our relationship used to be like, before I was the nitpicking perfectionist.

And then, the real work began…

Ever considered 🤔 the power of asking better questions? It's incredible how a simple shift in the questions we ask can lead to profound changes 💪

Think about it, if the question Sophia asked had been different, would the outcome have been the same? 

I've seen it firsthand - asking the right question 🔍 can open doors to new possibilities we never knew existed. 

And it's not just about asking others, but also asking ourselves better questions. If I’d been able to ask myself better questions, I wouldn’t have asked Sophia for a divorce. 

It's all about expanding our perspective and challenging our thinking 🧠

So, how do you rate the quality of your questions on a scale of 1 to 10? 

#DivorcePrevention #RelationshipSolutions #RelationshipProblems #NLPRelationships #BreakFreeFromPatterns #marriagecoach #marriagecoaching #MarriageSolutions #MarriageRescue #marriageproblems #relationshipcoach #HealthyMarriage #healthymarriagetools #healthyrelationshiptools #bettercommunicationtools

Part 4 of 4: How we Saved our Marriage from Divorce

Healing our marriage after I asked my wife for a Divorce was tough, but I dedicated myself 100% to the process. 

We tried all kinds of methods from traditional therapy to energy healers, but it was slow going & I was losing hope. 

Then we discovered NLP & TimeLine Therapy, which turned out to be the fastest, most effective tools for the job.

I was easily able to break the old patterns and stories that stopped me from feeling happy in our marriage. 

Today, I’m so grateful that we chose to stay dedicated to our love and growth.

I’m proud of the man & husband I have become. 

If you’re struggling in your marriage - don’t give up. 

With the right tools, your marriage can become your proudest achievement.

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People look at your life and think: This woman must be so happy…she has it all! 

The truth is you’re running on fumes and don’t know how much longer you can keep this up 🥀

It’s mid-afternoon, and you’ve just wrapped up a coaching session that left your client in awe. 

Your clients are praising you on social media, tagging you in heartfelt posts. 

Professionally, you feel on top of the world🥇

Stepping out of your office, you pass by your husband in the hall. 

You give him quick, tight smile, and keep it moving… 

Even though you both work from home, you rarely spend quality time together. 

You’re more like roommates than partners 😞…

In bed, he reaches over - you immediately tense up 🥴 and use the “too tired” excuse.

Guilt and frustration wash over you. 

You preach balance ⚖️ to your clients. Yet that’s not what’s happening in your marriage.

💡 You wish you had the same confidence in your marriage as you do in your coaching. 

💡 Thinking back to the passion you shared in the early days, you feel a pang of longing. 

💡 You know things can’t continue as they are, and you’re ready to do something about it…

Typically, in situations like this, we find several things are going on below the surface.

Here are the top 3:

1️⃣ The belief that you have to choose love or biz & you can’t have both

Now, what’s true here is that a great marriage will only support and strengthen your business. 

See, what happened was you guys knew that to succeed in biz, you had to make it a priority. 

You got off track because you made it your SOLE priority…and put your marriage on the back burner. 

2️⃣ An Abandonment Wound

Healing this wound will allow you to relax into your husband’s love, and him to gain confidence in yours. 

Some part of you built this biz as an escape raft in case your marriage implodes. 

And shutting out your husband emotionally is so that it will hurt less if it doesn’t work out…

Meanwhile, your hubby is also burying himself in his work…the one place where he feels like he’s winning. 

3️⃣ Avoidance

Beneath your tough exterior beats a tender heart and a sensitive soul. This side of you will be instrumental in reigniting the spark in your marriage.

In your coaching, this sensitivity is part of your genius, but in your marriage it’s under lock and key. 

Avoidance lessened the pain of feeling the gap widen between you as you both focused on growing your businesses. 

But it also meant that you put a stopper on deep emotional and physical intimacy. 


Helping couples, just like you, achieve success in marriage is our jam 🥰

And, if, like us, you value an unconventional approach that gets results fast (a bit of a cheat code, if you will 😉) then we’d love to talk to you about it. 

#marriageproblems #MarriageSolutions #marriageadvice #HappyMarriage #marriagecoach #MarriageSuccessCoaching #MarriageChallenges #NLPforCouples #NLPandTimeLineTherapy #NLPHealing #timelinetherapyforcouples #MarriageSuccessJourney  #marriagecoaching #IntimacyTips #intimacyissues #RelationshipUpgrade

You have plenty of time for content and clients but when it comes to your relationship there’s none left over.

Picture this:

You’ve had a long day of back-to-back clients. You love your work, but you just want to switch off. 

Your husband asks a simple question about dinner, and it quickly escalates into a heated argument over something minor. 

Frustrated, you retreat to your home office. 

To escape the tension, you scroll through your Instagram feed and decide to post a happy picture of you and your husband from a recent vacation, captioning it with something cheerful and loving.

As the likes and positive comments start pouring in, you have a sinking feeling in your stomach. 

You know that the image doesn’t reflect the reality of your relationship right now. 

The praise and admiration from your followers only make you feel more like a fraud. 

You want to feel proud of your marriage in real life.

Does this ring a bell?

Let’s work on bridging that gap.

Here’s what you have going for you:

The innate drive and determination to succeed at anything you put your focus on. Your biz is a testament to that. 

The understanding that time = money. You’re all about efficiency - if there’s a faster way to get the result, you’re going to take it and you pride yourself on thinking outside-the-box.

The awareness that the tension in your marriage is draining your energy. Your biz is doing great, but you know you’d easily 10x your success if your marriage was on lock. 

Here’s what you need to succeed in your marriage:

🥇 Tools to release emotional baggage + negative patterns so that you can focus on a bright future together. 

🥇 An unconventional approach that gets results FAST.

🥇 To shift your energy from worrying about your marriage to working on it.

We are an entrepreneurial couple working from home. 

We understand the unique pressures & lifestyle you and your husband experience.

We can help you achieve success in your marriage that mirrors the success in your biz. 

#MarriageSuccess #EntrepreneurLife #WorkFromHome #RelationshipGoals #MarriageAdvice #CoupleGoals #EmotionalWellness #HealthyMarriage #LoveAndBusiness #StressManagement #RelationshipTips #CommunicationSkills #MarriageSupport #LifeBalance #PositiveChange #EmotionalResilience #Teamwork #WorkLifeBalance #CouplesTherapy #RelationshipHelp


Being called “Superwoman” is not a compliment

It means you're pouring all your energy into everybody else and nothing's getting poured into you. 

It means if you don't take care of everything, this whole thing falls apart. 

It means all the pressure is on you. 

There's nothing “super” about that. 

And until you sit down and address these issues with yourself and with your husband, you're going to continue to be “Superwoman”


…until it breaks you.

You don’t want to be Superwoman, you want to feel valued and supported. 

We can help. Here’s how:

1️⃣ Clear emotional baggage with TimeLine Therapy

Over the years of ‘doing it all’ you’ve built up resentment and frustration as your needs have gone unspoken and unmet. 

Your husband wants you to be happy and he’s confused why you’re not. He’s lost confidence and is emotionally shutdown.

🥇 Clearing this baggage will give you a fresh start for your marriage. 

2️⃣ Resolve inner conflicts with NLP

Part of you wants your husband’s support but part of you that’s afraid to lose control. This is stopping you from feeling turned on by your husband. 

Part of your husband wants to support you but part of him thinks there’s no point in trying. This is stopping him from stepping into the kind of leadership you would respect…and desire.

🥇 Clearing these conflicts will shift your dynamic so that you’re his lover, not his mother.

3️⃣ Clear limiting beliefs with TimeLine Therapy

The pressure you put on yourself to be perfect is rooted in beliefs around your worth. You tie your worth to what you do, not who you ARE. 

Your husband believes he’s not good enough and he’s failed. He ties his worth to your happiness, not who he IS.

🥇 Clearing these limiting beliefs will allow you to become a true Power Couple. 

4️⃣ Values realignment with NLP

Right now you’re valuing your achievements above your health and the health of your marriage. You’re burning out.

Meanwhile, your husband is pouring his attention into work to avoid problems at home. 

🥇 Reorganizing these priorities will allow you to rebuild your emotional and intimate connection.

#RelationshipGoals #MarriageAdvice #EmotionalHealing #NLP #TimeLineTherapy #CouplesTherapy #HealthyMarriage #Intimacy #EmotionalIntelligence #RelationshipSupport #LoveAndMarriage #CommunicationSkills #MarriageHelp #RelationshipTips #MarriageCounseling #HappyMarriage #SupportiveSpouse #PowerCouple #IntimacyMatters #HealthyRelationships

It's Not About the Trash: Uncovering Deeper Relationship Issues

You ask your husband to take the trash out.

You come home, and you see it's not done. 

He's gone. 

So you take it out yourself. 

Next week, you ask him again, but he doesn't do it, so you do it for a second time. 

Next week, you bring up that you've asked him a couple of times, and he forgot to do it. 

You’re starting to get a little frustrated, but you keep it together and you say “Can you please make sure you do it?” 

He says, “Yes”. 

You come home. He didn't do it. He walks in the door and you just scream at him. 

You go in the bedroom, you slam the door, you sit in the bed, you cry, you feel guilty for yelling at him you’re angry because you're not feeling supported. 

You're thinking “What am I even doing with this man?!”

It’s not about the trash…

There’s something much deeper going on and until you reveal it “taking the trash out” will continue to be a problem in your relationship.

#RelationshipAdvice #CoupleGoals #HealthyRelationships #CommunicationMatters #MarriageTips #RelationshipStruggles #LoveAndSupport #ConflictResolution #RelationshipGoals #NLP #EmotionalHealing #MarriageCoaching #RelationshipHelp #IntimacyMatters #TeamworkInMarriage

The Method You Haven’t Tried to Fix Your Relationship

Most couples think their only option to improve their relationship is couples therapy. 

However, couples therapy often takes a long time to get results. The slow progress can lead to frustration and a sense of hopelessness.

As a result, many couples feel there's nothing they can do to fix their problems and may even consider giving up 😞

A faster solution is TimeLine Therapy®. But what is it?

Imagine you're a kid and something happens that makes you form a belief: 

You're excitedly telling a story at the dinner table. 

Midway through your story, your father interrupts you, saying, "Be quiet! You're talking too much. No one wants to hear all that." 

😳 You feel embarrassed, interpreting this as a sign that you're too loud and your voice isn't important.

🥺 As you grow older, this experience shapes your belief that speaking up will annoy others.

🤫 In your relationship, you struggle to communicate your needs and desires. You keep silent to avoid being a burden. 

🙄 This leads to you resenting your partner. 

😤 He’s frustrated because he doesn’t know what’s wrong.

TimeLine Therapy® allows us to go back to that moment from childhood and change what it meant. 

🎉 It helps you let go of that insecurity.

🎉 It also changes all the moments after that which reinforced the belief. Then, it's no longer something you believe about yourself.

Imagine how different your relationship would be if you let go of that belief. 

That is what TimeLine Therapy® does.


TimeLine Therapy® is one of the powerful 💪 tools that saved our marriage. 

It’s so fast & effective that we were able to heal our marriage the problems in our marriage in a matter of months 🤯. 

How? It reprograms 🧬 your unconscious mind, which controls 95% of your thoughts, feelings, beliefs & behaviors. 

This makes change quick & easy 🔥. 

We believe your marriage should be about growth 🌱, not struggle. That’s why TimeLine Therapy® is one of the key tools we support our clients with. 

#MarriageCoaching #RelationshipHealing #HealYourMarriage #TransformYourRelationship #MarriageGoals #CoupleTherapy  #RelationshipSupport #HealthyRelationships #TimelineTherapy #ChangeYourStory #ReleaseInsecurities #InnerChildHealing #BeliefReprogramming #HealYourPast

You’ve been together a long time, and even though you love your man, it’s just not like it ‘used to be’

You wonder - how did we get here?

What you don’t realize is there were small trust breaks in the beginning that you didn’t address…

💔 You shared an insecurity and he told you it was silly

💔 He didn’t call or text when he said he would

💔 He rolled over and went to sleep after intimacy

💔 He snapped at you

💔 He didn’t do something he said he would (like take out the trash)

💔 He wasn’t ready to introduce you to his friends/family when you were

💔 He made fun of you in front of his friends/family

💔 You tried to be affectionate and he said he wasn’t into PDA

💔 You reached out to hold his hand when you were walking and he pulled his hand away

💔 You shared something that was bothering you and he dismissed it

💔 He tried to fix something you were sharing instead of just listening to you

💔 He came home from work, immediately sat on the couch, and got on his phone 

💔 He withheld something because he thought you’d get upset

💔 He canceled on you last second

💔 He made a negative comment on something you were wearing

💔 You were talking to him and he picked up his phone

💔 He took someone else’s side over yours

💔 He interrupted you when you were talking

💔 You shared something vulnerable and he shrugged it off or didn’t say anything

💔 You asked him what was wrong and he said “nothing”…but there was clearly something

None of these are ‘huge’… you probably just brushed them off at the time to avoid making an issue.

Yet these are cracks in your foundation. They lead to feelings of distrust that ultimately cause you to shut down and lose desire for your man.

The good news is there's a way to resolve these now, no matter how long it's been…

#RelationshipGoals #CouplesTherapy #LoveAndTrust #HealthyRelationships #NLPTechniques #HealingTogether #IntimacyMatters #CommunicationGoals #MarriageSuccess #CoupleGrowth #StrongerTogether #TrustBuilding #EmotionalHealing #LoveLanguages #CouplesJourney #RelationshipAdvice #StrongerBond #HeartToHeart #ReconnectWithLove #RelationshipWisdom

How to Talk to Your Husband About Working on Your Marriage

Women often notice the need for improvement in the marriage first. 

This awareness is a strength! Trust your intuition and take the empowering step to initiate the conversation.

Choose the Right Time

Find a calm, relaxed moment to talk. 

Avoid bringing up the conversation during an argument to ensure he’s receptive.

Start with Positivity

Begin with positive affirmations about your relationship. 

Express your love and appreciation before discussing areas for improvement.

Express Your Concerns Gently

Share your concerns with empathy. 

Frame them as shared challenges you can overcome together, not as faults or criticisms.

Highlight Mutual Benefits

Emphasize how working on the marriage will benefit both of you. 

Talk about improved connection + intimacy, happiness, and the future you envision together.

Listen Actively

Encourage him to share his thoughts and feelings. 

Listen without interrupting, showing that his perspective is valued and respected.

Be Patient and Understanding

Understand that he may need time to process the conversation. 

Be patient and open to ongoing discussions, showing that you’re committed to working together.

Have a plan

Once men agree to something, they want to take action right away.

Be ready with your solution and be clear on the next steps.

Effective communication is key to encouraging your husband to work on your marriage together. 

🥇 Approach the conversation with love, empathy, and patience. 

🥇 Remember, men want to be inspired by their wives. Not criticized. 

🥇 Leading the conversation in this way will inspire him to join you in doing the work, fostering a stronger, more connected relationship.

#marriagesupport #marriagecoaching #marriageadvice #healthymarriagetools #HappyMarriage #healthycommunicationtips #MarriageSolutions #healthyrelationshiptools #RelationshipInsights #marriageproblems 

15 Things You Shouldn’t Expect Your Husband to “Just Know”

1 - That even though you said you don’t want anything for Valentine's Day, you’re secretly hoping he’ll surprise you anyway.

2 - That you wish he would communicate more.

3 - That you need him to check in on you after an argument to see how you’re feeling.

4 - That you want him to ask if you need anything when he’s driving home.

5 - That you have specific ways you like (and don’t like) to be touched.

6 - That you desire more foreplay.

7 - That you enjoy talking and cuddling after intimacy.

8 - That you want him to cook sometimes.

9 - That you want him to pick the restaurant but involve you in the decision.

10 - That you want to go on dates more often.

11 - That you love receiving compliments.

12 - That you dislike being teased in front of friends and family; you want him to build you up instead.

13 - That you want him to support you in conflicts with his mother.

14 - That you don’t like being used as a scapegoat.

15 - That you want him to pick up on the hints you drop about things you want, so you don’t have to ask directly. 

Most of these are not unreasonable to want your hubby to know about you…but it IS unreasonable to expect your hubby to know without you telling him. 

At the end of the day, he WANTS to please you, but he’s not a mind reader. 

If you’re not direct with him and punish him when he doesn’t ‘get it’, he’s going to end up confused…and uninspired. 

This is often how couples go from being in love to living like strangers. 


He’ll thank you for it, trust us 😘

#RelationshipInsights #RelationshipTips #MarriageSolutions #relationshipsupport #healthycommunicationtips #HappyMarriage #healthymarriagetools #healthyrelationshiptools #marriageadvice #marriagecoaching #marriagesupport 

Why You Still Fight About the Same Things After Years of Therapy

In therapy, you talk about the known problems that you have. These are the ‘surface problems’. 

Because the underlying issues that lead to these surface problems are unconscious they are tough (if not impossible) to uncover in therapy. 

💔 This is why couples often find that therapy helps for a while, but their problems come back.

Example: You and your partner keep fighting about how much you are intimate.

It seems like a simple issue of mismatched sex drives, but there’s more beneath the surface…

Surface Problem: One wants more intimacy, the other wants less.

This difference in desire is common, but it’s not the true source of the conflict…

Dealing with the ‘Surface Problem’ you try:

📆 Scheduling date nights to ensure time together

👩‍💻 Pre-planned intimacy times to meet each other’s needs

🤝 Compromising over how frequently you will be intimate to balance desires

Why These Solutions Fail: 

Even if you do all this, the connection still feels off. It’s not satisfying and doesn’t help you to feel closer to each other. 

🔑 Physical actions don’t align with emotional needs, leading to a lack of fulfillment and continued conflict.

Underlying Problem:

Partner 1: Needs sex to feel desirable and good enough.

💔 This desire stems from a deep need for validation and self-worth.

Partner 2: Feels misunderstood, unsupported, or lacks trust.

💔 This reluctance is tied to feelings of emotional neglect or past betrayals.

Root Cause: Unconscious beliefs are driving these behaviors.

💡 Partner 1: Has an underlying fear of rejection or insecurity about being wanted.

💡 Partner 2: Has unresolved issues around trust, feeling valued, or past emotional wounds.

The Real Solution:

🥇 Address and heal these unconscious beliefs through open communication and Neuro-Lingusitic Programming (NLP).

🥇 Focus on understanding each other’s deeper emotional needs rather than just the surface problem.

🥇 Work on building emotional connection and trust, which will naturally improve physical intimacy.

True resolution comes from addressing the underlying issues buried in the unconscious mind and fostering genuine connection.

❤️ Lasting change occurs when both partners feel emotionally secure and understood, leading to a more harmonious and fulfilling relationship.

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How to INSTANTLY stop an argument

Meet your partner with openness and curiosity. Here’s how!

Say there’s tension between you and your man because he wants to be intimate more often. 

Maybe you feel like that’s unfair. Or there are legitimate reasons why that isn’t want you want. But if you go into defense mode, the argument will only escalate further. 

Instead, do this:

1️⃣ Actively listen and reflect back what you’ve heard. 

Say: “Let me make sure I understand. I’m hearing that you're feeling frustrated about our intimacy. Do I have that right?’”

2️⃣ Seek to understand his perspective. 

Approach with: “I see we have different views on intimacy. Can you explain your perspective? I want to understand what’s important to you.'"

3️⃣ Ask open-ended questions

Gently inquire: “What improvements would you like to make to our intimacy?”

From there, you can come up with a plan that works for you both.

Arguments escalate when one or both partners feel misunderstood - nip that in the bud with these simple communication tips ❤️

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We need to talk about Relationship Anxiety

Relationship Anxiety makes you feel insecure or worried about your relationship. Understanding and addressing these feelings is important to maintain a healthy relationship.

Common Signs of Relationship Anxiety:

🤯 Overthinking your partner's actions

🥺 Constant need for reassurance

😳 Fear of abandonment

🧐 Difficulty trusting your partner

Relationship Anxiety can lead to arguments, emotional distance, or even pushing your partner away. Recognizing these patterns is the first step to overcoming them.

Relationship Anxiety often stems from early relationships with parents or past romantic relationships. These experiences shape how we view and interact with our current partners.

Relationship Anxiety can feel overwhelming. However, it doesn’t need to be a ‘life sentence’...

1️⃣ Communicate Openly

Talking openly with your partner about your feelings can help. Share your worries without blaming or accusing them, and listen to their perspective.

Honest communication builds trust and understanding.

2️⃣ Stay Present

Focus on the current moment rather than worrying about the future or getting stuck in the past. Practice mindfulness techniques like deep breathing and gratitude for what you have.

This will help you stay grounded and enjoy your relationship as it is now.

3️⃣ Hire Support

Consider Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and TimeLine Therapy®. These are the fastest and most effective tools to help you work through and clear the underlying issues that create relationship anxiety. 

Our clients have a healthier mindset and relationship within weeks. 

Relationship Anxiety is very common, but often overlooked. You don’t need to accept ‘this is just how you are’. 

By addressing this, you’ll build a stronger, more trusting relationship.

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Should you prioritize fixing your communication or physical intimacy first? 

If you think it's more important that you and your man sort out your communication before you work on your intimacy, this reel is for you.

Men often feel that physical intimacy is the key to a happy relationship. 

When they have that, they’re more willing to work on communication. 

On the other hand, women usually want emotional intimacy first. 

You need to feel safe and connected to tap into passion and desire. 

Neither of you are wrong here.

But it’s important to meet in the middle, instead of waiting for your partner to make the first move:

❤️ Start Small

Share a positive experience from your day. This builds emotional intimacy without pressure.

❤️ Be Patient

Understand that your partner's needs are different, but equally important.

❤️ Combine Efforts

Plan a date night that includes both meaningful conversation and physical closeness. This creates balance, making both of you feel valued.

Ultimately, understanding and compromising can bridge the gap between physical and emotional intimacy, creating a stronger bond.

In our work with couples, this is a common issue that many feel in the dark about how to overcome. 

The good news is that these issues are swiftly resolved once we identify and clear the underlying issues that led to the disconnect. 

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“How do I create open and honest communication in my marriage?”

Many couples struggle with open and honest communication due to fear of vulnerability or causing conflict 🫣

They worry about being judged or rejected, which leads to avoiding difficult conversations.

💣 The truth is that open and honest communication is the foundation of a strong 💪 marriage. 

It builds trust, reduces misunderstandings, and fosters emotional (and physical) intimacy 🥰

❤️ Tip 1 - Practice Active Listening

Listen to your partner without interrupting and show you’re paying attention. Reflect back what you hear to ensure understanding. 

For example, say, "I hear that you’re feeling stressed about work. How can I support you?"

❤️ Tip 2 - Express Yourself Clearly

Use “I” statements to express your feelings and thoughts without blaming. This helps to communicate your needs clearly and respectfully. 

For instance, say, "I feel overwhelmed when the house is messy. Can we create a cleaning schedule?"

❤️ Tip 3 - Create a Safe Space

Encourage openness by being non-judgmental and empathetic. Respect each other’s perspectives to make each other feel heard. 

You could say, "I understand why you’re upset. Let’s talk about how we can fix this together."

❤️ Tip 4 - Schedule Regular Check-Ins

Stay connected by scheduling regular talks about your relationship. Discuss what’s working and what needs improvement. 

For example, ask, "How do you think we’re doing as a team? Is there anything we can improve?"

❤️ Tip 5 - Address Issues Promptly

Don’t let problems fester; address conflicts as they arise using calm and respectful dialogue. This prevents small issues from becoming big problems. 

You might say, "I noticed we’ve been arguing more lately. Can we talk about what’s been bothering us?"

👉 If you fear being vulnerable: 

✅ Start by sharing small, less sensitive thoughts and feelings. This builds trust and comfort. 

✅ Gradually work towards discussing deeper issues. 

✅ Remind yourself that being open leads to greater understanding and connection.

✅ Celebrate progress and be patient with each other. Every step brings you closer together.

In our work with couples, lack of open and honest communication is often one of the reasons they’ve become disconnected. 

It’s not that they don’t love each other, or desire a future together. 

Never underestimate the power of good communication- it can literally change your marriage! 

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10 Ways to Build Emotional Intimacy with Your Husband

1️⃣ Share Your Dreams and Goals

Discuss your personal dreams and goals with him. This builds a deeper emotional connection and understanding.

2️⃣ Be Vulnerable

Allow yourself to be vulnerable and share your fears and insecurities. This creates a safe space for emotional intimacy.

3️⃣ Practice Empathy

Put yourself in his shoes and try to understand his feelings. Empathy strengthens your bond and enhances emotional intimacy.

4️⃣ Spend Quality Time Together

Make time for regular, uninterrupted quality time together. This helps you both feel valued and connected.

5️⃣ Express Gratitude

Regularly express gratitude for him. Acknowledging the positives in your relationship fosters a deeper emotional bond.

6️⃣ Physical Touch

Small, affectionate touches throughout the day can significantly enhance emotional intimacy. Hold hands, hug, or cuddle more often.

7️⃣ Engage in Deep Conversations

Engage in deep conversations about life, beliefs, and values. These discussions help you understand each other on a deeper level.

8️⃣ Create Rituals Together

Establish small daily or weekly rituals, like morning coffee together or a Sunday walk. These rituals build consistency and connection.

9️⃣ Share Hobbies and Interests

Participate in hobbies and interests together. Shared activities foster teamwork and create more opportunities for emotional bonding.

🔟 Practice Forgiveness

Learn to forgive each other’s mistakes and let go of grudges. Practicing forgiveness strengthens your emotional connection and trust.

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8 Reasons Romance Fades in Your Relationship

Reason 1: Routine and Monotony

Falling into daily routines can make romance take a backseat. The excitement and novelty that fueled your early relationship wanes when your days become predictable. 

🥇 It’s essential to introduce spontaneity and new experiences.

Reason 2: Lack of Communication

Not sharing your feelings or needs creates distance. Misunderstandings arise without open and honest communication. This causes your emotional connection to weaken, leading to a decline in intimacy and connection. 

🥇 Regularly checking in with each other on needs & desires fosters curiosity and a deeper connection.

Reason 3: Stress and Busy Schedules

High stress and packed schedules leave little room for romance. Managing life's demands can be exhausting, leaving you with little energy or patience for nurturing your relationship. 

🥇 It’s crucial to find balance and make time for each other.

Reason 4: Unresolved Conflicts
Lingering issues create emotional barriers and resentment. When conflicts aren't addressed and resolved, they fester. This creates a buildup of negative emotions that overshadows the love and affection you once shared. 

🥇 Clean up your conflict to feel close to one another again. 

Reason 5: Taking Each Other for Granted

Forgetting to appreciate your partner diminishes romantic feelings. Over time, it's easy to overlook the small gestures and qualities that once made you fall in love. 

🥇 It’s important to express gratitude and appreciation regularly.

Reason 6: Lack of Physical Intimacy
Physical touch is crucial for maintaining a romantic connection. 

🥇 Regular physical affection, like hugging, kissing, and holding hands, helps to maintain closeness.

Reason 7: Unmet Expectations

When your hopes and desires aren't communicated or fulfilled, it leads to frustration and disappointment. 

🥇 Regular discussions about expectations are important to get on the same page.

Reason 8: Ignoring Personal Growth

Not growing together or individually impacts your relationship. 

🥇 Personal development and mutual growth are vital for a healthy relationship. They ensure that both partners continue to evolve and adapt together, maintaining a strong connection.

Keeping romance alive is crucial for a thriving relationship. It strengthens your bond and makes you feel valued and loved. 

Making romance a priority helps maintain the excitement and connection that first brought you together. Ensuring a lasting, fulfilling partnership.

Want some ideas for bringing the romance back? Check out our last reel - “10 Ways to Romance Your Wife” 

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10 Ways to Romance Your Wife

1️⃣ Give Her Options Instead of Asking

Instead of asking her where she wants to eat, give her three options to choose from. This makes her feel included without the stress of making all the decisions.

2️⃣ Date Ideas Jar

Write down date ideas on slips of paper and put them in a jar. You can draw a slip and have a spontaneous date idea ready to go at any time.

3️⃣ Hits of Oxytocin

Small gestures like holding hands, a long hug, or a kiss on the forehead can release oxytocin, the bonding hormone, and make her feel cherished.

4️⃣ 30 Things You Appreciate About Her

Write down 30 things you appreciate about her and read them to her. This thoughtful gesture shows how much you notice and value her.

5️⃣ Questions for Better Understanding

Create a list of questions to ask each other that delve into dreams, desires and feelings. This deepens your emotional connection and understanding of each other.

6️⃣ Make Her Life Easier

Notice something in her life that you can make easier, like handling a chore she dislikes or running an errand for her. This shows you care about her well-being and fulfills her deep-down desire to feel provided for.

7️⃣ Pleasure Container

Create a "pleasure container" dedicated to giving her sensual pleasure without the goal of $.e.x. This is a time where your sole focus is on her enjoyment and relaxation.

8️⃣ Relax and Receive Day

Plan an evening or day where all she has to do is relax and receive your care. This could include preparing her favorite meal, giving her a massage, or simply letting her unwind without any responsibilities.

9️⃣ Spa Day Arrangement

Set up a spa day and arrange everything for her to enjoy it. Ask her, "If I were to do something for you, what are the things that would need to be taken care of for you to relax and enjoy it?” Then take care of those things. 

🔟 Fulfill Her Love Languages

Ask her what her love languages are and spend the day fulfilling each of them. Make her feel loved in the ways she values most.

What are some other ideas you like to be romanced with?

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"I’m not feeling turned on by my husband and keep avoiding intimacy, I don’t want this to continue - what can I do?”

❤️ Trying to open intimately to your husband is what's keeping you closed

Forcing yourself to be intimate creates a cycle of anxiety and avoidance. When you feel pressured, your body and mind react defensively, closing off further.

True openness comes from a place of emotional safety and connection, not from pressure.

🥇 Focus on emotional intimacy first. Engage in non-sexual physical touch like holding hands, hugging, and spending quality time together.

❤️ Get comfortable with vulnerability

When you hide your true feelings and fears, it creates a barrier between you and your husband. This barrier can make you feel disconnected and uninterested in physical intimacy, as it's difficult to feel close to someone when you're emotionally guarded. 

True intimacy requires you to be vulnerable.

🥇 Start by sharing something small and personal with your husband. It doesn't have to be a big revelation; it could be a simple worry or a dream you have. As you become more comfortable sharing these small things, gradually open up about deeper feelings and concerns. 

❤️ Release your expectations of where you should be

Judging yourself for not feeling turned on by your husband right now will only exacerbate the problem, leading to more pressure. 

Instead, approach how you are feeling with curiosity. 

🥇 Consider - when did things change for you? Ask yourself what needs and desires you haven’t been speaking up for and then share them with your husband, from a place of self-responsibility, not blame. 

❤️ Let go of the urgency to get results

Urgency to fix things can create pressure and anxiety, making it harder to reconnect intimately. 

Think of rebuilding intimacy like planting a garden. It requires time, attention, and care to see growth.

🥇 Set aside dedicated time each week to focus on your relationship, without the expectation of immediate results in the bedroom. This could be a walk together, a shared hobby, or simply talking.

You can create a more relaxed and loving atmosphere by focusing on emotional intimacy, embracing vulnerability, and letting go of expectations and urgency.

This paves the way for a deeper and more fulfilling connection with your husband.

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Our clients Eddie & Sarah share how NLP + TimeLine Therapy differs from Traditional Therapy

Sarah: “I've done traditional therapy, and your approach gets a lot more done and a lot smaller amount of time. Even though you're going in your past traumas and triggers, you don't actually have to jump in it and regurgitate it all to you guys. I don't have to tell you the story for it to get fixed. That feels nice because sometimes just sitting in all of that for months and months as you're going through therapy, it can be really heavy. And this is not, and that feels amazing.”


Eddie: “I agree with that 100%. Having done other modalities of therapy, understanding how the power of our thoughts and our feelings drive our reality. So, when presented with this concept, it makes total sense. That was an easy one.”

Typically, the couples we work with have explored traditional therapy.

Some have been disheartened by the lack of results they got.

Others (like Eddie & Sarah) have gotten results, but still notice old thoughts, feelings & behaviors lingering around.

This growth-minded couple wasn’t willing to settle in their relationship - they were committed to being their best selves…for themselves AND each other. 

Whichever category you fit into, or even if you’ve never tried any kind of therapy at all, our approach works.

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"I've Tried Everything to Fix This Relationship and Nothing is Working."

We get it, it’s frustrating when you feel like you’ve done everything you can and you’re not getting the results you want.

It's easy to fall into the trap of believing that your partner isn't able to work on it with you, or even that they can't change. Sometimes, without realizing it, you might approach the situation from a savior complex - thinking that you alone have to fix things.

Instead, shift your perspective. Start seeing your partner as your teammate. A relationship is a partnership, and the best solutions come from working together. 

1️⃣ See Your Partner as a Teammate

🥇 Acknowledge Their Efforts: Recognize and appreciate the efforts your partner has made, even if they haven't been perfect. This builds a positive foundation.

🥇 Mutual Respect: Approach challenges with the mindset that you are both on the same side. Respect your partner’s thoughts and feelings as you work through issues together.

2️⃣ Open and Honest Communication

🥇 Create a Safe Space: Ensure that both of you feel safe to express your thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment or criticism.

🥇 Active Listening: Practice active listening by fully focusing on what your partner is saying, acknowledging their feelings, and responding thoughtfully.

3️⃣ Collaborative Problem-Solving

🥇 Brainstorm Together: Sit down together and brainstorm solutions to your problems. Make it a collaborative effort where both of your ideas and opinions are valued.

🥇 Set Shared Goals: Identify what you both want to achieve in your relationship and work together to set realistic, achievable goals.

4️⃣ Empathy and Understanding

🥇 Walk in Their Shoes: Try to understand your partner’s perspective by considering how they might be feeling and what might be motivating their actions.

🥇 Show Compassion: Offer compassion and support, especially during tough conversations. Understanding that you’re both human and prone to mistakes can help you connect on a deeper level.

5️⃣ Rebuild Trust and Respect

🥇 Consistent Actions: Trust is built through consistent, reliable actions. Make and keep commitments to each other, no matter how small.

🥇 Respect Boundaries: Respect each other’s boundaries and personal space. This fosters a sense of safety and mutual respect.

6️⃣ Quality Time Together

🥇 Shared Activities: Engage in activities that you both enjoy and that allow you to bond. This could be anything from cooking together to taking a walk.

🥇 Unplug and Connect: Spend time together without distractions. Put away your devices and focus on each other.

7️⃣ Seek Professional Guidance

🥇 Get Coached by a Couple: Working with a husband/wife team can provide the neutral ground and expert advice to help you both navigate your challenges and develop healthier patterns.

🥇 NLP and TimeLine Therapy®: Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and TimeLine Therapy® resolve deep-seated emotional issues and improve your communication dynamics.

What you focus on, you create. By shifting your focus to view your partner as your teammate, you will create the conditions that allow you to build a stronger, more fulfilling relationship, together. 

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Raising your voice doesn’t solve the problem of feeling unheard…why you do it anyway (and what to do instead).

Picture this: a couple is sitting down to talk about something. They start talking but aren’t getting anywhere. She thinks “He’s not listening to me!!!” then she feels frustrated and starts raising her voice. 

Raising her voice is the behavior she does as a result of the initial thought and the feeling it creates. 

Now, this behavior doesn’t resolve the problem of being unheard, because her partner is probably either going to shutdown, or start raising his voice too. 

Then they’re back at square one 😞

But, if it’s so unhelpful, why is this the go-to behavior? Why not just “do something different”?

Most of the time, in the heat of the moment, we’re not consciously aware of the chain of events that gets us to an unproductive behavior.

And there’s a reason for that. 

We take in 10000 bits of information per second. If we were consciously aware of every bit of information coming in, we would literally go insane 🤯

We only have the capability to be aware of just 5% of what is happening internally and externally in a given moment. 

That means that only 5% of your thoughts, feelings and the resulting behaviors are conscious. 

The other 95% are unconscious.  

…Maybe 5% of the time you’re able to catch yourself and make a more productive choice….

But the rest of the time you’re going to do what you’ve always done - what comes naturally to you.

🔑 The solution is to reprogram your unconscious so that productive behaviors come naturally to you. 

How do you do that? With NLP.

NLP works with your Unconscious Mind. 

In our work with couples, we shift what is happening in the unconscious 95% and align your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors (both consciously and unconsciously) with the same goal.

When we do this, you experience rapid, easy, and permanent change.

This is the missing piece of the puzzle for many couples. 

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6 Reasons Why Your Husband Won’t Work on the Relationship with You

1️⃣ He Doesn’t Understand the Goal/How It Benefits Him

Many men struggle to see the direct benefits of relationship coaching. Without clear goals and tangible outcomes, he might feel it's just unnecessary "talk."

Tip: Communicate the specific benefits, like better intimacy, and improved communication.

2️⃣ He Thinks You and the Coach Are Going to Gang Up on Him

The idea of being outnumbered can be intimidating. He might worry that sessions will turn into a blame game.

Tip: Ensure the focus is on mutual improvement, not blame. Choose a husband/wife coach team, who will understand both sides and emphasize neutrality.

3️⃣ He Doesn’t Think There’s a Problem

If he doesn’t see an issue, he won’t see the need for a solution. Men may not be as emotionally attuned, or have lower expectations, than their wives. Because of this, he may miss subtle cues that you’re not happy and wait until things get really bad (like the intimacy drying up) before taking action. 

Tip: Share specific examples of how the relationship could be better, focusing on positive changes rather than complaints.

4️⃣ He Thinks He’s Going to Fail if He Tries

Men are motivated when they believe they can win. He might avoid working on the relationship because he doubts his ability to succeed.

Tip: Show him what winning with you looks like. Believe in his ability to succeed. Celebrate small victories to build confidence. DO NOT criticize his efforts, even if you think things could be ‘done better’. 

5️⃣ He Doesn’t Want to Talk About His Feelings

Men are often socialized to avoid expressing emotions, seeing it as a sign of weakness or vulnerability.

Tip: Create a safe space for open dialogue. Show empathy and patience, validating his feelings without judgment. If he feels safe sharing with you, he’ll be more inclined to believe it’s also safe to share with a coach.

6️⃣ He Fears He’ll Appear Weak if Other People Find Out

Worrying about how others perceive him can prevent him from seeking help. He might fear judgment from friends, family, or colleagues.

Tip: Assure him of confidentiality. Emphasize that seeking help is a sign of strength and wisdom. Just like hiring a trainer to enhance fitness or an accountant to handle taxes, getting professional support for your relationship is a smart move that can lead to faster, better results.

Understanding his perspective can help you approach the conversation with empathy and patience. 

Remember, it’s not that he doesn’t care about you, or your relationship, he does. 

Men tend to be driven by logic and motivated by results. Once he understands that working on the relationship is going to lead to success, he’ll be all in on it with you. 

Ultimately, YOU need to believe in HIM and your ability to succeed as a team. If you don’t believe, he certainly won’t. Your confidence and support can make all the difference in inspiring him to take that step.

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Why you keep arguing about the same thing and can’t resolve it

1️⃣ You’re focused on the problem versus the solution

Often, couples get stuck focusing on the problem rather than seeking solutions. This leads to endless discussions about what’s wrong instead of exploring ways to fix it.

Tip: Shift your mindset to be solution-oriented. Instead of saying, “This always happens,” try, “What can we do differently next time?”

2️⃣ You’re trying to solve the wrong problem

Many arguments revolve around symptoms of a deeper issue rather than the root cause. For example, arguing about dirty dishes might be more about feeling unappreciated or overwhelmed.

Tip: Dig deeper to understand the underlying issues. Ask yourself, “What is this argument really about?”

3️⃣ You don’t know how to argue constructively

Without constructive arguing skills, conflicts escalate rather than getting resolved. Couples may resort to blaming, name-calling, or shutting down.

Tip: Use “I” statements to express feelings without blame, listen actively, and take breaks if things get too heated.

4️⃣ You don’t believe the problem can actually be solved

If one or both partners don’t believe a problem can be solved, they may not fully engage in finding a resolution. Past hurts, resentments & disappointments pile up, coloring the way partners view each other. This leads to repeated, unresolved conflicts.

Tip: Cultivate a belief that change is possible. Approach conflicts with a mindset of teamwork and optimism, believing that with effort, solutions can be found.

5️⃣ You don’t have the tools to solve the problem

To solve problems effectively, couples require more than learning better communication tools. Inner work is essential to clean up the deeply ingrained & unconscious behaviors that sabotage their progress toward a solution. 

Tip: Invest in uncovering & dissolving problem behaviors that hurt your relationship. Only 5% of your behaviors are conscious & therefore under your control. NLP works with your Unconscious Mind to clean up problem behaviors. Then resolution becomes easy for you to achieve.

Having unresolved issues is rarely a sign of incompatibility. If you invest in upgrading your skills and clearing the underlying issues, those problems will go away. No matter how long they’ve been going on.

Your relationship is worth working on. You both deserve to be happy, in love & connected ❤️

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It’s your fault that your partner won’t work on the relationship with you

Hear me out.

Right now you probably believe that your partner can’t or won’t meet you and they’re not willing to work on your relationship. 

That’s actually not true, what’s really happening is you’re approaching it the wrong way. 

The problem is that you’re secretly thinking you’re better than them, and trying to criticize or cajole them into doing the work. 

You don’t really believe they can change and you’re not showing up with an open energy -  you’re showing up with conditions. 

This approach doesn’t create the loving environment that would inspire your partner to do the work. 

The hard truth is, they’re meeting you exactly where you’re at, because if you were doing the work yourself, you wouldn’t be having this experience.

I almost didn’t post this 🫣 but sugarcoating it wouldn’t serve you the best way I can. 

It might be a tough pill to swallow, but I trust you would rather be empowered, knowing that there are actually things you can do to change this situation.  

The alternative is to continue as you are until the relationship eventually implodes 🤷‍♀️

The fact that you’ve come across this reel & are here reading the caption tells me this is not the outcome you want.

If you’re wondering if this applies to you, or you want to know how to shift your approach, reach out. We are more than happy to have a chat to assess your situation.

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Many Couples love each other, but don’t feel “in love” anymore

Here’s why👇

Early in relationships, the feeling of being "in love" is often driven by intense attraction, novelty, and the excitement of discovering each other. This is typically fueled by a surge of neurochemicals like dopamine and serotonin.

It’s so easy in the beginning. Couples often don’t realize it takes effort to maintain those ‘in love’ feelings. 

Several factors dissipate how “in love” a couple feel:

1️⃣ Familiarity and Routine

When the novelty of a relationship wears off, the daily routines can become predictable and less stimulating. Without new experiences or surprises, couples might not trigger those exciting feelings as frequently.

2️⃣ Responsibilities and Stress

Life's responsibilities such as work, children, and financial pressures can shift priorities away from the relationship. Stress can make it harder to feel romantic or passionate.

3️⃣ Neglecting Emotional Intimacy

Sometimes, in the hustle of daily life, couples might neglect to nurture their emotional intimacy. Sharing feelings, dreams, and fears keeps the emotional connection vibrant.

4️⃣ Physical Connection Changes

Changes in physical intimacy can also affect how “in love” partners feel. Maintaining physical closeness, through touch or affection, helps reinforce the romantic bond.

5️⃣ Idealization to Realization

Early in a relationship, there is often a phase of idealization. Over time partners see each other's flaws and weaknesses. The idealized image adjusts to a more realistic one, which can affect how “in love” they feel.

To rekindle the feeling of being “in love”: 

❤️ Clean up the emotional baggage caused by past hurts, resentments and disappointments. Doing so allows you to create a new foundation to build the next iteration of your relationship upon. 

❤️ Then it becomes easier to prioritize quality time together, maintain open communication, and continue to support and surprise each other. 

Remember, you fell in love for a reason. Commit to doing the work and those “in love” feelings will return, no matter how long it’s been.

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Why the relationship you’re meant to be in is the one you want to leave

Right now you’re seeing the problem in your relationship as a scary monster jumping out at you, causing you to want to run away. 

In reality, the problem is actually a loving angel with a gift to help you grow. 

The problem is just reflecting back to you what needs to be healed, within you, your partner AND the relationship. 

If you do leave, that problem is just going to follow you to the next relationship.

So, how do you heal the problem? 

Well, this is a multi-step process, and it’s something that my husband and I walk couples through every day.

A process that helps you break these relationship patterns that are leading to suffering so that your relationship transforms into one that feels amazing.

OBVIOUSLY, we are not talking about relationships where there is abuse…

If you love each other (even if you don’t feel ‘in love’) don’t throw it away thinking the grass will be greener somewhere else. 

Stay and do the work. It’s worth it. 

#RelationshipGrowth #HealingTogether #LoveDeepens #CoupleGoals2024 #EmotionalHealing #StayAndGrow #LoveLessons #RelationshipAdvice #BreakTheCycle #RelationshipRevamp #RelationshipInsights #ReigniteTheSpark #marriageadvice #CouplesSupport #marriagesupport 

15 Reasons why your husband doesn’t want to talk to you

1 - You’re constantly nagging him. You feel more like his mother than his wife. His natural response is to defend his sovereignty by saying no or avoiding you.  

2 - You get defensive. When he does try to share, you take it personally or deflect. This makes him shut down and not want to talk again.

3 - You criticize the way he does things. You continue to point out everything he’s doing wrong, or how it can be done better. He can’t get it right, so what’s the point?

4 - You keep saying “we need to talk”. He associates this with you telling him all the things he’s doing wrong and why you’re not happy, so he tries to avoid it. 

5 - He thinks he’s failing and doesn’t want you to know. He doesn’t want to tarnish the image he thinks you have of him.

6 - He’s afraid he’ll look weak and you’ll lose respect for him. He’s been told his whole life that men shouldn’t talk about their feelings. He believes that you’ll lose attraction for him if he does.

7 - You don’t want to be intimate with him. Your closure feels like another thing he’s failing at, and it causes him to shut down.

8 - He doesn’t know how to talk about how he feels. He’s never been taught how to do this. He’s unskilled and apprehensive about doing it.

9 - He feels unappreciated. You don’t praise him for the things he does. He’s only met with what else he needs to be doing. 

10 - He’s stressed out and doesn’t know how to deal with it. He’s internalizing all of the pressure of his responsibilities and believes he needs to figure it out on his own. If thinks that if he asks for help he’ll look weak. 

11 - He doesn’t want to worry you. He wants you to be happy and feel safe. He doesn’t want to share anything that could disrupt that.

12 - When you do talk it’s always about you. You talk about what you want and need, and don’t make an effort to understand what he’s experiencing.

13 - You try to talk about everything. You throw every problem at him at once, instead of working through one problem at a time.

14 - You talk too much. You over-explain and when he tries to talk you cut him off and keep talking. 

15 - You lack emotional regulation. You don’t know how to process your own triggers so you project everything on to him and make it his fault. 

Which one of these resonates with you the most?

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5 ways to connect with your partner that you haven’t tried

❤️ The Long Embrace

Did you know that hugs release oxytocin, serotonin and dopamine? These are the same chemicals your brain released when you first fell in love! Hold that hug for at least 20 seconds to get the full effects🔥

❤️ Soul Gazing

The eyes are the window to the soul. Sustained eye gazing for at least 1 min, while breathing deeply together releases the chemical phenylethylamine, which is responsible for feelings of attraction 😍

❤️ Latihan

This is a sensual blindfolded practice that requires you to slow down and become incredibly present.

1️⃣ Set up a large circle of pillows (your practice space will be inside the circle). The pillows form a barrier so you don’t end up wandering off!

2️⃣ Put on sensual or meditative music + set a timer for 20mins

3️⃣ Enter the circle at opposite ends & put your blindfolds on

4️⃣ Slowly begin to move. You may like to experiment with stillness, allowing your partner to come to you or be the one penetrating the space. 

5️⃣ When you come together, slowly explore each others bodies, using the backs of your hands. Notice how it feels to touch & be touched. Remain present, allowing whatever emotions arise to be witnessed & felt. 

❤️ Pleasure Chair

This is a practice of giving & receiving. Begin with deciding who will receive first, and have a conversation around boundaries, fears & desires. 

Set a timer for 15mins. After the 15mins up, you will switch roles & reset the timer. 

As the giver, your role is to provide whatever kind of touch the receiver is desiring, to drop any agenda for your own pleasure, and to be extremely present to the receiver’s energy. 

As the receiver, your role is to surrender to the pleasure, to drop any need to perform and to allow yourself to be loved up.

❤️ Relationship Check-In

Regular relationship check-ins after intimacy allow you to create a more satisfying love-life together. 

Ask these 3 questions:

1️⃣ What was your favorite part?

2️⃣ What do you want more of?

3️⃣ What do you want less of?

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My partner and I have lost our desire to be intimate with each other…how do we get it back?

1️⃣ Clear up all of your Conflict

Unresolved issues lead to resentment and lack of trust in your ability to work together as a team. 

Festering conflict creates a barrier that blocks the vulnerability and connection essential for fulfilling intimacy.

💪 Develop healthy communication skills:

Listen to your partner without planning your response while they are speaking. 

Communicate your feelings and needs without blaming your partner. 

Say things like, "What I hear you saying is..." to confirm your understanding. 

Rather than focusing on winning the argument, look for solutions that benefit both of you. 

Acknowledge your partner's efforts in communication and conflict resolution.

💪 Utilize NLP to resolve underlying issues:

The outer conflict is a symptom of deeper underlying issues that are buried in your unconscious mind. 

NLP is a tool that works directly with the unconscious mind, making conflict resolution fast & easy. 

2️⃣ Make each other your top priority

When you stop prioritizing each other, you send a message that the relationship is unimportant to you. This erodes trust & creates feelings of neglect, insecurity & doubt. 

Over time, lack of prioritization leads to the relationship becoming cold & distant.

🔥 Create intentional connection time:

This might look like scheduling time for intimacy & experimenting with new intimacy practices to rebuild that connection gradually. 

A good place to begin is with re-establishing your emotional connection through deep conversation, hugs & kisses.

🔥 Minimize Screen Time:

You can be in the same room and still feel isolated and disconnected from each other. Minimize screen time so that you can be present with each other. 

Presence is a key ingredient in hot & satisfying intimacy. Plus, developing presence nurtures your emotional connection and reassures both of you that you are loved, valued, and central to each other’s lives. 

3️⃣ Revisit each other’s relationship desires

Curiosity drives communication and fuels your intimate connection. A lack of it can lead to diminished sharing of thoughts, feelings, and desires. 

Over time, this communication breakdown can cause misunderstandings, further eroding trust.

❤️ Discuss your Love Languages:

The five love languages are quality time, physical touch, words of affirmation, gifts, and acts of service. 

Having a conversation about each other’s love languages will allow you to better understand how you each feel loved, valued, and supported. When you both feel this, your desire to be intimate with each other will return.

❤️ Share your needs and desires: 

To re-establish trust it is important to have open conversations about your needs and desires where you each feel safe to share & be heard. 

Unmet needs and desires (even those unrelated to your bedroom activities) dampen the desire to be intimate with each other. Remember, that your intimacy (or lack thereof) is a reflection of how fulfilled and safe you feel in the relationship. 

Which one of these solutions are you inspired to bring into your relationship? 

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How NLP is different from Couple’s Therapy

1️⃣ 95% vs 5% 

NLP works with the Unconscious Mind. This is where 95% of our thoughts, feelings & behaviors come from. 

Most couple we work with have awareness that there are problems in their relationship. 

But they are unclear HOW to solve those problems or WHY they are there in the first place. 


That’s because the root cause of those problems is UNCONSCIOUS. 

With NLP we shine a light on the 95% that is Unconscious & resolve the root causes.

Couple’s Therapy works with the Conscious Mind. This is where ONLY 5% of our thoughts, feelings & behaviors come from. 

This means that it’s working on changing the symptoms (5% of the problem) rather than the root cause (95% of the problem). 

2️⃣ Reprogramming vs Talking

NLP works with the Unconscious Mind to reprogram 🧬 the thoughts, feelings & behaviors that are causing issues in a relationship. 

What is even better, is this can be done with minimal talking about the issues! 

Many people don't realize that discussing problems can actually make them worse. 

Talking about issues reinforces our connection to the problem instead of focusing on the solution.


In Couple’s Therapy, the primary tool for resolving issues is talking about them. 

This feels really heavy 🥵 for many couples, as they dredge up the past, open old wounds & feel the pain all over again.

3️⃣ Minutes vs Years

NLP takes minutes to make the change that usually takes years in Couple’s Therapy. 

Change becomes automatic & effortless once new neural pathways have been formed in the brain. 

Couple’s Therapy creates these new pathways through repetition of healthy behaviors over a long period of time. This is HARD WORK when you only have the 5% that’s conscious to work with. 

NLP bypasses the conscious mind, to create new neural pathways in MINUTES by directly accessing the Unconscious Mind 🎉

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What Anxious Attachment is & how to actually heal it

People with an anxious attachment style have a deep-rooted fear of abandonment. They need a lot of reassurance and closeness from their partner. 

They often worry a lot about their relationships and might seem clingy or overly dependent. They're super sensitive to what their partner does and can see small problems as big threats to the relationship. 

This can lead to a pattern of emotional highs and lows in their connections with others.

If you have an anxious attachment style, the first thing to look at is why you're scared of being abandoned. 

Deep down, you probably believe that you’re unworthy or unloveable.

This belief could come from your childhood or have been passed down through your family. It might even come from a past life.

Next, you’ve probably noticed how being consciously aware of your thoughts doesn't fix the problem. 

That’s because this belief is buried deep inside you, in your unconscious mind. That's where 95% of your thoughts, feelings, and actions come from.

The only way to be free of your anxious attachment is to get rid of that unconscious belief. Once you do that, you'll feel secure in your relationship, and those fearful thoughts & behaviors will go away.

That process could take years, or, if you use TimeLine therapy, about 10mins.

Timeline therapy is so fast because it works with your unconscious mind (the 95%). 

Add that to the 5% you’re already consciously aware of and you’ll be working at 100% capacity! 

Therefore, change becomes quick and easy.

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12 reasons your wife doesn’t want to be intimate with you

1 - She’s unappreciated. She’s so good at juggling everything that her actual effort goes unnoticed. She’s craving acknowledgment but judges herself for that. She tells herself she shouldn’t need praise, it’s what she’s supposed to do. 

2 - She’s overextended. She prioritizes everyone else’s needs above her own. She thinks taking time for herself is selfish and everyone else will suffer if she does. 

3 - She doesn’t feel attractive. She is constantly picking her body apart. If she catches a glimpse of herself in the mirror she immediately contracts and feels insecure. Even when he compliments her she doesn’t fully believe it. 

4 - She’s lost respect. He doesn’t follow through on what he says. He says he’ll take care of the little things only for them to be left undone until she does it, or nags him. 

5 - She’s lost trust. He doesn’t share what he’s really feeling. She can sense something is off and when she brings it up he says everything is fine.  She’s bracing for something bad to happen and questioning her own intuition. She feels anxious and crazy. 

6 - She lacks romance. She only receives his presence when he wants sex. She feels like he initiates sex when he needs it, not because he desires her. 

7 - She feels obligated. She doesn’t feel safe saying no or asking for what she needs because she’s afraid he’ll get reactive or stray. 

8 - She’s bored. He doesn’t bring variety and curiosity like he did in the beginning. Sex has become routine. It feels like getting off is all he cares about.

9 - She feels like his business partner. The relationship and family life feel like a job. Constant box-checking.

10 - She feels like his mother. It seems that nagging and complaining is the only thing she can do because he does the bare minimum.  

11 - She feels unseen. He’s no longer curious about what she’s feeling, thinking, or experiencing. Conversations have become surface-level and lack the depth they once had. 

12 - She feels his lack of presence. He’s distracted, tired, or checked out. His mind is always somewhere else and his phone gets more attention than she does. 

#IntimacyTips #intimacyissues

How to overcome the fight/flight response during an argument…

The Fight/Flight response gets activated when the primal part of our brain tells us we are in danger. It is trying to protect us. 

It will do that by making us get BIG to scare away the threat (fight). Or, if we feel too small to defend ourselves, it will make us want to run away (flight).

The truth is that we are not in danger when fighting with our partner. 

Fighting or fleeing doesn’t protect us, it only makes problems worse. 

In an argument with our partner, fighting would look like getting angry or shouting. Fleeing would look like shutting down or wanting to isolate until it ‘blows over’.

Neither of these reactions are helpful in resolving the underlying issues that lead to conflict in the first place. 

We can’t listen to each other when we are in flight/flight mode.

If we can’t listen, we can’t understand their perspective, or come up with solutions together. 

Here’s how to overcome the fight/flight response during an argument: 

1️⃣ Pause and take a few deep breaths. 

This is a ‘pattern interrupt’ that calms your nervous system. 

Say “We’re on the same team. I love you & I want to hear & understand you.” 

Fight/Flight gets activated when you feel like opponents. 

2️⃣ Take space for 5-10mins

If you’re going round in circles, or unable to speak without interrupting each other, take a short break. 

Agree on what time you will return, and use the break to think about how you can communicate more clearly.

Fight/Flight gets activated when we feel unheard. 

3️⃣ Reconnect physically 

It might seem counterintuitive, but holding hands or having a 5 second hug will remind you of the love you share.

Fight/Flight gets activated when we feel disconnected.

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Our clients Eddie & Sarah share how easy & effortless change was with NLP + TimeLine Therapy

Eddie:Some small part of me, when I was seeing the process in the early sessions, was like - this cannot be this easy!? It can't, it won't stick! But…it's pretty sticky!”

Sarah: “I would agree. When you know something is your trigger, after doing this work with you guys, it removes the charge from it. A trigger came up afterwards, and then I just remember thinking, wow, normally I would be a lot more frustrated right now and it doesn't feel that heavy! And then I was just able to say how I felt and it just came out so effortlessly!”

Eddie: “Yeah, the first time that happened, I thought you were trying to punk me! I was waiting for an aftershock 🤣”

Sarah: “Yeah, clearing out those limiting beliefs and reprogramming just changes you.”

These two have both done a lot of traditional therapy, so the fast pace of change inside our container was almost unbelievable to them at first. Eddie even thought Sarah was punking him at one point 🤣

Want to experience how easy & effortlessly YOU can resolve those old & tired issues you’ve been dealing with in your relationship? 

Or do you feel like you have a good relationship but you KNOW it can be even better? 

➡️💣 The truth is that time is the greatest enemy to your relationship health and happiness. Problems get worse, not better, with time 💣⬅️

Speeding up the process to get you experiencing the love, passion & connection you want is the very best investment you can make. 

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One of the biggest challenges busy couples have is finding time for their intimacy. 

A common belief is that to be intimate requires a lot of time. 

Thanks to what we’re shown in movies, we often imagine that getting the romance back must involve elaborate dates. Like rose petals strewn down the hallway, hundreds of lit candles, and champagne on ice…

While experiences like this can be magical & beautiful, they are not practical for every day.

Often, the real challenge to intimacy isn't the lack of time, it's how we think about our time. 

We tell ourselves we're too busy, which can make it feel true & lead to a feeling of overwhelm.

The truth is that you can strengthen the connection with your partner through small and consistent moments of intimacy.

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TimeLine Therapy works insanely faster than traditional therapy in healing relationship issues

Here’s how 👇

Healing a relationship issue with traditional therapy = 15 to 30 MONTHS

Healing a relationship issue with TimeLine Therapy = 10 to 20 MINUTES

Traditionally, we are told that healing HAS TO move through 4 stages.

*SPOILER ALERT* It doesn’t…

😴  Stage 1: Unconsciously Incompetent

At the beginning of a relationship, everything feels easy & fun. This is because you aren’t aware that you lack the skills or tools to handle the issues that will inevitably arise later in your relationship. 

🤯  Stage 2: Consciously Incompetent 

After the ‘Honeymoon Phase’, you realize there are problems in the relationship. But you don’t know how to overcome them. You may feel confused, and even question the relationship. 

This is the stage where couples seek therapy to deal with their issues. 

🥵  Stage 3: Consciously Competent

In traditional therapy, you learn new skills and tools to deal with the issues, but because only 5% of your thoughts, feelings & the resulting behaviors are conscious, it takes a lot of effort to change. 

Many couples give up during this stage. It takes so long that they lose hope that lasting change is really possible. 

☺️  Stage 4: Unconsciously Competent 

In traditional therapy, you create new neural pathways in your brain by continuously repeating healthy behaviors over a long time. 

Once those pathways are formed you no longer have to TRY to be different. You automatically respond healthily. Your relationship becomes fun & easy again. 

This is why the BEST results from traditional therapy are achieved when couples commit to regular therapy for many years.

TimeLine Therapy is different because you jump straight from stage 2 to stage 4.

🎉 You get to skip all the hard work required in Stage 3, because we work directly with your unconscious mind to RAPIDLY create those new neural 🧬 pathways.

Your unconscious 🧠 mind is where 95% of your thoughts, feelings & behaviors come from.

🔑 Because we are bypassing the conscious mind, change happens in MINUTES rather than the months or years it takes in traditional therapy.

Imagine how long it would take to get to your destination if you could only drive at 5% of the speed limit 🤬

That’s what traditional therapy is like. You’ll probably get there eventually, but it’s going to be a slow & frustrating journey.

Now imagine how different the drive would be going at full speed 🤩

That’s what TimeLine Therapy allows you to do. The journey becomes fast & easy.

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5 Surprising Things Killing Your Intimacy

1️⃣ Making your Partner your Bestie

Passion is created through MYSTERY. Remember in the beginning when everything felt exciting? 

If you want that back, you need to spend LESS time together 🤯. Give yourselves a chance to miss each other & that 🔥 will be back on tap 🫦

2️⃣ Initiating $.e.x

When you’re doing it out of obligation rather than desire. It’s going to lead to you resenting your partner 🙄 + they’ll feel it & that’s a MAJOR turn-off 🤮 for them, too. 

Instead, address the underlying unmet needs that have put the fire out. 

3️⃣ Not Arguing Enough

Sweeping 🧹 everything under the rug for the sake of harmony leads to disconnection 😔. 

If you want the passion back, you’re going to need to grow a backbone & fight for it (sorry, not sorry 😝)

4️⃣ Quickies

The MacDonalds 🍟 of $.e.x is great once in a while, but if that’s all you’re doing you can’t expect to be nourished 🤷‍♀️. 

Increase your stamina 💪 & feed your relationship what it needs 🥩 to be fit & healthy with plenty of foreplay 😋. 

5️⃣ Making IG your Relationship Coach

Don’t get us wrong, we’re happy you’re here! This is a great first step 🎉 . But if you think having a few ‘Aha’ moments scrolling social media is enough to solve your relationship issues, it isn’t 😅. 

Anyone you see with a truly happy & healthy relationship has invested in support to turn those aha moments into real & lasting change. Period. 

#IntimacyTips #RelationshipGoals #LoveAdvice #MarriageMatters #CoupleChallenges #HealthyRelationships #RelationshipAdvice #PassionInLove #CoupleTherapy #ReignitePassion

How to get your needs met in 3 easy steps:

1️⃣ Get clear on exactly what your unmet needs are. 

Writing ✍️ them down can be helpful. 

2️⃣ Take ownership for how you’ve contributed to these needs going unmet. 

Eg. We often hear from couples that they’ve been avoiding these issues because they don’t want to fight.

And / or that both partners believe the other doesn’t care to meet their needs, which leads to resentment and withholding. 

What we discover when we dig deeper is that these behaviors and beliefs were learned 🧬🧠 through their childhood or past relationships.

3️⃣ Show your partner how they can win 🥇 with you. 

Give them clear examples of what you need. 

Eg. If it’s more appreciation - tell them exactly what that means to you. Perhaps it’s hearing a thank you or spending more quality time together? 

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5 things Every Woman Wants To Hear From Her Husband

1️⃣ ”I love you”

This shows her that you cherish her & care to protect her heart.

2️⃣ “I appreciate you”

This affirms that you see and value her contributions to your relationship.

3️⃣ “You are my Queen”

This validates that you hold her as the most important person in your life.

4️⃣ “You inspire me”

This affirms that you honor her wisdom & feel supported by her.

5️⃣ “I support you”

This has her feel safe because it tells her that you believe in her & desire to provide for her.

#RelationshipInsights #HealthyRelationships #CommunicationKeys #LoveLanguages #SupportivePartners #RelationshipGrowth #marriagecoach #healthycommunicationtips #relationshipsupport 

How to Heal your Anxious Attachment & Feel Safe in your Relationship

I'm answering this question about Anxious Attachment, she says: 

“I often don't feel safe in my relationship because I have these thoughts telling me that I'm going to get left at some point. I've learned how to deal with it, but they appear often.”

The first thing is to understand is why you are scared of being abandoned. 

This is probably due to an underlying belief that you're unlovable or unworthy.

This belief could come from your childhood, it might have been passed down through your family, it could even come from a past life. 

The second thing is that you have noticed that being consciously aware of your thoughts doesn't solve the problem. 

This is because the belief is buried deep down inside you in your unconscious mind. 

This is where 95% of your thoughts feelings and actions actually come from. 

The only way to be clear of your Anxious Attachment is to get rid of the unconscious belief. 

Once you do this, you'll feel secure in your relationship and those worrying thoughts will go away. 

Now, this process could take years or with TimeLine therapy, about 10 minutes!

If only everyone understood how easy healing can be…

IDK about you, but I’ve done enough hard in my life to let it be easy now 🤷‍♀️

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5 things Every Man Wants to Hear From His Wife

1️⃣ “I feel so safe with you”

This affirms that you see him as a strong man who provides a stable & secure environment for your relationship to flourish.

2️⃣ “I trust you”

This validates that you see him as a man of integrity.

3️⃣ “Thank you”

This indicates that you appreciate him & his efforts.

4️⃣ “I see how much you’re doing for us”

This affirms that his hard work is valued and noticed by you.

5️⃣ “I want you”

This has him feel virile and masculine.

#RelationshipInsights #HealthyRelationships #CommunicationKeys #LoveLanguages #SupportivePartners #RelationshipGrowth #marriagecoach #healthycommunicationtips #relationshipsupport 

How to INSTANTLY stop an argument (without compromising or apologizing)

Meet your partner with openness & curiosity

Here’s what we mean ⬇️

1️⃣ Actively Listen

Your partner expresses frustration about feeling overburdened with household chores. 

Instead of defending yourself, say: 

"It sounds like you're feeling really overwhelmed with everything on your plate. What can I do to help lighten the load?"

2️⃣ Ask Open-Ended Questions

There’s tension because your partner spends a lot of time on their phone during meal times. 

Gently inquire: 

"I've noticed you've been on your phone a lot during our meals. Is everything okay? Is there something on your mind?"

3️⃣ Reflect Back What You've Heard

An argument arises from a misunderstanding about plans with friends. 

Calmly say: 

"Let me make sure I understand. You’re upset because you thought we agreed to stay in tonight, right? What can we do to make this work for both of us?”

4️⃣ Seek to Understand Their Perspective

There’s disagreement on financial priorities. 

Approach with: 

"I see we have different views on our budget. Can you explain your perspective? I want to understand what’s important to you."

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Jokes about your partner are a form of Judgment 🤯

Here’s what we mean ⬇️

When we share a laugh WITH our partner, it can be a beautiful moment that brings us closer. 

However, not all jokes contribute to the health and happiness of a relationship. Sometimes, what we think of as light-hearted teasing can actually be a form of judgment that undermines our partner's feelings and self-esteem 🥺.

Example 1️⃣: Joking about Forgetfulness

Joke: "Oh look, the 'Forgetful Professor' has lost their keys again. How surprising!"

Underlying Judgment: Labelling your partner as scatterbrained not only highlights a flaw but also assigns a negative identity based on that flaw.

Example 2️⃣: Teasing about Cooking Skills

Joke: "Warning: Dinner prepared by the world's worst cook!"

Underlying Judgment: Suggesting your partner is incompetent leads your partner to feel undervalued.

Example 3️⃣: Comments on Spending Habits

Joke: "Here comes the bank's best friend, ready to make another donation!"

Underlying Judgment: Suggesting that your partner makes bad financial decisions impacts their confidence and creates further tension around financial matters in your relationship.

In each of these examples, the joke on the surface might seem light and humorous, but the essence of the joke carries a judgment about your partner's actions, habits, or characteristics. 

Over time, these judgments, even made in jest, can accumulate and erode the foundation of trust, respect, and admiration that healthy relationships are built on.

The key is to find humor in shared experiences and joys, rather than in each other's shortcomings. 

Laughter should bring you together, make you feel loved and accepted for who you are—flaws and all—without feeling judged or ridiculed. 

By being mindful of the impact our words have, even in jest, we can foster a more supportive, understanding, and deeply connected relationship.

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“I’m curious about NLP but I don’t want to go back into my trauma - is that what this is?”

Imagine if you were a kid, and you almost drowned in the swimming pool. Now you have a fear of water.

Going back into your trauma would be like throwing you back into the pool again, and having you relive that experience.

That’s NOT what NLP is.

Instead, we guide you to observe that moment happening from the outside. Rather than being IN the pool, you’re watching it happen as if it were a scene from a movie.

This allows you to see the moment of impact, rather than feel it, so you remain calm and safe throughout the experience. Which releases the trauma attached to that moment.

When you revisit the moment in a relaxed emotional state, you’re able to identify the positive learnings and dissolve the negative beliefs.

Then the memories of that moment become neutral & no longer affect your life. You feel at peace with the past & you’re free of the trauma forever.

This is how NLP works.

With our NLP techniques, we help you permanently clear a trauma (even one you’ve held for lifetimes) in as little as 10-20 mins 🤯

If we’ve learned anything on our journey, it’s that healing is as hard or easy as you choose to make it. The key is to have the right tools for the job. 

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Sophia Analyze Married To Medicine: Dr G & Quad

Dr. G has asked Quad for specific examples of how to show her appreciation. 

The first mistake is how he asked her. 

Did you notice his combative energy? 

Now, while his frustration is totally understandable, imagine how much better that interaction would have gone if instead he had asked her like this:

“I understand that you want to feel more appreciation, and I want to give back to you. But I'm confused how to do that. Can you please give me some examples?”


The second mistake is the way that Quad responded to him. 

Instead of telling him what she wants, she told him what he isn't doing. This is also combative because it's not actually answering the question that he asked. 

A better answer would be to say; “When you call me on the way home from work, I feel so appreciated. I'd love for you to do that every day.”

How to get your needs met in 3 easy steps:

1️⃣ Get clear on exactly what your unmet needs are. 

Writing ✍️ them down can be helpful. 

2️⃣ Take ownership for how you’ve contributed to these needs going unmet. 

We often hear from couples that they’ve been avoiding these issues because they don’t want to fight.

And / or that both partners believe the other doesn’t care to meet their needs, which leads to resentment and withholding. 

What we discover when we dig deeper is that these behaviors and beliefs were learned 🧬🧠 through their childhood or past relationships.

3️⃣ Show your partner how they can win 🥇 with you. 

Give them clear examples of what you need. 

Eg. If it’s more appreciation - tell them exactly what that means to you. Perhaps it’s hearing a thank you or spending more quality time together? 

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How to INSTANTLY stop an argument

Meet your partner with openness & curiosity

Here’s what we mean ⬇️

1️⃣ Actively Listen

Your partner expresses frustration about feeling overburdened with household chores. 

Instead of defending yourself, say: 

"It sounds like you're feeling really overwhelmed with everything on your plate. What can I do to help lighten the load?"

2️⃣ Ask Open-Ended Questions

There’s tension because your partner spends a lot of time on their phone during meal times. 

Gently inquire: 

"I've noticed you've been on your phone a lot during our meals. Is everything okay? Is there something on your mind?"

3️⃣ Reflect Back What You've Heard

An argument arises from a misunderstanding about plans with friends. 

Calmly say: 

"Let me make sure I understand. You’re upset because you thought we agreed to stay in tonight, right? What can we do to make this work for both of us?”

4️⃣ Seek to Understand Their Perspective

There’s disagreement on financial priorities. 

Approach with: 

"I see we have different views on our budget. Can you explain your perspective? I want to understand what’s important to you."

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Sophia Analyzes Married To Medicine: Dr Simone & Cecil

In this video, Sophia highlights the 3 problems threatening divorce (when you don't mean it) create in your marriage.

❌ Problem 1 - She’s said she wants a divorce so many times, that she's convinced herself that that's what she wants. 

 ❌ Problem 2 -  Because divorce has been an empty threat in the past, he's not taking it seriously that things need to change. 

❌ Problem 3 - Threatening divorce erodes trust. He hears that she is not committed to working through their relationship issues together. And so he thinks, “What's the point in doing anything? She is not committed. So why should I be?” 

A better approach to handling your relationship problems is this: 

1️⃣ Make an effort to understand your partner's feelings and validate their experiences, even when yours are different.

2️⃣ Get curious about how your own attitudes and behaviors may have contributed to relationship problems. 

3️⃣ Focus on finding solutions together rather than resorting to ultimatums or threats. 

4️⃣ Follow us for more examples and tips just like this.

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“Marriage is hard”

1️⃣ You’re still fighting about the same things you were months ago (or longer)

Over time, old mistakes and unmet needs build up, leading to resentment. If you struggle to talk things out and solve problems together, things can get even tougher. 

With outside support, you’ll gain new tools and strategies to break this cycle and address the underlying issues. 

2️⃣ You’re growing further apart

As your life and responsibilities have changed and evolved, so have you (and your partner). This happens slowly over time and you may not have noticed how far apart you’ve grown until recently. 

Getting support will help you see your blind spots, reconnect and rediscover shared interests. 

3️⃣ Your intimacy isn’t what it used to be 

We’re here to let you know that your intimacy can actually get BETTER with time. Changes in desire levels and satisfaction are often a symptom of deeper issues, like unresolved conflicts, emotional distance, or unmet needs. Ignoring these issues puts further strain on your relationship. 

Seeking support will allow you to address underlying issues and reignite passion and intimacy.

You’re ’too busy’ to work on your relationship

When faced with problems in your relationship, it’s tempting to distract yourself with work, family, friends or outside interests. Continuously putting other priorities ahead of your relationship leads to feelings of neglect, resentment, and dissatisfaction. 

Hiring support and having a weekly session together will provide you with the structure and accountability you need to get back into the habit of prioritizing each other. 

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We Analyze Love Is Blind: Chelsea & Jimmy

Chelsea is feeling insecure in her relationship with Jimmy. 

She's carrying the story that he never kisses he, and he never tells her that he loves her, which we see is false. 

Because she has that story, she's constantly asking him for reassurance. 

And no matter how many times he tells her he loves her, she doesn't believe it. 

This is pushing him away, because if a man doesn't feel like you are receiving what he's saying, he's going to feel like he can't win with you. It’s starting to really turn him off. 

This perpetuates the belief that her partners don't love her as much as she loves them. 

What Gabriel and I would do if we were working with this couple is:

1️⃣ We would be utilizing TimeLine Therapy to help Chelsea clear these limiting beliefs that she's not lovable, and that the love that she gives is never reciprocated. 

2️⃣ We would also introduce them both to some better communication tools so that they can navigate conflict more easily.


1️⃣ Use "I" Statements 

Instead of saying “You’ve been a little clingy”, Jimmy could say "I've missed having some alone time recently. Can we find a balance that works for both of us?"

Instead of saying “You never kiss me or tell me you love me”, Chelsea could say “I’m feeling insecure in our relationship, can you please give me a hug and a kiss right now? That will help me feel more connected”

2️⃣ Take Breaks

Both Jimmy and Chelsea are in a heightened emotional state and are not listening to each other or communicating their needs clearly. A short break would allow them to cool down before continuing the conversation

3️⃣ Remember You’re a Team

Jimmy and Chelsea are focused on winning the fight by making the other person wrong. They both have valid needs and desires. Working together to find a solution that balances togetherness and independence would be a win-win and have them both feel validated. 

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TimeLine Therapy Explained in Under 60 Seconds

A lot of people ask us, what exactly is TimeLine Therapy? 

You know how when we're kids, and something happens in our life, and we form a meaning around it?

For example:

I’m singing in my bedroom, and my mother tells me to shut up. 

Now I adopt this belief that I'm a terrible singer, and nobody wants to hear my voice. 

Then when I get older, I struggle to speak up for what I want in my relationship and end up resentful. 

What timeline therapy does is it allows us to go back to that moment and change what it meant, so that we can let go of that insecurity. 

It also eliminates all of the moments that happened after that, that reinforced that belief. 

So it's no longer something you believe about yourself. 

Can you imagine, if somebody were to let go of that belief, how it would change their life moving forward? 

That's what we do inside of TimeLine Therapy.

TimeLine Therapy is one of the powerful 💪 tools that saved our marriage. 

It’s so fast & effective that we were able to heal our marriage, after struggling for years, in a matter of months 🤯. 

How? It reprograms 🧬 your unconscious mind, which controls 95% of your thoughts, feelings, beliefs & behaviors. 

This makes change quick & easy 🔥. 

We believe your marriage should be about growth 🌱, not struggle. That’s why TimeLine Therapy is one of the key tools we support our clients with. 

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Q&A: Will Opening Up Your Relationship Bring You Closer?

Early in our relationship, Gabriel expressed the desire to explore threesomes.

My initial reaction was fear - 

💔 What if we opened our relationship & then he left me for another woman? 

💔 Would we just be inviting messiness & drama into our dynamic?

Regardless, I opened myself up to exploring the idea because I didn’t want to make a decision based in fear. 

I wanted us to make the decision together, based on what was in alignment with OUR relationship. 

To do that, we needed to get to the deeper ‘why’.

First, I searched deep within myself.

Then, I asked Gabriel these questions:

🔦  What appeals to you about it?

🔦 What do you believe it will give you, that you feel is currently missing?

🔦 What would be different about how you feel about yourself, if we do this?

When we got to the deeper ‘why’ we uncovered limiting beliefs that Gabriel held, ultimately realizing that opening our relationship was not the solution. 

The solution was to clear the limiting beliefs.

❤️ In keeping our container monogamous, we have discovered how to create newness & excitement from a foundation of safety & depth. 

❤️ We’ve also found that the simplicity of ‘just us’ freed up our energy and attention, so that we could focus more on co-creation rather than clean-up. 

Monogamy is not without its challenges, but it works for us. 

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Real Couple: Still Fighting 3 Years into Therapy - Why Is This?

We got this question from this couple who said “we've been going to therapy for three years and we're still fighting about the same things. Why is this?”

This is because therapy works with your conscious mind. 

Your conscious mind only makes up 5% of what you think, feel, believe, and therefore, the actions you take.

The rest, the other 95%, is unconscious. 

Right now what's happening is your unconscious mind and your conscious mind are fighting each other, just like you guys, and that makes progress slow and hard. 

Now, I want you to imagine for a moment how much quicker and easier it would be if you were to change:

The small part that you're aware of (the 5%) 


The big part that you're not aware of (the 95%).

This way, all of your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and therefore actions would be working together to create the marriage that you want.

We’re sure the question you're asking is “Well, how do I access the 95%?”

We do that with Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) + TimeLine Therapy

NLP + TimeLine Therapy are a set of tools that help you:

1️⃣ Access what’s currently hidden in your Unconscious Mind 

The Result 🎉: You understand WHY the same problems keep coming up.

Eg. In the scenario this couple is experiencing - perhaps your childhood is influencing how you handle conflict (maybe parents fighting) or you may have a history in relationships of feeling unheard.

2️⃣ Reprogram unhelpful thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and behaviors 

The Result 🎉: You break free from those frustrating cycles & it becomes easy to make the change you want in your marriage.

Eg. Reprogramming the limiting belief that your partner doesn’t care what you think/feel, and replacing it with the belief that they WANT to understand you (they do!). 

With this new belief, you’ll trust that when a disagreement comes up you’ll be able to work through it together, and you’ll feel calmer as a result. 

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One Simple Marriage Tip: The Power of Appreciation in Marriage

Forget to appreciate your partner for the little things?

When you have a lot on your plate & checking off your to-do list is a feat in itself, appreciation for the little things often gets forgotten.

You make a big deal over your partner at holidays and birthdays, hoping to make up for the rest of the year.

This eats away at your connection. Eventually, the spark dies. 

Sharing little appreciations regularly take less time than you might think, and go a long way with your partner:

❤️ Saying ‘Thank you’ when they take out the trash

❤️ Complimenting their outfit when you go out to dinner

❤️ Giving them a quick kiss as you pass in the hallway

❤️ Writing ‘I love you, you’re amazing!’ on a sticky note & leaving it on the fridge

❤️ Asking how their day went, and telling them they’re doing a great job!

🎙️This clip is an excerpt from the 5th episode of The Marriage Success Podcast, titled: 5 Simple Ways to Keep The Spark Alive for Busy Couples.

In this episode, we:

🙏 Discuss the importance of expressing gratitude and appreciation. 

🔥 Share why scheduling intimacy keeps the spark alive. 

❤️ Dive into the 5 Love Languages and how to show love to your partner in their love language. 

✅ Give you a simple step-by-step process for how to have a weekly relationship check-in. 

🌱Stress the importance of remaining curious about your partner, and how to support each other’s personal growth. 

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Marriage Advice: Clear Baggae For Lasting Love

Feeling distant from your Partner? 

Examples of Unresolved Issues that Build a Wall between You & Kill the Spark:

🫣 Deep-seated beliefs that sex is shameful.

🤫 The belief that talking about things will make them worse

☹️ Discomfort with expressing emotions

😡 Resentment over unmet needs

🤯 The belief that your job is to make everyone else happy

😳 Fear of confrontation

🧬 These issues may stem from learned behaviors from your parents - their dynamic &how you were raised. 

🧬 They may go back further, having been passed down through the generations

🧬 They may even come from past lives (yep, you heard that right).

🧬 They may be buried in your unconscious. Our unconscious 🧠 mind rules 95% of what we think, feel & how we act. Simply bringing conscious awareness to our patterns isn’t enough to shift them.

🔑 Whatever the root cause, it is critical to clear these issues at the unconscious level. That’s exactly what we help you do, with our powerful & effective toolset of TimeLine Therapy & NLP.

The result? You feel happier, more relaxed & fulfilled & the spark 🔥 between you is reignited. 

To find out more about our Marriage 🏆Success Coaching offers visit our HOME page

🎙️This clip is an excerpt from the 5th episode of The Marriage Success Podcast: 5 Simple Ways to Keep The Spark Alive for Busy Couples.

In this episode, we:

🙏 Discuss the importance of expressing gratitude and appreciation. 

🔥 Share why scheduling intimacy keeps the spark alive. 

❤️ Dive into the 5 Love Languages and how to show love to your partner in their love language. 

✅ Give you a simple step-by-step process for how to have a weekly relationship check-in. 

🌱Stress the importance of remaining curious about your partner, and how to support each other’s personal growth. 

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One Quick Marriage Tip: How to Make Your Partner Feel Loved

Feeling unappreciated in your marriage? Or does YOUR Partner feel unappreciated?

We often express love in the way we want to receive it. 

But what often happens is we ‘miss’ each other. Left feeling unappreciated because we don’t recognize all the ways our partner is trying to love us. 

And vice versa. 

🛠️ If your partner’s love language is ‘acts of service’, they’ll show you love by doing things for you - like the dishes or your Amazon returns. 

🎁 If your love language is ‘gifts’, their service will feel less special than when you buy them that purse you’ve had your eye on.

🗣️If your love language is ‘words of affirmation’ you’ll be pouring your heart out to your partner. Telling them how amazing or attractive they are regularly. 

🔥 But if your partner’s love language is ‘physical touch’, your words might roll off their back. They’re wishing for more intimate time with you, or that you’d hold their hand when you walk down the street. 

💞 If your love language is ‘quality time’ you’ll find it difficult to accept your partner’s long work hours. Even if they’re doing it to provide for you & your family. 

Marriage is an opportunity to learn & communicate each other's love language. In doing so, you reignite the spark.

🎙️This clip is an excerpt from the 5th episode of The Marriage Success Podcast, titled: 5 Simple Ways to Keep The Spark Alive for Busy Couples.

In this episode, we:

🙏 Discuss the importance of expressing gratitude and appreciation. 

🔥 Share why scheduling intimacy keeps the spark alive. 

❤️ Dive into the 5 Love Languages and how to show love to your partner in their love language. 

✅ Give you a simple step-by-step process for how to have a weekly relationship check-in. 

🌱Stress the importance of remaining curious about your partner, and how to support each other’s personal growth. 

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How to Keep The Spark Alive in a Long-Term Relationship

Couples: Feeling bored in your marriage?

Boredom is a common complaint amongst long-term couples. 

We get it.

You’ve been with them for years, you know them like the back of your hand, right? 

Maybe. But probably not.

Your partner is always growing and evolving (just like you are). You’re not who you were when you first started dating, and neither are they. 

That’s a good thing!

Curiosity could look like asking:

“What’s exciting you right now?”

“What goals would you like to accomplish in 2024?”

“What’s something you’d love me to know about who you are today?”

“What’s a dream you have that we can fulfill together?”

🎙️This clip is an excerpt from the 5th episode of The Marriage Success Podcast, titled: 5 Simple Ways to Keep The Spark Alive for Busy Couples.

In this episode, we:

🙏 Discuss the importance of expressing gratitude and appreciation. 

🔥 Share why scheduling intimacy keeps the spark alive. 

❤️ Dive into the 5 Love Languages and how to show love to your partner in their love language. 

✅ Give you a simple step-by-step process for how to have a weekly relationship check-in. 

🌱Stress the importance of remaining curious about your partner, and how to support each other’s personal growth. 

Watch it on YouTube

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One Simple Way to Keep The Spark Alive for Busy Couples

Missing the Excitement you had in The Beginning?

The spark dies when you take your partner (and all they do for you & your marriage) for granted. 

Over the years, all the little ways they show up become the baseline of your marriage.

You EXPECT it, so you forget to APPRECIATE it. 

Gratitude and appreciation are simple to do but easy to forget.

If you want to reignite the spark:

1️⃣ Make a list of all the big & small ways your partner shows up for you + your marriage. 

2️⃣ FEEL how SPECIAL they are + how BLESSED you are

3️⃣ Share your gratitude & appreciation with your partner

🎙️This clip is an excerpt from the 5th episode of The Marriage Success Podcast, titled: 5 Simple Ways to Keep The Spark Alive for Busy Couples.

In this episode, we:

🙏 Discuss the importance of expressing gratitude and appreciation. 

🔥 Share why scheduling intimacy keeps the spark alive. 

❤️ Dive into the 5 Love Languages and how to show love to your partner in their love language. 

✅ Give you a simple step-by-step process for how to have a weekly relationship check-in. 

🌱Stress the importance of remaining curious about your partner, and how to support each other’s personal growth. 

Watch it on YouTube

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Listen on Spotify 

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How Understanding the 5 Love Languages Keeps the Spark Alive

Does your partner complain they don’t feel loved even though you’re doing your best?

Too many couples assume their partner feels loved in the same way they do. 

This leads to dissatisfaction. 

The best way to combat this is to have a conversation with your partner about their preferences. 


“I want to make sure you feel loved in the ways you desire. What makes you feel most loved?”

“Do you prefer me to SHOW you love through my actions, or TELL you I love you?”

“If action is more important, what specific ways would have you feel most loved?”

“I prefer to be shown love in X way, what about you?”

The 5 Love Languages are:

🎁 Gifts - SHOW them with thoughtful gifts

💞 Quality Time - SHOW them you value spending time with them

🔥 Physical Touch - SHOW them through intimacy & physical affection

🗣️Words of Affirmation - TELL them you love them often!

🛠️ Acts of Service - SHOW them by making their life easier

🎙️This clip is an excerpt from the 5th episode of The Marriage Success Podcast, titled: 5 Simple Ways to Keep The Spark Alive for Busy Couples.

In this episode, we:

🙏 Discuss the importance of expressing gratitude and appreciation. 

🔥 Share why scheduling intimacy keeps the spark alive. 

❤️ Dive into the 5 Love Languages and how to show love to your partner in their love language. 

✅ Give you a simple step-by-step process for how to have a weekly relationship check-in. 

🌱Stress the importance of remaining curious about your partner, and how to support each other’s personal growth. 

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#LoveLanguages #SpeakTheirHeart #DeepenConnection #RelationshipAdvice #LoveAndAppreciation #SparkAlive #MarriageSuccess #QualityTime #PhysicalTouch #WordsOfAffirmation #ActsOfService #GiftsOfLove #ExpressYourLove #MarriagePodcast #RelationshipCheckIn #CuriousAboutYourPartner #PersonalGrowth #ShowYourLove #RelationshipGoals #LoveAndConnection #HealthyRelationships #LoveAndDesire #MarriageTips #MarriageAdvice #BetterIntimacy #IntimacyInMarriage #HealthyMarriage #RelationshipGoals #IntimateConnection #LovePodcast #CreateTheMood #UltimateIntimacy #BedroomConnection #MarriageHappiness #LoveAndPassion #IntimateGuide #FulfillingLove

The 5 Love Languages Explained: How to Speak to Their Heart

Are you speaking to your partner in their love language?

Understanding the 5 Love Languages can go such a long way in deepening your connection. 

How to show love to your partner depending on their love language (they could have multiple!):

🎁 Gifts - Buy flowers, surprise them with a romantic weekend away (with every detail taken care of by you), buy them their favorite snacks & arrange them in their office. Gifts don’t need to be expensive - it’s the thought that counts! 

💞 Quality Time - Initiate deep conversations, go out on a fun dinner date, plan Sunday mornings in bed together, go for a hike. 

🔥 Physical Touch - Kiss, cuddle, hold their hand when you go out together, plan an intimacy date just the way they like it, dance together, graze your hand over their back as you pass them in the kitchen. 

🗣️Words of Affirmation - Tell them what you love & admire about them, leave them love notes around the house or on the fridge, send them sweet or $ xy texts throughout the day. 

🛠️ Acts of Service - Take the trash out, cook them a delicious meal, run an errand for them because they’re busy & you want to take something off their plate, order the takeout. 

🎙️This clip is an excerpt from the 5th episode of The Marriage Success Podcast, titled: 5 Simple Ways to Keep The Spark Alive for Busy Couples.

In this episode, we:

🙏 Discuss the importance of expressing gratitude and appreciation. 

🔥 Share why scheduling intimacy keeps the spark alive. 

❤️ Dive into the 5 Love Languages and how to show love to your partner in their love language. 

✅ Give you a simple step-by-step process for how to have a weekly relationship check-in. 

🌱Stress the importance of remaining curious about your partner, and how to support each other’s personal growth. 

Watch it on YouTube

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#LoveLanguages #SpeakTheirHeart #DeepenConnection #RelationshipAdvice #LoveAndAppreciation #SparkAlive #MarriageSuccess #QualityTime #PhysicalTouch #WordsOfAffirmation #ActsOfService #GiftsOfLove #ExpressYourLove #MarriagePodcast #RelationshipCheckIn #CuriousAboutYourPartner #PersonalGrowth #ShowYourLove #RelationshipGoals #LoveAndConnection #HealthyRelationships #LoveAndDesire #MarriageTips #MarriageAdvice #BetterIntimacy #IntimacyInMarriage #HealthyMarriage #RelationshipGoals #IntimateConnection #LovePodcast #CreateTheMood #UltimateIntimacy #BedroomConnection #MarriageHappiness #LoveAndPassion #IntimateGuide #FulfillingLove

Vulnerability hangover? How to Reconnect with your Partner

Many people share how too much talking kills the polarity…and it can. 

But talking & sharing is also essential to a deeply fulfilling marriage (and love life). 

This is why we recommend reconnecting physically afterward. 

🔑 Even if you don’t feel like it, don’t miss this step.

It allows you both to transition from a cerebral 🧠 space, back into your bodies as you harmonize your Nervous Systems 💞 

When the NS is relaxed, the juicy energy can flow again between you 💦

🎙️This clip is an excerpt from the 4th episode of The Marriage Success Podcast, titled, How to Have Better Sex: A Simple Step-By-Step Guide.

In this episode, we give you:

🔥 A simple step-by-step guide to more fulfilling intimacy in the bedroom.

❤️ Tips on how to prepare the right environment (and yourselves) for a deeper & more satisfying connection

🏆 Advice on how to share vulnerably with each other, show appreciation & express desires in a way that brings you closer.

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#Couples #FulfillingIntimacy #PassionInMarriage #MarriageSuccess #IntimacyTips #RealConnection #LoveAndDesire #SpiceUpYourMarriage #MarriagePodcast #RelationshipGoals #HealthyMarriage #MarriageAdvice #IntimateMoments #BedroomConnection #MarriageHappiness #LoveAndPassion #IntimacyGuide #AuthenticLove #FulfillingLove #HappyMarriage #MarriageCoaching #BetterSex

Couples! Feeling Dissatisfied in the bedroom? Why Sharing Your True Feelings Improved Your Love-Life

🎙️This clip is an excerpt from the 4th episode of The Marriage Success Podcast, titled, How to Have Better Sex: A Simple Step-By-Step Guide.

In this episode, we give you:

🔥 A simple step-by-step guide to more fulfilling intimacy in the bedroom.

❤️ Tips on how to prepare the right environment (and yourselves) for a deeper & more satisfying connection

🏆 Advice on how to share vulnerably with each other, show appreciation & express desires in a way that brings you closer.

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#Couples #FulfillingIntimacy #PassionInMarriage #MarriageSuccess #IntimacyTips #RealConnection #LoveAndDesire #SpiceUpYourMarriage #MarriagePodcast #RelationshipGoals #HealthyMarriage #MarriageAdvice #IntimateMoments #BedroomConnection #MarriageHappiness #LoveAndPassion #IntimacyGuide #AuthenticLove #FulfillingLove #HappyMarriage #MarriageCoaching #BetterSex

Couples! You need to know this: The Sneaky Heater Trick that Helps Her Climax

I couldn’t believe it when Gabriel shared his Sneaky Heater Trick! 🤣 It’s also kind of genius, so, you’re welcome 😉

In all seriousness though, Chinese medicine talks about when a woman is ‘damp’ aka cold down there 👇 (energetically, not physically), it makes it harder for her to reach the big O ⚡️

Why? Because Orgasms require the cultivation of the inner fire 🔥to heat up her frozen waters to boiling point. 

Therefore a cold room is a no-go if you want to get hot & steamy between the sheets.

🎙️This clip is an excerpt from the 4th episode of The Marriage Success Podcast, titled, How to Have Better Sex: A Simple Step-By-Step Guide.

In this episode, we give you:

🔥 A simple step-by-step guide to more fulfilling intimacy in the bedroom.

❤️ Tips on how to prepare the right environment (and yourselves) for a deeper & more satisfying connection

🏆 Advice on how to share vulnerably with each other, show appreciation & express desires in a way that brings you closer.

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#Couples #FulfillingIntimacy #BetterSex #PassionInMarriage #MarriageSuccess #IntimacyTips #RealConnection #LoveAndDesire #SpiceUpYourMarriage #MarriagePodcast #RelationshipGoals #HealthyMarriage #MarriageAdvice #IntimateMoments #BedroomConnection #MarriageHappiness #LoveAndPassion #IntimacyGuide #AuthenticLove

How to Share Desires for Deeper Connection with Your Spouse

Hesitant to share your desires? Worried about how they’ll be received?

Sharing desires is an important step in creating more fulfilling intimacy.

Whether your desire is sexual, or emotional, when you share, you bring down the wall between you

When sharing, especially if this is new to you, it’s important to not overwhelm your partner (or yourself). 

Go slow to build the resilience of your Nervous Systems. 

When the NS is overwhelmed, the body reacts by numbing. You check out & lose presence. This is your system’s way of protecting itself.

When your NS is relaxed, you’re able to be present. You feel more sensation in your connection. You’re more attuned to your partner. 

This leads to deeper & more satisfying sex.

🎙️This clip is an excerpt from the 4th episode of The Marriage Success Podcast, titled, How to Have Better Sex: A Simple Step-By-Step Guide.

In this episode, we give you:

🔥 A simple step-by-step guide to more fulfilling intimacy in the bedroom.

❤️ Tips on how to prepare the right environment (and yourselves) for a deeper & more satisfying connection

🏆 Advice on how to share vulnerably with each other, show appreciation & express desires in a way that brings you closer.

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#Couples #FulfillingIntimacy #BetterSex #PassionInMarriage #MarriageSuccess #IntimacyTips #RealConnection #LoveAndDesire #SpiceUpYourMarriage #MarriagePodcast #RelationshipGoals #HealthyMarriage #MarriageAdvice #IntimateMoments #BedroomConnection #MarriageHappiness #LoveAndPassion #IntimacyGuide #AuthenticLove

The Surprising Secret to Better Sex

Most people wear masks. That takes a lot of energy. 

It also closes you off from deeper intimacy. Which means that after the honeymoon phase, the passion dies. 

But it doesn’t have to. 

Passion 🔥 & fulfillment 💖 in the bedroom grow with time when you are able to be REAL with each other. 

🎙️This clip is an excerpt from the 4th episode of The Marriage Success Podcast, titled, How to Have Better Sex: A Simple Step-By-Step Guide.

In this episode, we give you:

🔥 A simple step-by-step guide to more fulfilling intimacy in the bedroom.

❤️ Tips on how to prepare the right environment (and yourselves) for a deeper & more satisfying connection

🏆 Advice on how to share vulnerably with each other, show appreciation & express desires in a way that brings you closer.

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#Couples #FulfillingIntimacy #BetterSex #PassionInMarriage #MarriageSuccess #IntimacyTips #RealConnection #LoveAndDesire #SpiceUpYourMarriage #MarriagePodcast #RelationshipGoals #HealthyMarriage #MarriageAdvice #IntimateMoments #BedroomConnection #MarriageHappiness #LoveAndPassion #IntimacyGuide #AuthenticLove

How to Share Vulnerably to Deepen Intimacy with Your Partner

The more you share your true thoughts, feelings & desires, the more deep & fulfilling your intimacy will get!

But what if your sharing starts a fight? 

It’s been our experience that when you share your truth without blaming or shaming your partner, it brings you closer. 

This means, using “i” statements, make it about what YOU feel about YOU. Not about what they’re doing wrong.

We go deeper into this, providing more examples in the latest episode of The Marriage Success Podcast, titled, How to Have Better Sex: A Simple Step-By-Step Guide.

Yes, good communication is essential to epic sex!

🎙️This clip is an excerpt from the episode. 

In this episode, we give you:

🔥 A simple step-by-step guide to more fulfilling intimacy in the bedroom.

❤️ Tips on how to prepare the right environment (and yourselves) for a deeper & more satisfying connection

🏆 Advice on how to share vulnerably with each other, show appreciation & express desires in a way that brings you closer.

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#IntimacyMatters #LoveAndConnection #HealthyRelationships #IntimateMoments #MarriageAdvice #BetterIntimacy #DeepeningLove #LoveAndDesire #IntimacyInMarriage #MarriagePodcast #RelationshipTips #HealthyMarriage #SpiceUpYourMarriage #CreateTheMood #UltimateIntimacy #BedroomConnection #MarriageHappiness #LoveAndPassion #IntimateGuide #FulfillingLove

2 Quick Tips for Better Sex

Do you feel the pressure to perform in sex or get to climax?

Pressure is a sure-fire way to kill the mood. Even if it starts off all hot and steamy - the minute you get in your head, it’s game over 😩

🔑 When you set the intention for your intimacy to be about deepening your connection, it takes the pressure off what it needs to look like. 

You stop trying to reach an explosive Orgasm and instead, get to relax 🫠 and enjoy the journey. 

🎙️This clip is an excerpt from the 4th episode of The Marriage Success Podcast, titled, How to Have Better Sex: A Simple Step-By-Step Guide.

In this episode, we give you:

🔥 A simple step-by-step guide to more fulfilling intimacy in the bedroom.

❤️ Tips on how to prepare the right environment (and yourselves) for a deeper & more satisfying connection

🏆 Advice on how to share vulnerably with each other, show appreciation & express desires in a way that brings you closer.

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#MarriageSuccess #IntimacyMatters #LoveAndConnection #HealthyRelationships #IntimateMoments #LongTermLove #RelationshipGoals #PassionAndDesire #MarriageAdvice #CouplesConnection #DeepeningIntimacy #LoveAndIntimacy #IntimacyInMarriage #MarriagePodcast #RelationshipTips #BetterSexLife #HealthyMarriage #VulnerabilityInLove #IntimateConnection #LovePodcast #IntimateLove #MarriageHappiness #IntimateTips #LoveAndDesire #RelationshipPodcast #FulfillingLove #RealLove

Wishing to get the spark back in your marriage? How to Create the Ultimate Bedroom Experience for Deeper Intimacy

One of the biggest mistakes couples make is waiting to GET in the mood. Instead, we recommend you SET the mood 🏆

When life gets busy, this is especially important. Your intimate connection is an essential part of a happy & fulfilling marriage. 

Without it, you’re basically roommates 😔

🎙️This clip is an excerpt from the 4th episode of The Marriage Success Podcast, titled, How to Have Better Sex: A Simple Step-By-Step Guide.

In this episode, we give you:

🔥 A simple step-by-step guide to more fulfilling intimacy in the bedroom.

❤️ Tips on how to prepare the right environment (and yourselves) for a deeper & more satisfying connection

🏆 Advice on how to share vulnerably with each other, show appreciation & express desires in a way that brings you closer.

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#MarriageSuccess #IntimacyMatters #LoveAndConnection #HealthyRelationships #IntimateMoments #LongTermLove #RelationshipGoals #PassionAndDesire #MarriageAdvice #CouplesConnection #DeepeningIntimacy #LoveAndIntimacy #IntimacyInMarriage #MarriagePodcast #RelationshipTips #BetterSexLife #HealthyMarriage #VulnerabilityInLove #IntimateConnection #LovePodcast #IntimateLove #MarriageHappiness #IntimateTips #LoveAndDesire #RelationshipPodcast #FulfillingLove #RealLove

Couples: Feeling Bored or Unsatisfied in the Bedroom? How to Unlock Deeper Love in 60 Seconds with Eye Gazing

Unfulfilling or boring sex is one of the major complaints of married couples (or couples in long-term relationships).

In long-term love, intimacy often falls to the wayside as the responsibilities of life (raising children, hitting career goals, household tasks) take over. 

Eye Gazing is a powerful tool I’ve been teaching couples for years. 

Couples of over 30 years together have told me they feel more connected & in love than they have since their honeymoon just after 60 seconds of eye gazing.

Try it today. 

🎙️This clip is an excerpt from the 4th episode of The Marriage Success Podcast, titled, How to Have Better Sex: A Simple Step-By-Step Guide.

In this episode, we give you:

🔥 A simple step-by-step guide to more fulfilling intimacy in the bedroom.

❤️ Tips on how to prepare the right environment (and yourselves) for a deeper & more satisfying connection

🏆 Advice on how to share vulnerably with each other, show appreciation & express desires in a way that brings you closer.

Watch it on YouTube

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#MarriageSuccess #IntimacyMatters #LoveAndConnection #HealthyRelationships #IntimateMoments #LongTermLove #RelationshipGoals #PassionAndDesire #MarriageAdvice #CouplesConnection #DeepeningIntimacy #LoveAndIntimacy #IntimacyInMarriage #MarriagePodcast #RelationshipTips #BetterSexLife #HealthyMarriage #VulnerabilityInLove #IntimateConnection #LovePodcast #IntimateLove #MarriageHappiness #IntimateTips #LoveAndDesire #RelationshipPodcast #FulfillingLove #RealLove

People-Pleasers: How to Communicate Wants & Needs in Your Marriage

If you tend towards people-pleasing, the very best thing you can do after receiving a request from your partner is TAKE SPACE.

You’ll immediately want to say yes, but it’s important for you to feel into what is true for you before you respond.

Once you have internal clarity, it will be much easier for you to have a constructive convo with your spouse. 

Want a step-by-step guide to improve your communication & come back together as a team?

1️⃣Download our FREE GUIDE “The Five Fatal Mistakes Most Married Couples Make & How to Avoid Them”

2️⃣Head to section 2 & follow the steps in our “Constructive Conflict Method”

🎙️This clip is an excerpt from the 3rd episode of The Marriage Success Podcast, titled, How to Improve Communication in Your Marriage: The Ultimate Honesty Hack.

In this episode, we:

🥇 Give you actionable tips on how to ask for what you want and navigate disagreements.

❤️ Provide advice about how to build trust and respect in your marriage.

🎁 Talk about how emotional baggage can get in the way of effective communication and provide resources to help with this.

💍 Share our personal marriage journey of overcoming the fear of rejection, common marriage misunderstandings, and people-pleasing tendencies.

The main focus of the episode is on how clarity, empathy, and fearlessly expressing your truth create a happy marriage.

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#MarriageAdvice #RelationshipTips #HonestCommunication #MarriageImprovement #TrustInMarriage #RelationshipGoals #MarriagePodcast #HealthyMarriage #EffectiveCommunication #HappyMarriage #RelationshipAdvice #MarriageCounseling #RelationshipPodcast #MarriageSuccess #RelationshipSkills #HonestyInMarriage #FearlessCommunication #MarriageTips #BuildingTrust #OpenCommunication #CouplesTherapy #FreeMarriageResource #MarriageCoaching #FreeMarriageTools #PeoplePleaser #PeoplePleasing

How to Avoid This Common Marriage Pitfall

One of the biggest reasons marriages break down is that there are too many assumptions and not enough communication.

The reality is that we are always growing & changing. You’re not the same person you were when you met your spouse & neither are they. 

if you don’t share your thoughts, feelings, needs & desires, you’ll gradually drift apart. 

Want a step-by-step guide to improve your communication & come back together as a team?

1️⃣Download our FREE GUIDE “The Five Fatal Mistakes Most Married Couples Make & How to Avoid Them”

2️⃣Head to section 2 & follow the steps in our “Constructive Conflict Method”

🎙️This clip is an excerpt from the 3rd episode of The Marriage Success Podcast, titled, How to Improve Communication in Your Marriage: The Ultimate Honesty Hack.

In this episode, we:

🥇 Give you actionable tips on how to ask for what you want and navigate disagreements.

❤️ Provide advice about how to build trust and respect in your marriage.

🎁 Talk about how emotional baggage can get in the way of effective communication and provide resources to help with this.

💍 Share our personal marriage journey of overcoming the fear of rejection, common marriage misunderstandings, and people-pleasing tendencies.

The main focus of the episode is on how clarity, empathy, and fearlessly expressing your truth create a happy marriage.

Watch it on YouTube

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#MarriageAdvice #RelationshipTips #HonestCommunication #MarriageImprovement #TrustInMarriage #RelationshipGoals #MarriagePodcast #HealthyMarriage #EffectiveCommunication #HappyMarriage #RelationshipAdvice #MarriageCounseling #RelationshipPodcast #MarriageSuccess #RelationshipSkills #HonestyInMarriage #FearlessCommunication #MarriageTips #CouplesTherapy #FreeMarriageResource #MarriageCoaching #FreeMarriageTools

The Scary Consequences of Avoiding Honest Communication

Even though having hard conversations can be scary, the alternative is much worse.

Trust me, I know what it’s like to suddenly realize you’ve grown so far apart that your spouse feels like a stranger. 

It’s because of this exact scenario that in my 2nd marriage, with Gabriel, we talk about EVERYTHING.

Nothing is off the table in our marriage. 

I’ve discovered that having those hard conversations has brought us closer, and is one of the key ingredients to the success of our marriage. 

Want a step-by-step guide that makes hard conversations easier?

1️⃣Download our FREE GUIDE “The Five Fatal Mistakes Most Married Couples Make & How to Avoid Them”

2️⃣Head to section 2 & follow the steps in our “Constructive Conflict Method”

🎙️This clip is an excerpt from the 3rd episode of The Marriage Success Podcast, titled, How to Improve Communication in Your Marriage: The Ultimate Honesty Hack.

In this episode, we:

🥇 Give you actionable tips on how to ask for what you want and navigate disagreements.

❤️ Provide advice about how to build trust and respect in your marriage.

🎁 Talk about how emotional baggage can get in the way of effective communication and provide resources to help with this.

💍 Share our personal marriage journey of overcoming the fear of rejection, common marriage misunderstandings, and people-pleasing tendencies.

The main focus of the episode is on how clarity, empathy, and fearlessly expressing your truth create a happy marriage.

Watch it on YouTube

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#MarriageAdvice #RelationshipTips #HonestCommunication #MarriageImprovement #TrustInMarriage #RelationshipGoals #MarriagePodcast #HealthyMarriage #EffectiveCommunication #HappyMarriage #RelationshipAdvice #MarriageCounseling #RelationshipPodcast #MarriageSuccess #RelationshipSkills #HonestyInMarriage #FearlessCommunication #MarriageTips #CouplesTherapy #FreeMarriageResource #MarriageCoaching #FreeMarriageTools

How To Ask for What You Want in a Healthy Way

The way you ask for what you want in your marriage can bring you closer together, or tear you apart. 

Follow these steps for a healthy way to ask for what you want:

1️⃣Tell your Partner WHY you want it - how will fulfilling your desire contribute to your happiness?

2️⃣Give your partner space to be a ‘NO’ - this doesn’t mean you can’t be disappointed, but pressuring them into it will only cause damage to your marriage. 

3️⃣Negotiate - if your partner is a ‘no’ is there another way that desire could be met? Eg. They are a ‘no’ to a date night every week because of their work schedule, but a ‘yes’ to a date night every fortnight.

Want a step-by-step guide to this process?

1️⃣Download our FREE GUIDE “The Five Fatal Mistakes Most Married Couples Make & How to Avoid Them”

2️⃣Head to section 2 & follow the steps in our “Constructive Conflict Method”

🎙️This clip is an excerpt from the 3rd episode of The Marriage Success Podcast, titled, How to Improve Communication in Your Marriage: The Ultimate Honesty Hack.

In this episode, we:

🥇 Give you actionable tips on how to ask for what you want and navigate disagreements.

❤️ Provide advice about how to build trust and respect in your marriage.

🎁 Talk about how emotional baggage can get in the way of effective communication and provide resources to help with this.

💍 Share our personal marriage journey of overcoming the fear of rejection, common marriage misunderstandings, and people-pleasing tendencies.

The main focus of the episode is on how clarity, empathy, and fearlessly expressing your truth create a happy marriage.

Watch it on YouTube

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#MarriageAdvice #RelationshipTips #HonestCommunication #MarriageImprovement #TrustInMarriage #RelationshipGoals #MarriagePodcast #HealthyMarriage #EffectiveCommunication #HappyMarriage #RelationshipAdvice #MarriageCounseling #RelationshipPodcast #MarriageSuccess #RelationshipSkills #HonestyInMarriage #FearlessCommunication #MarriageTips #CouplesTherapy #FreeMarriageResource #MarriageCoaching #FreeMarriageTools

How To Ask for What You Want in a Healthy Way

The way you ask for what you want in your marriage can bring you closer together, or tear you apart. 

Follow these steps for a healthy way to ask for what you want:

1️⃣Tell your Partner WHY you want it - how will fulfilling your desire contribute to your happiness?

2️⃣Give your partner space to be a ‘NO’ - this doesn’t mean you can’t be disappointed, but pressuring them into it will only cause damage to your marriage. 

3️⃣Negotiate - if your partner is a ‘no’ is there another way that desire could be met? Eg. They are a ‘no’ to a date night every week because of their work schedule, but a ‘yes’ to a date night every fortnight.

Want a step-by-step guide to this process?

1️⃣Download our FREE GUIDE “The Five Fatal Mistakes Most Married Couples Make & How to Avoid Them”

2️⃣Head to section 2 & follow the steps in our “Constructive Conflict Method”

🎙️This clip is an excerpt from the 3rd episode of The Marriage Success Podcast, titled, How to Improve Communication in Your Marriage: The Ultimate Honesty Hack.

In this episode, we:

🥇 Give you actionable tips on how to ask for what you want and navigate disagreements.

❤️ Provide advice about how to build trust and respect in your marriage.

🎁 Talk about how emotional baggage can get in the way of effective communication and provide resources to help with this.

💍 Share our personal marriage journey of overcoming the fear of rejection, common marriage misunderstandings, and people-pleasing tendencies.

The main focus of the episode is on how clarity, empathy, and fearlessly expressing your truth create a happy marriage.

Watch it on YouTube

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#MarriageAdvice #RelationshipTips #HonestCommunication #MarriageImprovement #TrustInMarriage #RelationshipGoals #MarriagePodcast #HealthyMarriage #EffectiveCommunication #HappyMarriage #RelationshipAdvice #MarriageCounseling #RelationshipPodcast #MarriageSuccess #RelationshipSkills #HonestyInMarriage #FearlessCommunication #MarriageTips #CouplesTherapy #FreeMarriageResource #MarriageCoaching #FreeMarriageTools

How To Build Trust in Your Marriage

Trust is an essential ingredient in a happy, healthy & fulfilling marriage.

When you don’t share what you truly feel, want, or need, you erode trust with your partner. 

Even if you’re holding back sharing because you don’t want to hurt or upset them. 

That said, there are a few guidelines that will help you communicate better:

1️⃣Choose the right time - when your partner is exhausted after a long day, or you’re just about to go to an event they’re not going to be in the right headspace to dive in

2️⃣Set the intention - Let your partner know you’re sharing to collaborate, not blame or shame.

3️⃣Validate your partner’s feelings - what you’re sharing may be a lot for them.

🎙️This clip is an excerpt from the 3rd episode of The Marriage Success Podcast, titled, How to Improve Communication in Your Marriage: The Ultimate Honesty Hack.

In this episode, we:

🥇 Give you actionable tips on how to ask for what you want and navigate disagreements.

❤️ Provide advice about how to build trust and respect in your marriage.

🎁 Talk about how emotional baggage can get in the way of effective communication and provide resources to help with this.

💍 Share our personal marriage journey of overcoming the fear of rejection, common marriage misunderstandings, and people-pleasing tendencies.

The main focus of the episode is on how clarity, empathy, and fearlessly expressing your truth create a happy marriage.

Watch it on YouTube

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Listen on Spotify 

Want more tools to improve communication in your marriage?

Download our FREE GUIDE “The Five Fatal Mistakes Most Married Couples Make & How to Avoid Them”

#MarriageAdvice #RelationshipTips #HonestCommunication #MarriageImprovement #TrustInMarriage #RelationshipGoals #MarriagePodcast #HealthyMarriage #EffectiveCommunication #HappyMarriage #RelationshipAdvice #MarriageCounseling #RelationshipPodcast #MarriageSuccess #RelationshipSkills #HonestyInMarriage #FearlessCommunication #MarriageTips #BuildingTrust #OpenCommunication #CouplesTherapy #FreeMarriageResource #MarriageCoaching #FreeMarriageTools

Marriage Advice for Partners of People-Pleasers: Embracing 'No' to Unlock Joyous 'Yes’

Often people say yes to something before they have felt into if it’s a true yes for them, or if they are just saying yes because it’s what their partner wants.

This is especially true in the case of people-pleasers. 

Many times, if someone says yes, their partner takes that at face value. 

When we’re honest about what isn’t a full yes, it opens the conversation to find out what else might be. In this way, you get to collaborate with your partner to find a solution that works for you both. 

This builds trust, deeper connection & understanding.

For example, you might be a ‘no’ to $eggs in that moment, but a ‘yes’ to cuddles. 

🎙️This clip is an excerpt from the 3rd episode of The Marriage Success Podcast, titled, How to Improve Communication in Your Marriage: The Ultimate Honesty Hack.

In this episode, we:

🥇 Give you actionable tips on how to ask for what you want and navigate disagreements.

❤️ Provide advice about how to build trust and respect in your marriage.

🎁 Talk about how emotional baggage can get in the way of effective communication and provide resources to help with this.

💍 Share our personal marriage journey of overcoming the fear of rejection, common marriage misunderstandings, and people-pleasing tendencies.

The main focus of the episode is on how clarity, empathy, and fearlessly expressing your truth create a happy marriage.

Watch it on YouTube

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Listen on Spotify 

Want more tools to improve communication in your marriage?

Download our FREE GUIDE “The Five Fatal Mistakes Most Couples Make & How to Avoid Them”

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People-Pleasers Communication Tip: How to Share what you need or want in marriage

People-Pleasers put everyone else’s needs ahead of their own, believing what they need is less important 😔 

They tend to be anxiously attached and fear upsetting or inconveniencing others. They may even feel guilty about asking for support, even when overwhelmed or exhausted. 

This leads to them becoming resentful 😤& drained 😓 

If you’re a people-pleaser, you may struggle to understand what your capacity is, because you don’t check in with yourself before saying yes. 

🔑Taking space & communicating that need for space to tune in with yourself, is an important part of overcoming people-pleasing.

🎙️This clip is an excerpt from the 3rd episode of The Marriage Success Podcast, titled, How to Improve Communication in Your Marriage: The Ultimate Honesty Hack.

In this episode, we:

🥇 Give you actionable tips on how to ask for what you want and navigate disagreements.

❤️ Provide advice about how to build trust and respect in your marriage.

🎁 Talk about how emotional baggage can get in the way of effective communication and provide resources to help with this.

💍 Share our personal marriage journey of overcoming the fear of rejection, common marriage misunderstandings, and people-pleasing tendencies.

The main focus of the episode is on how clarity, empathy, and fearlessly expressing your truth create a happy marriage.

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Want more tools to improve communication in your marriage?

Download our FREE GUIDE “The Five Fatal Mistakes Most Couples Make & How to Avoid Them”

#MarriageAdvice #RelationshipTips #HonestCommunication #MarriageImprovement #TrustInMarriage #RelationshipGoals #MarriagePodcast #HealthyMarriage #EffectiveCommunication #HappyMarriage #RelationshipAdvice #MarriageCounseling #RelationshipPodcast #MarriageSuccess #RelationshipSkills #HonestyInMarriage #FearlessCommunication #MarriageTips #BuildingTrust #OpenCommunication #CouplesTherapy #FreeMarriageResource #MarriageCoaching #FreeMarriageTools #PeoplePleaser #PeoplePleasing

Healthy Marriage Communication Tip: Embracing your ‘YES’ and ‘NO’

Do you find yourself saying "Yes" to everything your spouse asks, even if it's not really what you want to do?

The problem with this is:

💔 You end up unfulfilled & resentful.

💔 You break trust with your partner because they can’t trust you mean what you say.

🎙️This clip is an excerpt from the 3rd episode of The Marriage Success Podcast, titled, How to Improve Communication in Your Marriage: The Ultimate Honesty Hack.

In this episode, we:

🥇 Give you actionable tips on how to ask for what you want and navigate disagreements.

❤️ Provide advice about how to build trust and respect in your marriage.

🎁 Talk about how emotional baggage can get in the way of effective communication and provide resources to help with this.

💍 Share our personal marriage journey of overcoming the fear of rejection, common marriage misunderstandings, and people-pleasing tendencies.

The main focus of the episode is on how clarity, empathy, and fearlessly expressing your truth create a happy marriage.

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Want more tools to improve communication in your marriage?

Download our FREE GUIDE “The Five Fatal Mistakes Most Couples Make & How to Avoid Them”

#MarriageAdvice #RelationshipTips #HonestCommunication #MarriageImprovement #TrustInMarriage #RelationshipGoals #MarriagePodcast #HealthyMarriage #EffectiveCommunication #HappyMarriage #RelationshipAdvice #MarriageCounseling #RelationshipPodcast #MarriageSuccess #RelationshipSkills #HonestyInMarriage #FearlessCommunication #MarriageTips #BuildingTrust #OpenCommunication #CouplesTherapy #FreeMarriageResource #MarriageCoaching #FreeMarriageTools

Marriage Advice: Why asking for what you want matters 

Asking for what you want is one of the most important things you can do to improve your relationship.

By asking for what you want:

✅ You build trust + connection with your partner

✅ You feel more seen, heard, and understood in your marriage

✅ You have more opportunities to receive what you want 

✅ You open the space for discussion with your partner, so you can get on the same page

✅ You show your partner how they can win with you (which has them feel more inclined to meet your needs & desires)

🎙️This clip is an excerpt from the 3rd episode of The Marriage Success Podcast, titled, How to Improve Communication in Your Marriage: The Ultimate Honesty Hack.

In this episode, we:

🥇 Give you actionable tips on how to ask for what you want and navigate disagreements.

❤️ Provide advice about how to build trust and respect in your marriage.

🎁 Talk about how emotional baggage can get in the way of effective communication and provide resources to help with this.

💍 Share our personal marriage journey of overcoming the fear of rejection, common marriage misunderstandings, and people-pleasing tendencies.

The main focus of the episode is on how clarity, empathy, and fearlessly expressing your truth create a happy marriage.

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Want more tools to improve communication in your marriage?

Download our FREE GUIDE “The Five Fatal Mistakes Most Couples Make & How to Avoid Them”

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The Surprising Secret to a Happy Marriage 

🌟 Focus on the good, and watch your marriage thrive! 🌟

It's a simple truth: 

Building on what's good is much more effective than breaking what isn't. 

If you're craving those daily moments of happiness and fulfillment, shift your perspective. 

Instead of fixating on what's wrong, start celebrating what's right.

By directing your attention toward the positive aspects of your marriage, you'll find the energy to uplift and celebrate each other. 

When you focus on what's working – you'll witness your marriage transform for the better.

👉👉👉Interested to learn more? 

1️⃣ Download our FREE GUIDE “The Five Fatal Mistakes Most Couples Make & How to Avoid Them”

2️⃣ Head to section 2 for our Celebration 🎉 Game exercise

🎙️This clip is an excerpt from the 2nd episode of The Marriage Success Podcast, titled “3 New Marriage Advice Tips That Build a Happy Marriage”.

💍In this episode, we discuss 3 new beliefs that will help you improve your marriage.

💪We offer simple marriage tips & personal stories that will help you apply each new belief. Applying this marriage advice could help you have a fresh start & transform your marriage.

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#MarriageSuccess #HappinessInMarriage #PositiveRelationships #ThriveInMarriage #TransformYourMarriage #AppreciateYourPartner #MarriageTips #HealthyMarriage #MarriageAdvice #MarriageTool #MarriagePodcast #RelationshipGoals #HappilyEverAfter #StrongMarriage #CelebrateYourSpouse #freemarriageresource

The Dangerous Cycle of Unrealistic Expectations in Marriage

How committed you are to your marriage is directly related to how emotionally invested you are. 

Many people view infidelity as the only sign of lack of commitment to a marriage. 

However, commitment can be eroded in many seemingly small ways:

🤔 Questioning if this is the ’right’ partner for you

💔 Withholding love or appreciation

😡 Holding on to resentments

🙄 Criticizing your partner

😒 Comparing your partner unfavourably to others

👉👉👉 If you’ve got caught in a negative cycle of criticism & resentment, we have a powerful tool 🛠️ that can help. 

1️⃣ Download our FREE GUIDE “The Five Fatal Mistakes Most Couples Make & How to Avoid Them”

2️⃣ Head to section 2 for our Celebration 🎉 Game exercise

🎙️This clip is an excerpt from the 2nd episode of The Marriage Success Podcast, titled “3 New Marriage Advice Tips That Build a Happy Marriage”.

💍In this episode, we discuss 3 new beliefs that will help you improve your marriage.

💪We offer simple marriage tips & personal stories that will help you apply each new belief. Applying this marriage advice could help you have a fresh start & transform your marriage.

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The Surprising Truth about Finding your Perfect Partner 🤯💣

Expecting perfection in your partner is an easy trap to fall into. 

We’ve been there 😅. 

However, expectations quickly lead to criticism, disappointment & pressure 😞.

And, underneath, there’s a sneaky belief that if they would just ‘step up’ and ‘meet you’, everything would be wonderful 🧐

❌ This is not a recipe that creates success in marriage.

Instead, it leads to the criticized partner to freeze 🥶 or rebel 😈, and the perfectionist partner to withhold love 💔🙅.

It creates a parent / child dynamic that is far from hot & not what either of you actually want. 

🔑 If you want instead to learn how to inspire your partner, and grow together through love & appreciation, we have something for you. 


1️⃣ Download our FREE GUIDE “The Five Fatal Mistakes Most Couples Make & How to Avoid Them”

2️⃣ Head to section 2 for our Celebration 🎉 Game exercise

🎙️This clip is an excerpt from the 2nd episode of The Marriage Success Podcast, titled “3 New Marriage Advice Tips That Build a Happy Marriage”.

💍In this episode, we discuss 3 new beliefs that will help you improve your marriage.

💪We offer simple marriage tips & personal stories that will help you apply each new belief. Applying this marriage advice could help you have a fresh start & transform your marriage.

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#MarriageTruths #MarriageRealities #RelationshipWisdom #LoveAndGrowth #MarriageTips #PartnershipGoals #RelationshipJourney #InspireLove #MarriagePodcast #RelationshipImprovement #MarriageSupport #LoveAndAppreciation #HealthyMarriage #marriagepodcast #freemarriageresource

How to Break Free from the cycle of criticism in Marriage 🔁🤬

To break the cycle you need to shift your focus, from CRITICISM to CELEBRATION.

People respond much better to celebration than they do to criticism. No matter how well-intentioned it is.

Celebration BUILDS positive energy

Criticism BREAKS positive energy

🌹BUILD instead of 🥀BREAK

It’s much easier to build on what’s good than to break what isn’t.

If you want to wake up every day happy & fulfilled it’s important that you stop looking at what’s wrong. 

Start looking for what is right.

The more you focus on what’s working, the more energy you will have to celebrate & uplift each other

The more you focus on what’s working, the more things will improve.

Want a practical tool to make this change in your marriage? 

1️⃣ Download our FREE GUIDE “The Five Fatal Mistakes Most Married Couples Make & How to Avoid Them”

2️⃣ Head to section 2 for our Celebration 🎉 Game exercise

🎙️This clip is an excerpt from the 2nd episode of The Marriage Success Podcast, titled “3 New Marriage Advice Tips That Build a Happy Marriage”.

💍In this episode, we discuss 3 new beliefs that will help you improve your marriage.

💪We offer simple marriage tips & personal stories that will help you apply each new belief. Applying this marriage advice could help you have a fresh start & transform your marriage.

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Transform your marriage with this powerful daily habit! 💪💍

💔 Do you get disheartened because you’re being a great spouse but what you’re getting doesn’t match what you’re giving?

💔 Are you frustrated because nothing you do is enough & your spouse is impossible to please?

💔 Do you feel stuck, with no idea what else you can do, because you’ve exhausted every tool at your disposal?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the above questions, you're not alone. 

This is a common issue married couples struggle with, over & over. One or both spouses believe the other doesn’t, won’t, or can’t ‘meet’ them.

Your marriage is your mirror🪞. The first step is taking responsibility for what it’s reflecting back to you🤯.

This is not to say you are to blame for everything that's going wrong in your marriage.

Instead, we see this as an opportunity to take your power 💪back. It’s time to step into the role of a LEADER IN LOVE 🏆.

🔑 Leaders In Love know the key to changing their marriage. They back up their actions with the right emotions & energy ❤️.

When you do this, you inspire your spouse to meet you in a new place, where you both feel happy, fulfilled & at peace 😍.

The good news 🗞️ is that because your spouse is your mirror when you step up to become a Leader In Love, so will they.

Curious to learn more about becoming a Leader In Love?

1️⃣ Download our FREE GUIDE “The Five Fatal Mistakes Most Married Couples Make & How to Avoid Them”

2️⃣ Head to section 3 for our Leader In Love Action Plan

🎙️This clip is an excerpt from the 2nd episode of The Marriage Success Podcast, titled “3 New Marriage Advice Tips That Build a Happy Marriage”.

💍In this episode, we discuss 3 new beliefs that will help you improve your marriage.

💪We offer simple marriage tips & personal stories that will help you apply each new belief. Applying this marriage advice could help you have a fresh start & transform your marriage.

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#MarriageSuccess #LeadersInLove #RelationshipReflection #MarriageAdvice #LoveTransformation #RelationshipGrowth #HappyMarriage #MarriageImprovement #MarriageTransformation #HealthyRelationships #HealthyMarriage #MarriagePodcast #RelationshipWisdom #MarriageSupport #MarriageGoals #MarriageSuccess #ImprovingMarriage #HealthyLove #RelationshipSkills #MarriageBeliefs #MarriageWisdom #RelationshipTips #MarriageHappiness #MarriageJourney #MarriageInspiration #RelationshipImprovement #AppreciationInMarriage

Unlock the Secret to Reignite Desire and Rebuild Your Marriage! 💥🌟

In a marriage, having standards is healthy. It sets a bar for how you want to be treated and how you want to show up. 

But expectations can be a slippery slope, leading to criticism, disappointment, pressure, and withdrawal. 😔

We've been there 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️, and we know how easy it is to put all the pressure on your partner to change. 

What if we shifted our energy and focused on gratitude and appreciation instead?

As we learned to celebrate 🎉 each other and let go of resentment, our marriage grew stronger 💪. 

It's not about changing your partner; it's about changing your approach.

👉👉👉Interested to learn more? 

Download our FREE GUIDE “The Five Fatal Mistakes Most Married Couples Make & How to Avoid Them”

Go to section 2. We share a powerful tool 🛠️ to help you bring the celebration🎊 + appreciation❤️ back into your marriage

🎙️This clip is an excerpt from the 2nd episode of The Marriage Success Podcast, titled “3 New Marriage Advice Tips That Build a Happy Marriage”.

💍In this episode, we discuss 3 new beliefs that will help you improve your marriage.

💪We offer simple marriage tips & personal stories that will help you apply each new belief. Applying this marriage advice could help you have a fresh start & transform your marriage.

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#MarriageStandards #ExpectationsVsStandards #HealthyRelationships #MarriageAdvice #LoveAndAppreciation #RelationshipGrowth #HealthyMarriage #MarriageImprovement #MarriagePodcast #RelationshipWisdom #MarriageSupport #MarriageGoals #MarriageSuccess #ImprovingMarriage #HealthyLove #RelationshipSkills #MarriageBeliefs #MarriageWisdom #RelationshipTips #MarriageHappiness #MarriageJourney #MarriageInspiration #RelationshipImprovement #AppreciationInMarriage

Unveiling the Game-Changer for a Fulfilling Marriage! 💪🌟

The most common reason marriages & relationships breakdown is because the couple gets locked in a negative cycle 🔁 of criticism 😡 & withdrawal 😔. 

When this happens neither gets what they need or desire from the relationship 💔.

Which in turn leads to dissatisfaction.

In this clip, we share how we broke that cycle in our marriage 💪🏆. 

🎙️This clip is an excerpt from the 2nd episode of The Marriage Success Podcast, titled “3 New Marriage Advice Tips That Build a Happy Marriage”.

💍In this episode, we discuss 3 new beliefs that will help you improve your marriage.

💪We offer simple marriage tips & personal stories that will help you apply each new belief. Applying this marriage advice could help you have a fresh start & transform your marriage.

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#MarriageImprovement #RelationshipSuccess #MarriagePodcast #HealthyMarriage #LoveAndGrowth #RelationshipWisdom #MarriageSupport #MarriageAdvice #RelationshipPodcast #MarriageGoals #MarriageSuccess #PositiveMarriage #MarriageTransformation #HealthyLove #RelationshipSkills #MarriageBeliefs #MarriageWisdom #RelationshipTips #MarriageHappiness #MarriageJourney #MarriageInspiration #RelationshipImprovement

The Marriage Miracle: Your Challenges Can Bring You Closer 🎉💑

We stand for Marriage being about growth, not struggle.

We stand for this because there was a time when our marriage was alllll about the struggle 😅

These days, when a challenge comes up in our marriage we celebrate it 🎉 because we know we’re about to grow.

Now we move through challenges quicker than a hot knife through butter 🧈

If you want to feel like this in your marriage 👇

❌ Ditch the belief that a successful marriage means you have to be aligned on every single thing all the time.

✅ And replace it with: “Every challenge is an opportunity for us to grow and be better together.”

🎙️This clip is an excerpt from the 2nd episode of The Marriage Success Podcast, titled “3 New Marriage Advice Tips That Build a Happy Marriage”.

💍In this episode, we discuss 3 new beliefs that will help you improve your marriage.

💪We offer simple marriage tips & personal stories that will help you apply each new belief. Applying this marriage advice could help you have a fresh start & transform your marriage.

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What a REAL man looks for in a wife

A woman who exudes strong feminine energy:

🚺 Is confident & knows her worth

🚺 Communicates clearly & lovingly

🚺 Is comfortable in her body 

🚺 Has emotional maturity

Such a woman has unlocked her Rebel Queen Codes & this makes her incredibly attractive.

🎙️ This clip is an excerpt from the first episode of The Marriage Success Podcast, titled “How We Went from the Brink of Divorce to Marriage Success”


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If you’re a wife who wants to:

👑 Be a Powerful Feminine Role Model for your kids

They need to see you biting into your life like a juicy peach to know what’s possible for them, too. 

👑 Receive with Ease

You’ve dedicated your whole self to pleasing others. You’ll show up much better for everyone (and everything) else in your life when you’re able to relax & be nourished, guilt-free! 

👑 Have that just-got-back-from-vacation energy on tap

Have more energy for creating happy memories with your kids, intimacy with your husband & enjoying your career success. 

👑 Become your man’s Muse

Learn the Rebel Queen codes to inspire your husband. You'll never need to nag or complain again.

👑 Reignite your sensuality

You've created a beautiful life that you're longing to enjoy. Feel more alive & turned on than you have in years.

Check out Sophia’s REBEL QUEEN coaching + luxe retreats

#StrongFeminineEnergy #KnowYourWorth #ClearCommunication #EmotionalMaturity #ConfidentWoman #RelationshipAdvice #MarriageSuccess #PodcastEpisode #FemininePower #EmpowerWomen #SelfConfidence #SelfLove #RelationshipTips #SensualAwakening #LuxuryRetreats #RelationshipGoals #EmpowermentJourney #RelationshipAdvice #MarriageJourney #RelationshipPodcast #FeminineWisdom #MarriagePodcast #OnlineMarriageHelp #RebelQueen

How to Know if You Should Fight for Your Marriage

If the issues you’re facing in your marriage are the same or similar to those you’ve faced in other relationships, STAY MARRIED.

Stay, and work on those issues TOGETHER. 

If you don’t, they’ll continue to come up in your next relationships, until you heal them.

The truth is that patterns repeat because we are being called to learn the lessons so that we can close the cycle.

There are 2 cases in which this advice does NOT apply:

In the case of abuse.

If one partner refuses to work on the issues.  

You’ll still have to work on your patterns, but in these cases, you’re better off starting that work alone. 

🎙️ This clip is an excerpt from the first episode of The Marriage Success Podcast, titled “How We Went from the Brink of Divorce to Marriage Success”


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Want more?

Download our FREE GUIDE “The Five Fatal Mistakes Most Married Couples Make & How to Avoid Them”

It’s packed full of tools ⚒️ that will help you:

1️⃣ Break free of the cycle of unresolved issues that lead to ongoing arguments 

2️⃣ Have loving communication so that you can come back to being a team

3️⃣ Avoid the mistakes that create distance between you.

If you’re facing the same unsolved issues coming up over & over in your marriage & you want to break the cycle, we offer Marriage Success 2-day Immersions & 3-month Coaching Containers. 

Visit our HOME page for more info on our offers.

It’s easy to get started, simply book a free 30min call with us. 

On the call, we’ll reveal the hidden blocks that are keeping you stuck & give you a custom plan for Marriage Success. 

#MarriageJourney #RelationshipGrowth #MarriageSuccess #RelationshipWisdom #MarriageAdvice #RelationshipTools #MarriageTransformation #RelationshipCoaching #MarriageCounseling #HealthyRelationships #MarriagePodcast #MarriageSuccessStory #MarriageCoaches #DivorcePrevention #RelationshipPodcast #OnlineMarriageHelp

This Quick Tip Could Help You Save Your Marriage

Just because you’re married or in a long-term relationship doesn’t mean you’re fully committed 🤯

Many people think lack of commitment only means infidelity. It doesn’t. 

In our case, like many others, it could be:

🤔 Questioning if this is the ’right’ partner for you

💔 Withholding love or appreciation

😡 Holding on to resentments

🙄 Criticizing your partner

😒 Comparing your partner unfavourably to others

When we got honest about where we were not fully invested, & made the choice to change that, our marriage transformed 🌈

Staying invested is easy when everything is going well in marriage. 

When you enter a tough season of marriage, not so much. 

💣💣 Even though it’s hard, the truth is that your commitment is VITAL to the health & longevity of your marriage. 

You can always turn it around by choosing NOW to approach things differently. 

You’ll be amazed how your marriage flourishes 🌹once you do. 

🎙️ This clip is an excerpt from the first episode of The Marriage Success Podcast, titled “How We Went from the Brink of Divorce to Marriage Success”


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Want more?

Download our FREE GUIDE “The Five Fatal Mistakes Most Married Couples Make & How to Avoid Them”

It’s packed full of tools ⚒️ that will help you:

1️⃣ Break free of the cycle of unresolved issues that lead to ongoing arguments 

2️⃣ Have loving communication so that you can come back to being a team

3️⃣ Avoid the mistakes that create distance between you.

#MarriageCommitment #RelationshipGoals #MarriageTransformation #LoveAndCommitment #HealthyMarriage #RelationshipAdvice #MarriageSuccess #MarriageJourney #RelationshipGrowth #HealthyRelationships #CommitmentMatters #MarriageImprovement #MarriageChallenge #MarriageWisdom #RelationshipSupport #StrongMarriage #MarriageStrength #RelationshipHonesty #MarriageRenewal #RelationshipHealth #MarriageFlourishing #RelationshipWisdom #MarriageAdvice #RelationshipTools #RelationshipCoaching #MarriageCounseling #MarriagePodcast #MarriageSuccessStory #MarriageCoaches

Don’t Make This Common Marriage Mistake

My first marriage ended when I was 30 💔

I thought HE was the problem. I thought we weren’t the right match & I would easily go on to find ‘my person’. 

I was wrong. 😔

It was 8 years before I met Gabriel, my now husband 😳

8 years, where I questioned my decision & regretted my inaction.

I wondered what would have been different if I’d had the right tools to deal with the issues we faced?

I was gifted 🎁 that chance, not with my 1st husband, but with Gabriel, my 2nd.

After the initial ‘new love glow’ wore off…the same issues I’d encountered in my 1st marriage came up again! 🤯

I realized 💡*I* was the problem! There was no running away from my issues. They were going to keep coming up, over & over, until I healed them.

🎙️ This clip is an excerpt from the first episode of The Marriage Success Podcast, titled “How We Went from the Brink of Divorce to Marriage Success”


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If you’re facing the same unsolved issues coming up over & over in your marriage & you want to break the cycle, we offer Marriage Success 2-day Immersions & 3-month Coaching Containers. 

Visit our
HOME page for more info on our offers.

It’s easy to get started, simply book a free 30min call with us. 

On the call, we’ll reveal the hidden blocks that are keeping you stuck & give you a custom plan for Marriage Success. 

#MarriageJourney #RelationshipGrowth #SecondChances #MarriageSuccess #RelationshipWisdom #MarriageAdvice #RelationshipTools #MarriageTransformation #RelationshipCoaching #MarriageCounseling #HealthyRelationships #MarriagePodcast #MarriageSuccessStory #MarriageCoaches

Are Your Negative Stories Ruining Your Marriage?

In marriage, just like in life, what you focus on you create. 

It is very easy to get caught up in trying to ‘fix’ in marriage. This leads to:

💔 Criticism

💔 Nitpicking

💔 Resentment

💔 Punishment

All of which erode love & connection. You feel like opponents rather than teammates. 

A huge turning point in our marriage was shifting our focus from what wasn’t working, to what was. 

With the help of NLP + TimeLine Therapy, we were able to change our thoughts, feelings & actions to align with the marriage we wanted to have.

Then, we experienced more:

❤️ Celebration

❤️ Gratitude

❤️ Appreciation

❤️ Joy 

All of which supported us further in rebuilding our marriage into the fruitful & loving partnership it is today. 

🎙️ This clip is an excerpt from the first episode of The Marriage Success Podcast, titled “How We Went from the Brink of Divorce to Marriage Success”

Watch it on YouTube

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Want more?

Download our FREE GUIDE “The Five Fatal Mistakes Most Married Couples Make & How to Avoid Them”

It’s packed full of tools ⚒️ that will help you:

1️⃣ Break free of the cycle of unresolved issues that lead to ongoing arguments 

2️⃣ Have loving communication so that you can come back to being a team

3️⃣ Avoid the mistakes that create distance between you.

📣🎉 If you’re feeling stuck in your marriage & desire a fresh start we have something for you 🎉📣

At Marriage Success Coaching, we stand for marriage being about growth, not struggle. We help couples who have the same issues coming up again & again get rewired for marriage success.

Visit our HOME page to find out more about our offers.

#TeamMarriage #NLPinMarriage #TimeLineTherapy #MarriageTransformation #MarriageSuccessPodcast #RebuildYourMarriage #MarriageGrowth #CouplesTherapy #MaritalBliss #CoupleGoals #MarriageMindset #RelationshipRevival #MarriageHealing #StrongerUnion #HealthyMarriage #MarriageJourney #PartnersInLove #BuildLove #MarriageRevival #MarriagePodcast #MarriageCoaching #RelationshipCoaching #OnlineMarriageHelp #CouplesCoaching

Game-Changing Marriage Tip in Under 60 seconds! 🎉

In the beginning, we were blown away by how perfect we were for each other.

❤️ We would spend hours upon hours in deep conversation.

❤️ We’d speak to each other in silly accents that made each other laugh til tears ran down our faces

❤️ Our cheeks hurt from smiling

❤️ Our passion for each other was like nothing we’d experienced with anyone else - constantly rolling 0r g$ms

Yet, we were only seeing half the truth. 

Before long, our old wounding & patterns began to show:

💔 My people-pleasing tendencies

💔 His nitpicking 

What we didn’t realize at the time was that these patterns that mirrored 🪞 each other were part of the perfection.

We had a choice:

💪 See them as they truly were - an opportunity for us to grow & become stronger together. 

😭 Or let them break us apart. 

🎙️ This clip is an excerpt from the first episode of The Marriage Success Podcast, titled “How We Went from the Brink of Divorce to Marriage Success”


Watch it on YouTube

Listen on Apple Podcasts

Listen on Spotify

Want more?

Download our FREE GUIDE “The Five Fatal Mistakes Most Married Couples Make & How to Avoid Them”

It’s packed full of tools ⚒️ that will help you:

1️⃣ Break free of the cycle of unresolved issues that lead to ongoing arguments 

2️⃣ Have loving communication so that you can come back to being a team

3️⃣ Avoid the mistakes that create distance between you.

#DivorceThoughts #MaritalChallenges #VulnerabilityInMarriage #MarriageSuccess #HonestyInMarriage #MarriageSupport #OnlineMarriageHelp #CouplesCoaching #MarriageGoals #RelationshipStruggles #SavingMarriage #SuccessInMarriage #MarriagePodcast #MarriageTips #RelationshipAdvice #MarriageCoaching #HealingMarriage #LoveAndMarriage #CoupleGoals #RealMarriage #MarriageJourney #MarriageStruggles #CoupleStruggles #DivorcePrevention #PassionateMarriage #MarriageGrowth #RelationshipPatterns #PeoplePleasing #SuccessInLove #MarriageSuccessStories #RelationshipInsights #CoupleChallenges #EnduringLove #SoulfulMarriage #HeartfeltConversations #MarriageRealTalk

SHOCKING! I asked my Wife for a Divorce 😭💔

Any married person will agree - sometimes marriage is HARD 😓.

However, most will keep those tough moments to themselves. 

We get it, it feels super vulnerable (not to mention taboo) to ‘air one’s dirty laundry in public’. 

Except then you feel alone in the mess, like everyone else is ‘perfect’ and you’re a failure. 😔

We want to change that. 

The first step in achieving marriage success is to get honest about where you ARE vs where you want to be. 

If you desire support around closing that gap, our 2-day Online Immersions or 3-month coaching containers may be for you. 

For more info on these, visit our HOME page.

🎙️ This clip is an excerpt from the 1st ep of The Marriage Success Podcast titled “The Secret to Save your Marriage from Divorce”


In this episode, we share:

😢 The issues that led to our near-breaking point. These include problems with commitment, appreciation, expectations, and emotional baggage. 

💣 The realization that saved our marriage and gave us a fresh start. 

🥇 A tip that will help you turn your biggest marriage struggle into your greatest marriage success.


Watch it on YouTube

Listen on Apple Podcasts

Listen on Spotify

Want more?

Download our FREE GUIDE “The Five Fatal Mistakes Most Married Couples Make & How to Avoid Them”

It’s packed full of tools ⚒️ that will help you:

1️⃣ Break free of the cycle of unresolved issues that lead to ongoing arguments 

2️⃣ Have loving communication so that you can come back to being a team

3️⃣ Avoid the mistakes that create distance between you.

#DivorceThoughts #MarriageIsHard #MaritalChallenges #VulnerabilityInMarriage #MarriageSuccess #HonestyInMarriage #MarriageSupport #OnlineMarriageHelp #CouplesCoaching #MarriageGoals #RelationshipStruggles #CommitmentIssues #SavingMarriage #SuccessInMarriage #MarriagePodcast #MarriageTips #RelationshipAdvice #MarriageCoaching #HealingMarriage #LoveAndMarriage #CoupleGoals #RealMarriage #MarriageJourney #FightForLove #MarriageStruggles #CoupleStruggles #DivorcePrevention

HEARTBREAKING! My Husband Asked Me For a Divorce 😫

When Gabriel asked me for a divorce, I was devastated 💔.

This was a pivotal moment that changed our marriage for the better. Today, our marriage is thriving 💪.  We have healed the emotional fallout of this huge event ❤️‍🩹

Still, sharing the intimate details of our near divorce feels very tender. 

What is often shown on social media is the highlight reel. Yet we knew this was an important topic to speak about. 

Marriage difficulties can bring up shame (it did for us), yet being honest about those struggles is liberating. 

The truth is that the best & strongest marriages go through challenges. Facing those challenges together as a team is what creates Marriage Success 🥇. 

🎙️ This clip is an excerpt from the first episode of The Marriage Success Podcast titled “The Secret to Save your Marriage from Divorce”

In this episode we share:

😢 The issues that led to our near-breaking point. These include problems with commitment, appreciation, expectations, and emotional baggage. 

💣 The realization that saved our marriage and gave us a fresh start. 

🥇 A tip that will help you turn your biggest marriage struggle into your greatest marriage success.

Watch it on YouTube

Listen on Apple Podcasts

Listen on Spotify

Want to improve your marriage? 

Download our FREE GUIDE “The Five Fatal Mistakes Most Married Couples Make & How to Avoid Them”

It’s packed full of tools ⚒️ that will help you:

1️⃣ Break free of the cycle of unresolved issues that lead to ongoing arguments 

2️⃣ Have loving communication so that you can come back to being a team

3️⃣ Avoid the mistakes that create distance between you.

#MarriageSuccessPodcast #RelationshipRescue #LoveWins #RealTalk #MarriageAdvice #MarriageSuccess #HealingTogether #StrongerTogether #MarriageJourney #CoupleGoals #LoveStory #RelationshipGoals #MarriageMatters #RelationshipPodcast #RealCouples #LoveHeals #CoupleTherapy #FromBreakupToMakeup #LoveOverEverything #StayTogether #DivorcePrevention #HealthyMarriage #EmotionalIntimacy #MarriageTips #CoupleStruggles #SavingMarriages #LoveAndMarriage #MarriageSupport #CoupleTalk #RelationshipInsights #MarriagePodcast

Your relationship with your spouse affects every other area of your life 

When you feel nourished & supported inside of it every area of your life benefits:

✅ Your kids are happier, forming secure relationships & doing better at school
✅ You have loads of energy & inspiration to pour into your business
✅ Your home is peaceful, the favorite gathering place for everyone in the family.

This can be your future:

❤️ Waking up every day with "Wow, how did our marriage get this good?!" energy

❤️ Being powerful role models for your kids

❤️ Having ‘rip your clothes off’ passion 

❤️ Laughing about the little things & feeling like a team again. 

❤️ Swelling with “I'm so lucky!” pride when you think about each other.

❤️ Having a fresh start for your marriage.

❤️ Seeing your marriage as a fabulous adventure. 

❤️ Saving time & money

We have 2 options to support you, whether you're in a tough season of marriage, or have a 'good' marriage but want it to be 'great' 👇

OPTION 1 - 3 months of Online Couple’s Coaching (Transform your marriage in the time it takes you to watch your favorite show each week. It's that quick & easy)

OPTION 2 - a 2-Day Online Immersion for Couples (Like LASIK for your marriage - you'll see each other with new eyes)

At Marriage Success Coaching, we have a 2-pronged approach utilizing our powerful toolset of NLP + TimeLine Therpay®:

1️⃣ We’ll help you both release your unhealthy patterns & emotional baggage. This is the stuff that keeps you stuck. 

2️⃣ We’ll rewire your Nervous Systems for Marriage Success.  

Ready to make a change? 

It’s easy to get started:


Attend this call with your partner & in just 30 mins you’ll be clear on your marriage goals & the hidden blocks that are keeping you both from achieving them.


Regardless of if you choose to work with us, at the end of this call, you’ll know exactly what to do as a couple to create marriage success. 


What are you waiting for? Book your free call today.

Want more info? Visit our HOME page, where we have exactly what’s included in our offers laid out for you.

#MarriageSuccess #MarriageGoals #RelationshipGrowth #MarriageTransformation #MarriageJourney #HealthyRelationships #LoveAndIntimacy #MarriageCounseling #MarriageAdvice #RelationshipSupport #MarriageRecovery #MarriageHappiness #PartnershipGoals #MarriageImprovement #RelationshipSuccess #HappyMarriage #MarriageCoaching #MarriageTips #RelationshipGoals #MarriageSolutions #MarriageSupport #CoupleGoals #RelationshipAdvice #MarriageTherapy #HealthyMarriage #MarriageEducation #MarriageStrong #MarriageHelp #RelationshipBuilding #MarriageSuccessCoaching

Is it possible to transform your marriage in as little as 48hrs?

Do you:

💔 Blow up over the little things like who didn’t unload the dishwasher or take out the trash?

💔 Wish there was more appreciation for what you each bring to your marriage?

💔 Let past mistakes affect how you feel about each other today?

💔Feel like your marriage is a climb up Mt Everest without a Sherpa?

If this sounds familiar, chances are emotional baggage from the past is hurting your marriage in the present.

In our Marriage Success 2-day Online Immersion we’ll help you get totally clear of your old emotional baggage. 

Then you will easily & effortlessly:

❤️ Laugh about the little things & feel like a team again.

❤️ Swell with “I'm so lucky!” pride when you think about each other.

❤️ Have a fresh start for your marriage.

❤️ See your marriage as a fabulous adventure.

How do we do it in such a small time frame?

With the power of TimeLine Therapy. This toolset is fast & effective. It rewires your Nervous System for Marriage Success. 

It’s what we used on ourselves to go from the brink of Divorce to Marriage Success

The only downside of TimeLine Therapy is you’ll wish you’d done it years ago (we do!)

The reality is that almost everyone has some emotional baggage. It may have been created in your marriage, or it may come from your childhood or past relationships. 

Sadly, it doesn’t go away on its own. It will continue to pile up until you clear it. 

We’re offering 2-day immersions as a stand-alone offer, or as a bonus, included in our Marriage Success 3-month coaching containers. 

Our powerful toolset of NLP + TimeLine Therapy gets you fast & effective results. Change happens easily & effortlessly.

Want more info? Visit our HOME page, where we have exactly what’s included in our offers laid out for you.

#MarriageBaggageBusters #ClearThePast #TimeLineTherapy #MarriageRefresh #FromBlowupsToBliss #TeamworkInMarriage #MarriageGlowUp #MarriageSuccessJourney #RewireForLove #MarriageMasters #MarriageReset #TwoDayTransformation #EffortlessLove #RekindleTheConnection #LoveRecharged #MarriageCoaching

This marriage is the 2nd for us both. Here’s what we learned from the mistakes we made in our 1st marriages 👇

Marriage is like a business - the more you put into it, the more you get out of it.

If you put your feet up on the desk, lean back in your chair and expect success to come to you without doing any work, you’ll soon be in the red.

In my 1st marriage, I thought we could keep the newlywed glow without:

🗣️ Having hard conversations

❤️‍🩹 Healing our unhealthy patterns & emotional baggage

🎉 Making it a daily practice to show love & appreciation (verbally & non verbally)

In Gabriel’s 1st marriage, he thought if his wife would just meet his desires, everything would work out 🤷. 

He didn’t realize that she was his mirror 🪞. They were both waiting for the other to ‘step up’ before they’d take action.

In this, our 2nd marriage, we’ve done our best not to repeat our past mistakes. When we do make mistakes, we learn from them & grow stronger, together. 

Today, we have a successful marriage 🏆 because we work on it daily.

💡When conflict arises, we face it head-on. We repair quickly after an argument & put in the effort to understand each other better.

🧬 We utilize NLP + TimeLine Therapy to heal any lingering unhealthy patterns or emotional baggage we carried into (or created in) this marriage. 

👩‍❤️‍👨 We have regular rituals to keep us connected - like our daily walks together.

🔥 We prioritize our intimacy. We’re not just keeping the spark alive, but building a bonfire.

You know that in business, smart investments (of time , energy 💪 & money 💵) lead to success. Marriage is no different. 

We believe that with the right tools ⚒️ any marriage can be a success. We’ve proven it with our own marriage & we’re confident that our upcoming offers can do the same for you, too.

Whether you’re in a tough season of marriage or have a ‘good’ marriage & want it to be GREAT - we’ve got you covered. 

Head to the link in our bio & download our FREE GUIDE 📖 “The Five Fatal Mistakes Most Married Couples Make & How to Avoid Them” 

It’s packed full of tools ⚒️ that will help you:

1️⃣ Break free of the cycle of unresolved issues that lead to ongoing arguments 

2️⃣ Have loving communication so that you can come back to being a team

3️⃣ Avoid the mistakes that create distance between you.

#MarriageAdvice #RelationshipLessons #MarriageMistakes #SuccessfulMarriage #MarriageSuccess #MarriageJourney #MarriageWisdom #HealthyMarriage #RelationshipGoals #MarriageTips #MarriageImprovement #RelationshipBuilding #LoveAndConnection #MarriageGoals #HappyMarriage #MarriageCounseling #RelationshipAdvice #marriagecoaching #MarriageInvestment #MarriageRepair #IntimacyInMarriage #MarriageRituals #MarriageSpark

Why having rip-your-clothes-off passion 🔥 isn’t just for newlyweds

Do you believe that after the honeymoon phase, it’s normal for the passion to fade?

We get it. After a while, being with the same person day in and day out can feel…well…boring 😴 

💔 In Gabriel’s 1st marriage, he & his wife explored polyamory. They spent so much time looking outward to other people that they lost connection with each other.

💔 I blew up my 1st marriage by having an affair. The fallout was massive for everyone involved & took years of cleanup. 

Neither of us were keen to repeat the mistakes of our 1st marriage in our 2nd, so we’ve worked hard 💪 to rewrite the script on what’s possible in marriage. 

🔑 With NLP + TimeLine therapy, we cleared the limiting beliefs + emotional baggage that were keeping us stuck in unsatisfying intimacy.

Like the belief that Safety + Security = Boring

We then rewired ourselves for Marriage 🏆 Success by replacing it with this new belief: 

🧬 The deeper we go, the more our passion grows 🧬

While lack of spice 🌶️ in the bedroom is sadly the reality for many long-term couples, it doesn’t have to be. 

If your intimacy is about as exciting as your weekly grocery shop 😴, we have something that will make rip-your-clothes-off passion 🔥 your everyday reality. 

In our Marriage Success 3-month containers we help you:

1️⃣Release the unhealthy patterns that are keeping you stuck in unsatisfying intimacy

2️⃣Rewire your Nervous Systems for Marriage Success.

Our powerful toolset of NLP + TimeLine Therapy gets you fast & effective results. Change happens easily & effortlessly.

Want more info? Visit our HOME page, where we have exactly what’s included in our offers laid out for you.

#PassionBeyondHoneymoon #KeepTheSparkAlive #IntimacyUpgrades #RewritingLoveStories #NLPforCouples #FromMistakesToMiracles #TimeLineTherapy #RedefiningMarriage #MarriageSuccessSecrets #IntimacyOverhaul #RipYourClothesOffPassion #SafetyPlusPassion #DeepLoveDeepPassion #KeepTheBedroomHot #SecondChancesInLove #CommitToPassion #RediscoverYourDesire #MarriageMastery #ReigniteTheFlame #LoveLifeUpgrade

We believe every couple can be successful in marriage

❤️ We believe it’s possible for every couple to wake up with “Wow, how did our marriage get this good?!” energy on the daily.

💔 Even if right now you’re feeling drained because the same unsolved issues keep coming up over & over again.

❤️ We believe it’s possible to have rip-your-clothes-off passion. 

💔 Even if you’ve been together for years. Even if right now your intimacy feels about as exciting as your weekly grocery shop. 

❤️ We believe it’s possible for every couple to show their kids what a loving & successful marriage is. 

💔 Even if right now they’re seeing a whole lot of arguing. Even if right now they’re feeling the distance between you. 

❤️ We believe there’s a better solution than Couples Therapy.

💔 Couple’s therapy is sloooooooooow 🦥 Just talking about your problems won’t heal the underlying emotional baggage & unhealthy patterns that are keeping you stuck.

We believe all this because we’ve gone from the brink of divorce 💔 to Marriage Success 🏆

❤️‍🩹 We did it by releasing the unhealthy patterns & emotional baggage that were causing our issues. 

🥇We did it by rewiring our Nervous Systems for Marriage Success.

Now, we bring our best selves to our marriage.

We see every challenge as an opportunity for growth 🌱& move through them easily & effortlessly. 

We can help you do the same. 

😮‍💨If you’re really struggling right now,

🤗Or you have a ‘good’ marriage, but you want it to be ‘great’

We believe in the success of your marriage. We have a powerful toolset that’s fast and effective. 

You’ll wish you’d done this years ago.

Inside our Marriage Success 3-month containers and 2-day online immersions, we help you:

❤️ Wake up every day with "Wow, how did our marriage get this good?!" energy

❤️ Become powerful role models for your kids

❤️ Have ‘rip your clothes off’ passion 

❤️ Laugh about the little things & feel like a team again. 

❤️ Swell with “I'm so lucky!” pride when you think about each other.

❤️ Have a fresh start for your marriage.

❤️ See your marriage as a fabulous adventure. 

❤️ Save time & money

Ready to make a change? 

It’s easy to get started:


Attend this call with your partner & in just 30 mins you’ll be clear on your marriage goals & the hidden blocks that are keeping you both from achieving them.


Regardless of if you choose to work with us, at the end of this call, you’ll know exactly what to do as a couple to create marriage success. 


What are you waiting for? Book your free call today.

Want more info on our offers? Visit our HOME page.

#MarriageSuccess #MarriageGoals #RelationshipGrowth #MarriageTransformation #MarriageJourney #HealthyRelationships #LoveAndIntimacy #MarriageCounseling #MarriageAdvice #RelationshipSupport #MarriageRecovery #MarriageHappiness #PartnershipGoals #MarriageImprovement #RelationshipSuccess #HappyMarriage #MarriageCoaching #MarriageTips #RelationshipGoals #MarriageSolutions #MarriageSupport #CoupleGoals #RelationshipAdvice #MarriageTherapy #HealthyMarriage #MarriageEducation #MarriageStrong #MarriageHelp #RelationshipBuilding #MarriageSuccessCoaching

The difference between a ‘good’ and ‘great’ marriage

Gabriel and I have never been the type to settle in our marriage. 

Even when we were going through tough times, we still had a ‘good’ marriage, but what we wanted was a ‘great’ marriage. 

‘Good’ marriages have:

1️⃣ Shared values

You’re aligned on the type of life you want, things like: kids, travel, family time, where you live, work / life balance, and friends.

2️⃣ A strong bond

There’s a deep sense of love & friendship 

3️⃣ The tools to repair after arguments 

You accept responsibility for your impact, apologize & move forward.

In addition to the above, ‘Great’ marriages have:

1️⃣ A Shared Vision

The commitment to becoming your best selves in your marriage.

The desire to create a positive impact that ripples beyond your marriage. You get to become a living example of what a loving & successful marriage is for your kids, friends & wider family circle. 

2️⃣ Passion that continues to get hotter 🔥 & deeper with time. 

There’s no such thing as boring in a Great Marriage. You are continually discovering new things about each other. Your gratitude & celebration game is strong 💪

3️⃣ The commitment to growth over struggle. 

You welcome the mirror🪞that is your spouse. You know that every challenge is calling you to go deeper. 

To heal the emotional baggage & unhealthy patterns that are keeping you from true marriage success.

Want to take your marriage from ‘good’ to ‘great’? 

Download our FREE GUIDE “The Five Fatal Mistakes Most Married Couples Make & How to Avoid Them”

It’s packed full of tools ⚒️ that will help you:

1️⃣ Break free of the cycle of unresolved issues that lead to ongoing arguments 

2️⃣ Have loving communication so that you can come back to being a team

3️⃣ Avoid the mistakes that create distance between you.

#MarriageGoals #RelationshipUpgrade #CoupleGrowth #MarriageSuccessJourney #MarriageMastery #RelationshipRevolution #MarriageEvolution #CouplesTransform #MarriageMomentum #freeresourcesforcouples

✨CONFESSION TIME✨ We fell in love with each other’s potential and that’s not always a bad thing 🤯

These days, most relationship & dating coaches suggest you should grow 🌱and be your best self before finding a partner. They also recommend finding someone who has done the same.

While we’re all for doing personal development work BEFORE entering a relationship, in our experience, the DEEPEST work happens inside marriage ❤️

Here’s why 👉

We’d both done a lot of personal development work before we met each other…and our marriage has tested that work BIG TIME 😅

Marriage shows you your unhealed patterns & emotional baggage. 

Marriage is like having a mirror 🪞 that continuously invites you to level up and become the best version of yourself.

Feeling a little tested in your marriage lately? 

Here’s the silver lining: It’s actually a sign you’re being invited to grow🌳

And the secret? 

The less you fight against this growth, the smoother the journey becomes. 🚀

This is why we stand for marriage being about growth, not struggle. 

Want to truly thrive in your marriage? If you're nodding, we've got something tailor-made for you. 

Download our FREE GUIDE “The Five Fatal Mistakes Most Married Couples Make & How to Avoid Them”. 

It’s packed full of tools ⚒️ that will help you:

1️⃣ Break free of the cycle of unresolved issues that lead to ongoing arguments 

2️⃣ Have loving communication so that you can come back to being a team

3️⃣ Avoid the mistakes that create distance between you.

#MarriageGrowth #RelationshipJourney #RelationshipGoals #MarriageTips #RelationshipDeepDive #CouplesCoaching #MarriageSuccess #MarriageUpgrade #MarriageTransformation #CouplesJourney #MarriageConfessions #CouplesTherapyAlternative

We’re going to share the number one reason why marriages fail

But first, a story.

We almost got divorced 😳

It wasn’t because we didn’t love each other. 

It wasn’t because we weren’t having regular intimacy. 


It was because the same unsolved issues were coming up over and over again.

We were drained 😢

These issues led to:

💔Unsatisfying intimacy

💔Daily arguments

💔Regular misunderstandings

💔Questioning if we were the right match

Can you relate?

🔍The real problem underneath it all was emotional baggage & unhealthy patterns that were crying out to be resolved. 

The number one reason marriages fail isn’t because couples don’t love each other or don’t care about their marriage. 


It’s because they’ve spent years struggling with the same issues coming up over and over again.

Eventually, they lose hope that there’s any way to resolve those issues 😔

If you’ve been struggling with this, you might be wondering 💭 if you’re the right match. 

You’ve probably secretly considered 🤔 if it might be better to end your marriage. 

You may be weighing up ⚖️ the emotional and financial cost of divorce. You’re thinking “Would it be worth it if I could go on to have a happy marriage with someone else?”

We understand how destabilizing these worries are. 

💣The truth is, ending your marriage won’t end the problems 💣

Those problems follow you to your next relationship, and the next…until you heal them. 

Ever heard of repeat divorces? That’s why 😓

We have a better solution 🌈

🔑Heal the underlying emotional baggage & unhealthy patterns that are causing the problems in your marriage🔑

That’s exactly what we help you do inside our Marriage Success 3-month containers and 2-day online immersions 🌟💍

Want more info on our offers? Go to our HOME page.

#MarriageGoals #RelationshipRevolution #SaveYourMarriage #MarriageSuccess #CoupleGrowth #RelationshipRescue #MarriageStruggles #AlmostDivorced #RelationshipHealing #RekindlingLove #NoMoreRepeatDivorces #MarriageMatters #CouplesTherapyReimagined #BeyondDivorce #MarriageGlowUp #marriagecoaching

I went to Couples Therapy with my ex-husband. It was a disaster

By the time we got there our issues were piled higher than Mt Everest🗻

✅ Talking about our issues did shed some light on where they’d come from 🔍

❌But the snail pace 🐌 meant we were out of time ⏰

When Gabriel & I ran into trouble in our marriage, we wanted a solution that was fast & effective. We knew the longer it took to get back on track, the bigger our issues would get. 

That solution was NLP + Time Line Therapy®. These are the tools we also use with our clients.

We know what you’re thinking: “But Gabriel & Sophia, Couples Therapy is the safer option”. Maybe so. But it probably isn’t, and here’s why 👇

1️⃣ Couples Therapy isn’t a guaranteed investment. 

On average, 38% of couples get divorced after couples therapy. 

At Marriage Success Coaching, we guarantee our results. We’re so confident in our promise that we offer a money-back guarantee.

2️⃣ Couples Therapy is a slower solution. 

It takes on average several months to several years to see significant change. Often the very problems couples go to therapy for can make the therapy take longer.

Such as:

💔Many people find it hard to change, especially if they've acted a certain way for a long time. 

💔Holding onto past hurts.

💔Underlying issues that make it hard for one or both partners to fully commit to the process.

We know you’re busy & you don’t have time to waste. 

At Marriage Success Coaching we employ a powerful toolset that is fast & effective. You’ll experience big shifts in as little as 2 days. The issues you’ve struggled with for years are easily & effortlessly dissolved, thanks to NLP + Time Line Therapy®. 

3️⃣ Couples Therapy costs more overall. 

The average cost of Couples Therapy in the US is $100-$250 per session. So far, so good. But when you factor in the time you’ll likely be in therapy, you could be looking at anything from $9,600 to $24,000 overall.

Remember that 38% from earlier? You don’t want to be a statistic. Couples who don’t have the right tools end up divorced. 

Calculate the cost of lawyer fees, divorce court, dividing assets & setting up a second home. Add to that the huge cost to your family, time, productivity & happiness.

Yeah, massive, right?!

At Marriage Success Coaching our 2-day Immersions are just $2000. Our 3-month containers are only $3500 per month. Not only will you get results in a fraction of the time, you’ll likely pay a fraction of the cost. 

Ready to make a change? 

It’s easy to get started:


Attend this call with your partner & in just 30 mins you’ll be clear on your marriage goals & the hidden blocks that are keeping you both from achieving them.


Regardless of if you choose to work with us, at the end of this call, you’ll know exactly what to do as a couple to create marriage success. 


This can be your future:

❤️ Waking up every day with "Wow, how did our marriage get this good?!" energy

❤️ Being powerful role models for your kids

❤️ Having ‘rip your clothes off’ passion 

❤️ Laughing about the little things & feeling like a team again. 

#MarriageSuccess #NLP #TimeLineTherapy #CouplesTherapy #RelationshipAdvice #DivorcePrevention #MarriageHelp #RelationshipTransformation #marriagecoaching #marriageadvice #healthymarriage #happymarriage #thrivingmarriage #marriagesupport #marriageguidance

Parents, here’s a thought: Your kids learn love by watching you 🧒❤️

Some will say we have no right to speak on this subject.

Some will get all up in arms and say “But *you’re* not parents!!”

But hear us out. 

We’ve all been kids. 

We’ve all had parents that shaped us.

Gabriel is a child of divorce. 

He grew up believing that he could only be happy and successful in marriage if he found the ‘perfect’ woman with zero flaws (aka impossible standards 😅). Because of this, he struggled to feel sure of his choice & almost sabotaged our marriage. 

I grew up in a house with a lot of love but where blow-out shouting matches were a normal dinner-time activity. 

I went on to have a string of emotionally abusive relationships. I believed love was a power struggle💥

Our parents didn’t want those outcomes for us. If they could, they would have done *anything* to save us from that pain. 

We know that every parent is doing the best they can with the tools they have available. 

What if you had better tools?

Imagine setting your kids up with a lifelong example of what a loving and successful marriage looks like 💕

Wish to be their ultimate relationship role models? 🥇 

Download our FREE GUIDE “The Five Fatal Mistakes Most Married Couples Make & How to Avoid Them”

It’s packed full of tools ⚒️ that will help you:

1️⃣ Break free of the cycle of unresolved issues that lead to ongoing arguments 

2️⃣ Have loving communication so that you can come back to being a team

3️⃣ Avoid the mistakes that create distance between you.

#RoleModelParents #MarriageSuccessJourney #KidsLearnLove #RelationshipRoleModels #MarriageExamples #LoveInfluence #MarriageTools #FamilyLove #HealthyRelationships #ParentingAdvice #LoveAndMarriage #RelationshipEducation #HappyFamilies

How to get the spark ⚡️ back in your Marriage

My friend said to me “I can tell you’re a well f*ked woman” 

It’s the way we look at each other. 

People can feel it. 

It wasn’t always like this.

When we first met, our passion was 🔥 x 10, but that faded fast. 

We carried a lot of old emotional baggage 🧳. Past relationships and childhood issues weighed heavily on us. 

Since clearing all that 🧹we’ve entered a new era of habanero-hot 🌶️ passion that’s way better than what we had in the beginning.

And, it only keeps growing 🥵🥵

If you’re:

💔Feeling like intimacy is about as exciting as your weekly grocery shop 🛒

💖Desire a marriage that’s filled with rip-your-clothes-off passion and eyes that speak volumes

We feel you. Here’s what you can do 👉

1️⃣ Get honest with yourself about how you’re showing up

❓How often do you prioritize intimacy in your marriage? (eg. Kissing, cuddling, deep conversation, $ € x)

❓How often do you initiate?

❓When your spouse initiates, how do you respond?

❓When was the last time you had an honest conversation with your spouse about your desires around foreplay, intimacy, and frequency?

❓If your spouse brings up a desire, how do you typically respond? (Eg. What emotions arise in you? What thoughts come up in your head? What do you say?) 

2️⃣ Based on your responses above, what improvements can you personally make to create more easeful intimacy in your marriage?

3️⃣ Get clear on how more intimacy would enhance your marriage

Eg. Do you want to feel more loved? More connected? Release stress? Have fun? Explore new desires? Have more excitement? 

4️⃣ Have a collaborative conversation with your spouse

A collaborative conversation steers clear of criticism and blame. In a collaborative conversation, you take personal responsibility for your part and inspire your partner to join you in a new approach.

To learn how to do this download our FREE GUIDE “The Five Fatal Mistakes Most Married Couples Make & How to Avoid Them”. 

It gives you the step-by-step process to our Constructive Conflict Method.

#PassionRevival #IntimacyGoals #MarriagePassion #RelationshipAdvice #MarriageTips #LoveAndDesire #SpiceUpYourMarriage #HealthyIntimacy #MarriageHappiness #PassionateLove #LoveAndConnection #MarriageGoals #MarriageSuccess #LoveAndGrowth #IntimacyInMarriage #EmotionalBaggage #RelationshipWisdom #MarriageSupport #RelationshipGoals #MarriageSpice #PassionateRelationship #LoveAndCuriosity #BedroomTimes #MarriageAdvice #IntimateMarriage

The Marriage Hack Every Successful Person NEEDS to Know! 🔑💍

Ever find yourself wondering, “Why is my marriage not as thriving as my career?” 

We get it. 

Being a success story in life doesn’t always translate to success in marriage. 🙈

But what if it could?

What we’ve discovered to be true is that prioritizing each other (and our marriage) is absolutely 🔑. 

We both have a lot going on in our lives, but we’re never too ‘busy’ to work on our marriage. It’s what took us from the brink of divorce to marriage success.

Want to improve your marriage? 

Download our FREE GUIDE “The Five Fatal Mistakes Most Married Couples Make & How to Avoid Them”

It’s packed full of tools ⚒️ that will help you:

1️⃣ Break free of the cycle of unresolved issues that lead to ongoing arguments 

2️⃣ Have loving communication so that you can come back to being a team

3️⃣ Avoid the mistakes that create distance between you.

#MarriageGrowth #RelationshipPatterns #RelationshipRescue #MarriageAdvice #MarriageSuccess #MarriageJourney #CoupleTherapy #DivorcePrevention #HealthyMarriage #MarriageTips #CoupleStruggles #SavingMarriages #LoveAndMarriage #MarriageSupport #CoupleTalk #RelationshipInsights

When we hear couples say they never argue, we’re like 🚩

Here’s why 👉

Usually, underneath the surface there are one (or more) of these beliefs:

1️⃣ ”If we don't talk about it, it'll just go away on its own."

2️⃣ ”Bringing it up will only make things worse."

3️⃣ ”I don't want to rock the boat."

4️⃣ “Avoiding conflict is what keeps our marriage peaceful."

Which all boil down to one thing:

The fear that arguments will make you feel distant from each other.

If this is something you worry about, we’ve been there & we get it. 

The truth is, if you know how to argue constructively, you’ll be able to resolve your conflicts AND feel closer in the process. 

Here are our top tips 👉

💕 Get Clear on what the real thing is that you’re arguing about

Eg. Is it really that he doesn’t take the trash out - or is the deeper thing that you want to feel his care for you?

💕 Take ownership for your part

If something isn’t happening the way you want it - how can you show up differently? 

Eg. Are you assuming your spouse should ‘just know’? Even if you’ve already said what you need, try saying it in another way. 

💕 If you notice you’re going in circles, take some space.

Even 5 minutes to cool down can bring you both some perspective & get you to resolution faster.

Want more tools to improve communication in your marriage?

1️⃣Download our FREE GUIDE “The Five Fatal Mistakes Most Married Couples Make & How to Avoid Them”

2️⃣Head to section 2 & follow the steps in our “Constructive Conflict Method”

🎙️Listen to the 3rd episode of The Marriage Success Podcast, titled, “How to Improve Communication in Your Marriage: The Ultimate Honesty Hack”

In this episode, we:

🥇 Give you actionable tips on how to ask for what you want and navigate disagreements.

❤️ Provide advice about how to build trust and respect in your marriage.

🎁 Talk about how emotional baggage can get in the way of effective communication and provide resources to help with this.

💍 Share our personal marriage journey of overcoming the fear of rejection, common marriage misunderstandings, and people-pleasing tendencies.

The main focus of the episode is on how clarity, empathy, and fearlessly expressing your truth create a happy marriage.

Watch it on YouTube

Listen on Apple Podcasts

Listen on Spotify

#RelationshipAdvice #ConflictResolution #HealthyRelationships #CommunicationSkills #ConstructiveArguments #MarriageTips #RelationshipGrowth #LoveAndCommunication #HealthyMarriage #RelationshipChallenges #MarriagePeace #RelationshipWisdom #ConflictResolutionSkills #MarriageHappiness #EffectiveCommunication #LoveAndUnderstanding #MarriageSuccess #RelationshipSupport #MarriageGoals #ConflictManagement #PositiveCommunication #LoveAndConnection #HealthyLove #RelationshipSkills #MarriageCounseling

The Secret Behind Successful Marriages Revealed! 🔍

💔 Our marriage almost ended... until we discovered this ONE game-changing truth. 

Ready to unlock lasting love? 🔍👇

The early days of our marriage were a real struggle. 

✅ We loved each other

❌ But we had the same unsolved issues coming up over & over

We stayed together because it dawned on us that ending our marriage wouldn’t end the problems. 

The problems we were facing had also come up in previous relationships & in our childhoods. 

We realized that it wouldn't matter who we were with…same problems, different people…until we healed them. 

We committed to doing that work together.

The secret behind successful marriages is that they’ve overcome a make-or-break moment 💪

If you’re in one of these, we invite you to decide:

❤️ To take this as an opportunity to heal your old patterns

❤️ To commit to becoming the best versions of yourselves in *this* marriage

❤️ That you’ll look back on this in the years to come with pride

Want to improve your marriage? 

Download our FREE GUIDE “The Five Fatal Mistakes Most Married Couples Make & How to Avoid Them”

It’s packed full of tools ⚒️ that will help you:

1️⃣ Break free of the cycle of unresolved issues that lead to ongoing arguments 

2️⃣ Have loving communication so that you can come back to being a team

3️⃣ Avoid the mistakes that create distance between you.

#MarriageGrowth #RelationshipPatterns #RelationshipRescue #MarriageAdvice #MarriageSuccess #MarriageJourney #CoupleTherapy #DivorcePrevention #HealthyMarriage #MarriageTips #CoupleStruggles #SavingMarriages #LoveAndMarriage #MarriageSupport #CoupleTalk #RelationshipInsights

Thoughtful things my husband does to have me feel cared for during my period 🩸

🌹He encourages me to rest

During a woman’s bleed, her body is doing a LOT. Serotonin, Estrogen & Progesterone are all low so it’s normal to feel tired. Sometimes, I still feel guilty about resting, especially if we have a lot of work to get done for our biz. Gabriel celebrates me taking time off to allow my body to do her thing. 

🌹He offers me gentle, loving touch

I’m extra sensitive at ‘that time of the month’. He’ll check in with me about what my preference is - would I like a massage? Gentle love making? Cuddles? He’ll put on soft music & dim the lights & focus purely on my pleasure. 

🌹He helps out with household tasks I normally take care of

I love doing housewifely things like preparing his meals. During my moon, he’ll offer to pitch in so I can rest.

🌹He tracks my cycle

He follows my cycle on an app we have called ‘stardust’ so he can be aware of where I’m at & what might be supportive for me each day.

🌹He finds shows or movies for us to watch that are more relaxing on my nervous system

We generally enjoy post-apocalyptic thrillers, sci-fi or gripping dramas but during my moon these are just waaaay too much for my system 😵‍💫! So he’ll find something more chill & heartwarming for us to watch instead. 

Gabriel’s care for me during my moon has led to me having much gentler cycles, with less PMS, cramping & exhaustion. 

If you’re reading this and thinking ‘I wish my partner would do this for me’, I want you to know it wasn’t always like this. 

My husband, Gabriel, didn’t naturally know what to do during my moon to support me. It was frustrating, but at the same time, I had to ask myself - why would he?

🔑It was my responsibility to communicate my needs to him. 

⏰It took time (and patience) for us to get to where we are now. 

❤️Men want to know how to care for us. They want to know how to please us❤️

It’s up to us to guide them lovingly towards what we need. 

Loving guidance means saying things like:

🥰 “I love it when you do X”

🥰 “I feel so cared for when you X”

🥰 “Thank you for X, I feel so cared for!”

Loving guidance is easier to tap into when we recognize what men are already doing for us. Loving guidance comes easier when we allow them to help us. 

Want to learn more about how to have better communication in marriage? 

Download our FREE GUIDE “The Five Fatal Mistakes Most Married Couples Make & How to Avoid Them”

It’s packed full of tools ⚒️ that will help you:

1️⃣ Break free of the cycle of unresolved issues that lead to ongoing arguments 

2️⃣ Have loving communication so that you can come back to being a team

3️⃣ Avoid the mistakes that create distance between you.

#MoonCycleCare #LovingSupport #RelationshipGoals #MenstrualMindfulness #PartnersInSync #HonorHerCycle #MenstrualMagic #GuidedLove #CycleAwareness #BondingTime #MoonTimeMagic #IntuitivePartner #CycleSupport #UnderstandingMen #WomanlyNeeds #BleedWithEase #RelationshipHarmony #LovingGuidance #CoupleGrowth #CommunicationIsKey

Do you believe “it's normal for passion to die down after a while”?

I used to 🙋‍♀️

If your intimacy is about as exciting as your weekly grocery shop 😴, thinking like this 👆might be why.

Having rip-your-clothes-off passion 🔥 isn’t just for newlyweds.

The key 🔑  is to remind yourself that it’s human nature to grow 🌱 & evolve. There’s always something new to discover about your spouse. 

🍲*The* recipe to Kiss Boring Bedroom Times Goodbye:

CURIOSITY about your Spouse + The SAFTEY & SECURITY you feel with them after years together.

🧬NEW BELIEF🧬“The deeper we go, the more our passion grows”

#PassionRevival #IntimacyTips #MarriagePassion #RelationshipAdvice #MarriageTips #LoveAndDesire #SpiceUpYourMarriage #HealthyIntimacy #MarriageHappiness #PassionateLove #LoveAndConnection #MarriageGoals #MarriageSuccess #LoveAndGrowth #PassionInMarriage #MarriageBeliefs #RelationshipWisdom #MarriageSupport #RelationshipGoals #MarriageSpice #PassionateRelationship #LoveAndCuriosity #BedroomTimes #MarriageAdvice #PassionateLove

I often cry during sex 

😭 I cry for the beauty of our connection

😭 I cry because I feel so safe, seen & loved

😭 I cry because I am HOME in my body & my marriage

😭 I cry because for years I wished for this

😭 I cry for the couples who don’t know this is possible in their marriages

If you are a couple who want to experience heart-blown-wide-open intimacy in your marriage, here’s what you can do 👇

🚺Women - Trust him to guide you, let yourself be messy & ugly, thank him for his care, welcome his turn-on, show him your pain, heart-break, pleasure & desire.

🚹 Men - Slow down, shower her with appreciation, breathe with her, show her she is safe with your strong presence, welcome her emotions & tell her they are beautiful. 

Want more tips on how to improve your marriage?

Download our FREE GUIDE “The Five Fatal Mistakes Most Married Couples Make & How to Avoid Them”

It’s packed full of tools ⚒️ that will help you:

1️⃣ Break free of the cycle of unresolved issues that lead to ongoing arguments 

2️⃣ Have loving communication so that you can come back to being a team

3️⃣ Avoid the mistakes that create distance between you.

Every couple can start over and create a strong bond, just like we did. You've got this 💪

#EmotionalIntimacy #MarriageConnection #CryingInLove #LoveAndTears #IntimateMoments #SafeAndLoved #EmotionalBond #HeartfeltLove #RelationshipGoals #MarriageJourney #LoveAndTrust #DeepConnection #TrueLove #HomeInMarriage #CouplesJourney #RelationshipGrowth #TearsOfJoy #IntimateLove #MarriageGoals #CouplesSupport #LoveEachOther #EmotionalRelease #RelationshipHappiness #BondingInLove #StrongMarriage #LoveAndAppreciation #DeeperConnections #HeartfeltMoments

Honesty Hack: The Real Secret to a Successful Marriage

Do you: 

❓Hesitate to ask for what you want in your marriage?

❓Get mad if your partner is a ‘no’ to your desires?

❓Think “if my spouse loved me (s)he would do X”?

❓Believe your spouse should “just know” what you want? 

If you answered “YES” to any of these, we feel you.

Something that makes Gabriel (my husband) so trustable is his clear ‘yes’ and ‘no’. I feel safe with him because I know he’ll always be honest with me. 

I’ve had to work on owning my ‘no’. Gabriel called me out on it many times before I shifted it (hiiii reformed people-pleaser over here 🙋‍♀️)

The truth is it’s your responsibility to:

👑 Ask for what you want (unless your spouse is a psychic 🔮they can’t read your mind! Even if they are, it’s still up to you to speak up 😜)

👑 Be honest about what you’re available for - don’t say yes hoping they will say yes to something else later. 

👑 Adopt the belief that your spouse WANTS to know how to please you (they do!) 

👑 Make it easy for your spouse to win🥇with you by being clear about what you want.

👑 Celebrate your spouse for their sovereignty. Their ‘no’ is just as important for the success of your marriage as their ‘yes’.

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Want to go deeper?

🎙️In the 3rd episode of The Marriage Success Podcast, titled, How to Improve Communication in Your Marriage: The Ultimate Honesty Hack, we:

🥇 Give you actionable tips on how to ask for what you want and navigate disagreements.

❤️ Provide advice about how to build trust and respect in your marriage.

🎁 Talk about how emotional baggage can get in the way of effective communication and provide resources to help with this.

💍 Share our personal marriage journey of overcoming the fear of rejection, common marriage misunderstandings, and people-pleasing tendencies.

The main focus of the episode is on how clarity, empathy, and fearlessly expressing your truth create a happy marriage.

Watch it on YouTube

Listen on Apple Podcasts

Listen on Spotify

#MarriageAdvice #HonestyInMarriage #RelationshipTips #CommunicationSkills #TrustInMarriage #MarriageSuccess #AskForWhatYouWant #HealthyRelationships #LoveAndHonesty #MarriageGoals #RelationshipGrowth #HonestyHack #RelationshipCommunication #SayingNo #SayingYes #HealthyMarriage #LoveAndTrust #RelationshipWisdom #RelationshipSupport #SpeakYourMind #HonestyMatters #HonestyIsKey #HonestyWins #LoveAndCommunication #CelebrateYourSpouse #RelationshipBalance #MarriageHacks

We stand for Marriage being about growth, not struggle

We stand for this because there was a time when our marriage was alllll about the struggle 😅

These days, when a challenge comes up in our marriage we celebrate it 🎉 because we know we’re about to grow.

Now we move through challenges quicker than a hot knife through butter 🧈

If you want to feel like this in your marriage


❌ Ditch the belief that a successful marriage means you have to be aligned on every single thing all the time.

✅ And replace it with: “Every challenge is an opportunity for us to grow and be better together.”

Want to go deeper?

🎙️In the 2nd episode of The Marriage Success Podcast, titled “3 New Marriage Advice Tips That Build a Happy Marriage”, we discuss how this & 2 other new beliefs will help you improve your marriage.

💪We offer simple marriage tips & personal stories that will help you apply each new belief. Applying this marriage advice could help you have a fresh start & transform your marriage.

Watch it on YouTube

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#MarriageGrowth #CoupleChallenges #GrowthMindset #StrongerTogether #RelationshipGoals #MarriageSuccess #LoveOvercomes #HealthyMarriage #GrowingInLove #BetterTogether #CoupleStrength #ChallengeAccepted #MarriageWins #GrowWithLove #CoupleGrowth #MarriageJourney #TogetherWeGrow #LoveAndLearn #UnityInMarriage #OvercomingObstacles #RelationshipGrowth #MarriageCelebration #LoveAndGrowth #MarriageMindset #ThrivingTogether #NurtureLove #CoupleResilience #MarriageEvolution #PartnershipGrowth #GrowAsOne

Stuck in Your Marriage? This One Tip Can Change Everything 🔥💑

Think you've tried everything to revive your marriage? Think again! This was our game-changer...and it can be yours too💥❤️👇

Gabriel used to hold the belief that I could never meet him sx ually. My belief was that no man would ever truly appreciate me.

Our beliefs were mirroring each other🪞

Our intimacy felt more like we were opponents battling it out in chess ♟️than a fun-filled team sport. 

Now, our intimacy is hotter than a Habanero 🌶️ 🥵 & deeply nourishing for us both.

Our biggest breakthrough?

💥Whatever you are getting in your marriage is a reflection of what you’re giving💥

This is good news 🗞️ because it means *either one of you* has the power to change your marriage for the better. 

All by changing your beliefs. 

And because your marriage is your mirror, if one of you steps up, the other will, too. 

It’s the law of cause & effect. 

The beauty of marriage is that you chose the perfect person to do this work with. 

It’s like they were divinely installed in your life to help you see 👀 the pathway to becoming your best self by reflecting to you where you are not (yet). 

❤️LIKE this post if you want us to create more content like this

⬇️SAVE it so you remember to apply it

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Want to go deeper?

🎙️In the 2nd episode of The Marriage Success Podcast, titled “3 New Marriage Advice Tips That Build a Happy Marriage”, we discuss how this & 2 other new beliefs will help you improve your marriage.

💪We offer simple marriage tips & personal stories that will help you apply each new belief. Applying this marriage advice could help you have a fresh start & transform your marriage.

Watch it on YouTube

Listen on Apple Podcasts

Listen on Spotify

#MarriageTips #RelationshipAdvice #LoveAndMarriage #HealthyRelationships #MarriageGoals #MarriageAdvice #BetterTogether #BeliefChange #RelationshipTransformation #RelationshipJourney #LoveYourSpouse #MarriageReflection #ImprovingIntimacy #RelationshipGrowth #MarriageChallenge #ChangeForTheBetter #MarriageMirrors #LoveAndBeliefs #RelationshipBreakthrough #MarriageWisdom #MarriageInspiration #GrowTogether #MarriageSuccess #HealthyMarriage #ReflectAndThrive #BelieveInLove #MarriageTransformed #RelationshipMagic

There’s no such thing as the ‘perfect’ marriage

There, we said it. 

This doesn’t mean you have to settle for stuff like:

💤 Intimacy that feels about as exciting as your weekly grocery shop.

💥 Regular blow ups about who didn’t unload the dishwasher or take out the trash.

If this 👆👆 is your everyday reality it’s no wonder Sam at the gym is going to be looking mighty fine 🥵

We understand these things are not easy to navigate!

What we’ve discovered is that if you want:

🔥 Rip-your-clothes-off passion 

💕 To laugh about the little things & feel like a team again

You’re going to want to bring your attention 👀 back to your marriage. 

Actively start to notice the perfection in YOUR spouse (there’s plenty of gold💰there). 

📝 Write a gratitude list.

🗣️ Share it with your spouse.

🎉 Celebrate it with your friends. 

There may not be the perfect marriage, but there IS the perfect person for you - and you’re already married to them! 🥇

Want to go deeper?

🎙️In the 2nd episode of The Marriage Success Podcast, titled “3 New Marriage Advice Tips That Build a Happy Marriage”, we discuss how this & 2 other new beliefs will help you improve your marriage.

💪We offer simple marriage tips & personal stories that will help you apply each new belief. Applying this marriage advice could help you have a fresh start & transform your marriage.

Watch it on YouTube

Listen on Apple Podcasts

Listen on Spotify 

#PerfectMarriageMyth #MarriageRealTalk #IntimacyGoals #HouseholdChores #MarriageChallenges #GymCrush #MarriageWork #PassionateMarriage #LaughTogether #TeamworkInMarriage #GratitudeInLove #CelebrateMarriage #MarriageGratitude #SpouseAppreciation #LoveAndGratitude #SpreadLove #MarriageAppreciation #SpousalLove #RealLove #MaritalBliss #RelationshipGoals #MarriagePerfection #FindTheGold #GratefulForSpouse #MarriageCelebration #TagYourSpouse #AdoreYourPartner #MarriageJourney #GratitudeChallenge #LoveWins

3 Beliefs Couples in Successful Marriages Have

1️⃣ 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗶𝘀 𝗻𝗼 ‘𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗳𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻‘ 𝗷𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗳𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻 𝗙𝗢𝗥 𝘆𝗼𝘂

We get it, it’s really frustrating when your spouse does *that* thing 😤

When we stopped seeking perfection in our marriage, we solved problems faster, and you can too.


🔑It’s your little quirks that make you (and your spouse) human! 

🔑The perfect person for you is the one who loves you for who you are AND inspires you to be your best self. 

🔑It’s normal to trigger the F out of each other at times 😅

👑 𝙋𝙧𝙤 𝙏𝙞𝙥 - 𝙁𝙤𝙘𝙪𝙨 𝙤𝙣 𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙖𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙨𝙥𝙤𝙪𝙨𝙚 & 𝙗𝙪𝙞𝙡𝙙 𝙤𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩

2️⃣ 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗺𝗮𝗿𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗴𝗲 𝗶𝘀 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗺𝗶𝗿𝗿𝗼𝗿 🪞

It’s easy to point fingers when things are coming up. We’ve been there. 

Shifting our mindset from blame to ownership got us out of the drama loop we were stuck in.


🔑 Whatever you are getting in your marriage is a reflection of what you’re giving.

👑 𝙋𝙧𝙤 𝙏𝙞𝙥 - 𝙖𝙨𝙠 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨𝙚𝙡𝙛 “𝙝𝙤𝙬 𝙬𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙄 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙠, 𝙛𝙚𝙚𝙡 & 𝙖𝙘𝙩 𝙞𝙛 𝙄 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙧𝙚𝙘𝙚𝙞𝙫𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙄 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙢𝙮 𝙨𝙥𝙤𝙪𝙨𝙚?“ 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝙙𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙉𝙊𝙒.

3️⃣ 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗴𝗲 𝗶𝘀 𝗮𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗴𝗿𝗼𝘄𝘁𝗵, 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝘀𝘁𝗿𝘂𝗴𝗴𝗹𝗲

Every couple has their ups and downs (what a relief!). It’s not about the tough times but how you look at them. 


🔑Instead of seeing them as problems, think of them as chances to grow and be better together. 

👑 𝙋𝙧𝙤 𝙏𝙞𝙥 - 𝘾𝙚𝙡𝙚𝙗𝙧𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙪𝙥 & 𝙮𝙤𝙪‘𝙡𝙡 𝙗𝙚 𝙗𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙯𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙢 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙖 𝘾𝙝𝙚𝙚𝙩𝙖𝙝 🐆 𝙤𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙨 𝙞𝙣 𝙣𝙤 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚. 

Want to go deeper?

🎙️In the 2nd episode of The Marriage Success Podcast, titled “3 New Marriage Advice Tips That Build a Happy Marriage”, we discuss how this & 2 other new beliefs will help you improve your marriage.

💪We offer simple marriage tips & personal stories that will help you apply each new belief. Applying this marriage advice could help you have a fresh start & transform your marriage.

Watch it on YouTube

Listen on Apple Podcasts

Listen on Spotify

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How We Turned Our Biggest Challenges 🥵 into Our Marriage's Strength 💪

About 3 times a day Gabriel says “do you have 60 seconds for me to express a gratitude?”

I’m always a YES 🥹

I used to hear a lot of complaints. 

Unsurprising because the same unsolved issues kept coming up over & over again in our marriage.

Our marriage was less exciting-road-trip vibes & more climb-up-Mt-Everest-without-a-Sherpa 🥵

If your marriage is in a Mt Everest moment, we want you to know:

💪 The best & strongest marriages go through challenges

❤️‍🩹 Healing your emotional baggage & unhealthy patterns is KEY

👑 If you’re dedicated to being your best selves in your marriage, you can’t fail.

Want to improve your marriage? 

Download our FREE GUIDE “The Five Fatal Mistakes Most Married Couples Make & How to Avoid Them”

It’s packed full of tools ⚒️ that will help you:

1️⃣ Break free of the cycle of unresolved issues that lead to ongoing arguments 

2️⃣ Have loving communication so that you can come back to being a team

3️⃣ Avoid the mistakes that create distance between you.

#MarriageStrengths #MarriageGoals #StrongerTogether #GratitudeInMarriage #MarriageChallenges #RelationshipGrowth #LoveAndGratitude #HealthyMarriage #CommunicationInMarriage #EmotionalHealing #MarriageHacks #BetterTogether #MarriageJourney #OvercomingObstacles #MarriageWins #RelationshipAdvice #CoupleStrength #GratefulSpouse #MarriageMatters #UnityInMarriage

6 months into our marriage, Gabriel asked me for a divorce 🤯

In my grief & anger, I realized I had a choice to make. 

I could collapse & accept that he would never fully see or choose me as his Queen.

Or, I could rise up & fight for our love. 

My pride wanted to burn him to the ground 🔥🗡️ but instead I said:

“𝙏𝙝𝙚𝙨𝙚 𝙞𝙨𝙨𝙪𝙚𝙨? 𝙏𝙝𝙚𝙮 𝙖𝙧𝙚𝙣‘𝙩 𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙖𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙪𝙨. 𝙏𝙝𝙚𝙮‘𝙧𝙚 𝙤𝙡𝙙 𝙥𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙣𝙨. 𝙀𝙣𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙜𝙚 𝙬𝙤𝙣‘𝙩 𝙛𝙞𝙭 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙢. 𝙒𝙚 𝙘𝙖𝙣 𝙚𝙞𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙡 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙢 𝙩𝙤𝙜𝙚𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙤𝙧 𝙮𝙤𝙪‘𝙡𝙡 𝙘𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙢 𝙞𝙣𝙩𝙤 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙣𝙚𝙭𝙩 𝙧𝙚𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙥.“ 


Our choice to stay & do the work together is the defining moment of our marriage. 

Today our marriage is a shining success and our greatest treasure💎

🎙️We share the full story in the 1st episode of The Marriage Success Podcast, titled “How We Went from the Brink of Divorce to Marriage Success” 

Watch it on YouTube

Listen on Apple Podcasts

Listen on Spotify


𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝘀𝘁𝗿𝘂𝗴𝗴𝗹𝗲𝘀 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗳𝗮𝗰𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗶𝗻 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗺𝗮𝗿𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗴𝗲 𝘁𝗼𝗱𝗮𝘆, 𝘄𝗲 𝗶𝗻𝘃𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘁𝗼 𝘀𝗲𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗺 𝗮𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗳𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝗼𝗽𝗽𝗽𝗿𝘁𝘂𝗻𝗶𝘁𝘆 𝘁𝗼 𝗴𝗿𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗼𝗴𝗲𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿.

We know struggles can feel devastating.  

And, it’s totally possible to become the best versions of yourselves in *this* marriage 👑

One day (maybe sooner than you think) you’ll look back & think “wow, that was *the* moment that made all the difference." 

Your hearts will explode with gratitude ❤️‍🔥

Want to improve your marriage? 

Download our FREE GUIDE “The Five Fatal Mistakes Most Married Couples Make & How to Avoid Them”

It’s packed full of tools ⚒️ that will help you:

1️⃣ Break free of the cycle of unresolved issues that lead to ongoing arguments 

2️⃣ Have loving communication so that you can come back to being a team

3️⃣ Avoid the mistakes that create distance between you.

#MarriageSuccessPodcast #RelationshipRescue #LoveWins #RealTalk #MarriageAdvice #MarriageSuccess #HealingTogether #StrongerTogether #MarriageJourney #CoupleGoals #LoveStory #RelationshipGoals #MarriageMatters #RelationshipPodcast #RealCouples #LoveHeals #CoupleTherapy #FromBreakupToMakeup #LoveOverEverything #StayTogether #DivorcePrevention #HealthyMarriage #EmotionalIntimacy #MarriageTips #CoupleStruggles #SavingMarriages #LoveAndMarriage #MarriageSupport #CoupleTalk #RelationshipInsights